import React, { useEffect, useCallback, useContext, useRef } from 'react'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { useHistory, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'; import { addHistoryEntry, getDraftTransactionExists, getIsUsingMyAccountForRecipientSearch, getRecipient, getRecipientUserInput, getSendStage, resetRecipientInput, resetSendState, SEND_STAGES, startNewDraftTransaction, updateRecipient, updateRecipientUserInput, } from '../../ducks/send'; import { isCustomPriceExcessive } from '../../selectors'; import { getSendHexDataFeatureFlagState } from '../../ducks/metamask/metamask'; import { showQrScanner } from '../../store/actions'; import { MetaMetricsContext } from '../../contexts/metametrics'; import { EVENT } from '../../../shared/constants/metametrics'; import { AssetType } from '../../../shared/constants/transaction'; import SendHeader from './send-header'; import AddRecipient from './send-content/add-recipient'; import SendContent from './send-content'; import SendFooter from './send-footer'; import DomainInput from './send-content/add-recipient/domain-input'; const sendSliceIsCustomPriceExcessive = (state) => isCustomPriceExcessive(state, true); export default function SendTransactionScreen() { const history = useHistory(); const startedNewDraftTransaction = useRef(false); const stage = useSelector(getSendStage); const gasIsExcessive = useSelector(sendSliceIsCustomPriceExcessive); const isUsingMyAccountsForRecipientSearch = useSelector( getIsUsingMyAccountForRecipientSearch, ); const recipient = useSelector(getRecipient); const showHexData = useSelector(getSendHexDataFeatureFlagState); const userInput = useSelector(getRecipientUserInput); const draftTransactionExists = useSelector(getDraftTransactionExists); const location = useLocation(); const trackEvent = useContext(MetaMetricsContext); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const cleanup = useCallback(() => { dispatch(resetSendState()); }, [dispatch]); /** * It is possible to route to this page directly, either by typing in the url * or by clicking the browser back button after progressing to the confirm * screen. In the case where a draft transaction does not yet exist, this * hook is responsible for creating it. We will assume that this is a native * asset send. */ useEffect(() => { if ( draftTransactionExists === false && startedNewDraftTransaction.current === false ) { startedNewDraftTransaction.current = true; dispatch(startNewDraftTransaction({ type: AssetType.native })); } }, [draftTransactionExists, dispatch]); useEffect(() => { window.addEventListener('beforeunload', cleanup); }, [cleanup]); useEffect(() => { if ( === '?scan=true') { dispatch(showQrScanner()); // Clear the queryString param after showing the modal const cleanUrl = window.location.href.split('?')[0]; window.history.pushState({}, null, `${cleanUrl}`); window.location.hash = '#send'; } }, [location, dispatch]); useEffect(() => { return () => { dispatch(resetSendState()); window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', cleanup); }; }, [dispatch, cleanup]); let content; if ( draftTransactionExists && [SEND_STAGES.EDIT, SEND_STAGES.DRAFT].includes(stage) ) { content = ( <> ); } else { content = ; } return (
dispatch(updateRecipientUserInput(address))} onValidAddressTyped={async (address) => { dispatch( addHistoryEntry(`sendFlow - Valid address typed ${address}`), ); await dispatch(updateRecipientUserInput(address)); dispatch(updateRecipient({ address, nickname: '' })); }} internalSearch={isUsingMyAccountsForRecipientSearch} selectedAddress={recipient.address} selectedName={recipient.nickname} onPaste={(text) => { dispatch( addHistoryEntry( `sendFlow - User pasted ${text} into address field`, ), ); }} onReset={() => dispatch(resetRecipientInput())} scanQrCode={() => { trackEvent({ event: 'Used QR scanner', category: EVENT.CATEGORIES.TRANSACTIONS, properties: { action: 'Edit Screen', legacy_event: true, }, }); dispatch(showQrScanner()); }} /> {content}
); }