import React, { useContext } from 'react'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import Box from '../../ui/box/box'; import { ButtonLink, ICON_NAMES } from '../../component-library'; import { AlignItems, DISPLAY, Size, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { useI18nContext } from '../../../hooks/useI18nContext'; import { IMPORT_TOKEN_ROUTE } from '../../../helpers/constants/routes'; import { detectNewTokens } from '../../../store/actions'; import { MetaMetricsContext } from '../../../contexts/metametrics'; import { EVENT, EVENT_NAMES } from '../../../../shared/constants/metametrics'; import { getIsTokenDetectionSupported, getIsTokenDetectionInactiveOnMainnet, } from '../../../selectors'; export const MultichainImportTokenLink = ({ className, ...props }) => { const trackEvent = useContext(MetaMetricsContext); const t = useI18nContext(); const history = useHistory(); const isTokenDetectionSupported = useSelector(getIsTokenDetectionSupported); const isTokenDetectionInactiveOnMainnet = useSelector( getIsTokenDetectionInactiveOnMainnet, ); const isTokenDetectionAvailable = isTokenDetectionSupported || isTokenDetectionInactiveOnMainnet || Boolean(process.env.IN_TEST); return ( { history.push(IMPORT_TOKEN_ROUTE); trackEvent({ event: EVENT_NAMES.TOKEN_IMPORT_BUTTON_CLICKED, category: EVENT.CATEGORIES.NAVIGATION, properties: { location: 'Home', }, }); }} > {isTokenDetectionAvailable ? t('importTokensCamelCase') : t('importTokensCamelCase').charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t('importTokensCamelCase').slice(1)} detectNewTokens()} > {t('refreshList')} ); }; MultichainImportTokenLink.propTypes = { /** * An additional className to apply to the TokenList. */ className: PropTypes.string, };