import { strict as assert } from 'assert'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { ComposedStore, ObservableStore } from '@metamask/obs-store'; import { JsonRpcEngine } from 'json-rpc-engine'; import { providerFromEngine } from '@metamask/eth-json-rpc-middleware'; import log from 'loglevel'; import { createSwappableProxy, createEventEmitterProxy, } from 'swappable-obj-proxy'; import EthQuery from 'eth-query'; import { v4 as random } from 'uuid'; import { INFURA_PROVIDER_TYPES, BUILT_IN_NETWORKS, INFURA_BLOCKED_KEY, TEST_NETWORK_TICKER_MAP, CHAIN_IDS, NETWORK_TYPES, } from '../../../../shared/constants/network'; import getFetchWithTimeout from '../../../../shared/modules/fetch-with-timeout'; import { isPrefixedFormattedHexString, isSafeChainId, } from '../../../../shared/modules/network.utils'; import { EVENT } from '../../../../shared/constants/metametrics'; import createInfuraClient from './createInfuraClient'; import createJsonRpcClient from './createJsonRpcClient'; /** * @typedef {object} NetworkConfiguration * @property {string} rpcUrl - RPC target URL. * @property {string} chainId - Network ID as per EIP-155 * @property {string} ticker - Currency ticker. * @property {object} [rpcPrefs] - Personalized preferences. * @property {string} [nickname] - Personalized network name. */ const env = process.env.METAMASK_ENV; const fetchWithTimeout = getFetchWithTimeout(); let defaultProviderConfigOpts; if (process.env.IN_TEST) { defaultProviderConfigOpts = { type: NETWORK_TYPES.RPC, rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:8545', chainId: '0x539', nickname: 'Localhost 8545', }; } else if (process.env.METAMASK_DEBUG || env === 'test') { defaultProviderConfigOpts = { type: NETWORK_TYPES.GOERLI, chainId: CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI, ticker: TEST_NETWORK_TICKER_MAP.GOERLI, }; } else { defaultProviderConfigOpts = { type: NETWORK_TYPES.MAINNET, chainId: CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET, }; } const defaultProviderConfig = { ticker: 'ETH', ...defaultProviderConfigOpts, }; const defaultNetworkDetailsState = { EIPS: { 1559: undefined }, }; export const NETWORK_EVENTS = { // Fired after the actively selected network is changed NETWORK_DID_CHANGE: 'networkDidChange', // Fired when the actively selected network *will* change NETWORK_WILL_CHANGE: 'networkWillChange', // Fired when Infura returns an error indicating no support INFURA_IS_BLOCKED: 'infuraIsBlocked', // Fired when not using an Infura network or when Infura returns no error, indicating support INFURA_IS_UNBLOCKED: 'infuraIsUnblocked', }; export default class NetworkController extends EventEmitter { static defaultProviderConfig = defaultProviderConfig; /** * Construct a NetworkController. * * @param {object} [options] - NetworkController options. * @param {object} [options.state] - Initial controller state. * @param {string} [options.infuraProjectId] - The Infura project ID. * @param {string} [options.trackMetaMetricsEvent] - A method to forward events to the MetaMetricsController */ constructor({ state = {}, infuraProjectId, trackMetaMetricsEvent } = {}) { super(); // create stores this.providerStore = new ObservableStore( state.provider || { ...defaultProviderConfig }, ); this.previousProviderStore = new ObservableStore( this.providerStore.getState(), ); this.networkStore = new ObservableStore('loading'); // We need to keep track of a few details about the current network // Ideally we'd merge this.networkStore with this new store, but doing so // will require a decent sized refactor of how we're accessing network // state. Currently this is only used for detecting EIP 1559 support but // can be extended to track other network details. this.networkDetails = new ObservableStore( state.networkDetails || { ...defaultNetworkDetailsState, }, ); this.networkConfigurationsStore = new ObservableStore( state.networkConfigurations || {}, ); = new ComposedStore({ provider: this.providerStore, previousProviderStore: this.previousProviderStore, network: this.networkStore, networkDetails: this.networkDetails, networkConfigurations: this.networkConfigurationsStore, }); // provider and block tracker this._provider = null; this._blockTracker = null; // provider and block tracker proxies - because the network changes this._providerProxy = null; this._blockTrackerProxy = null; if (!infuraProjectId || typeof infuraProjectId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid Infura project ID'); } this._infuraProjectId = infuraProjectId; this._trackMetaMetricsEvent = trackMetaMetricsEvent; this.on(NETWORK_EVENTS.NETWORK_DID_CHANGE, () => { this.lookupNetwork(); }); } /** * Destroy the network controller, stopping any ongoing polling. * * In-progress requests will not be aborted. */ async destroy() { await this._blockTracker?.destroy(); } async initializeProvider() { const { type, rpcUrl, chainId } = this.providerStore.getState(); this._configureProvider({ type, rpcUrl, chainId }); await this.lookupNetwork(); } // return the proxies so the references will always be good getProviderAndBlockTracker() { const provider = this._providerProxy; const blockTracker = this._blockTrackerProxy; return { provider, blockTracker }; } /** * Method to check if the block header contains fields that indicate EIP 1559 * support (baseFeePerGas). * * @returns {Promise} true if current network supports EIP 1559 */ async getEIP1559Compatibility() { const { EIPS } = this.networkDetails.getState(); // NOTE: This isn't necessary anymore because the block cache middleware // already prevents duplicate requests from taking place if (EIPS[1559] !== undefined) { return EIPS[1559]; } const latestBlock = await this._getLatestBlock(); const supportsEIP1559 = latestBlock && latestBlock.baseFeePerGas !== undefined; this._setNetworkEIPSupport(1559, supportsEIP1559); return supportsEIP1559; } async lookupNetwork() { // Prevent firing when provider is not defined. if (!this._provider) { log.warn( 'NetworkController - lookupNetwork aborted due to missing provider', ); return; } const { chainId } = this.providerStore.getState(); if (!chainId) { log.warn( 'NetworkController - lookupNetwork aborted due to missing chainId', ); this._setNetworkState('loading'); this._clearNetworkDetails(); return; } // Ping the RPC endpoint so we can confirm that it works const initialNetwork = this.networkStore.getState(); const { type } = this.providerStore.getState(); const isInfura = INFURA_PROVIDER_TYPES.includes(type); if (isInfura) { this._checkInfuraAvailability(type); } else { this.emit(NETWORK_EVENTS.INFURA_IS_UNBLOCKED); } let networkVersion; let networkVersionError; try { networkVersion = await this._getNetworkId(); } catch (error) { networkVersionError = error; } if (initialNetwork !== this.networkStore.getState()) { return; } if (networkVersionError) { this._setNetworkState('loading'); // keep network details in sync with network state this._clearNetworkDetails(); } else { this._setNetworkState(networkVersion); // look up EIP-1559 support await this.getEIP1559Compatibility(); } } /** * A method for setting the currently selected network provider by networkConfigurationId. * * @param {string} networkConfigurationId - the universal unique identifier that corresponds to the network configuration to set as active. * @returns {string} The rpcUrl of the network that was just set as active */ setActiveNetwork(networkConfigurationId) { const targetNetwork = this.networkConfigurationsStore.getState()[networkConfigurationId]; if (!targetNetwork) { throw new Error( `networkConfigurationId ${networkConfigurationId} does not match a configured networkConfiguration`, ); } this._setProviderConfig({ type: NETWORK_TYPES.RPC, ...targetNetwork, }); return targetNetwork.rpcUrl; } setProviderType(type) { assert.notStrictEqual( type, NETWORK_TYPES.RPC, `NetworkController - cannot call "setProviderType" with type "${NETWORK_TYPES.RPC}". Use "setActiveNetwork"`, ); assert.ok( INFURA_PROVIDER_TYPES.includes(type), `Unknown Infura provider type "${type}".`, ); const { chainId, ticker, blockExplorerUrl } = BUILT_IN_NETWORKS[type]; this._setProviderConfig({ type, rpcUrl: '', chainId, ticker: ticker ?? 'ETH', nickname: '', rpcPrefs: { blockExplorerUrl }, }); } resetConnection() { this._setProviderConfig(this.providerStore.getState()); } rollbackToPreviousProvider() { const config = this.previousProviderStore.getState(); this.providerStore.putState(config); this._switchNetwork(config); } // // Private // /** * Get the network ID for the current selected network * * @returns {string} The network ID for the current network. */ async _getNetworkId() { const ethQuery = new EthQuery(this._provider); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ethQuery.sendAsync({ method: 'net_version' }, (error, result) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(result); } }); }); } /** * Method to return the latest block for the current network * * @returns {object} Block header */ _getLatestBlock() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { provider } = this.getProviderAndBlockTracker(); const ethQuery = new EthQuery(provider); ethQuery.sendAsync( { method: 'eth_getBlockByNumber', params: ['latest', false] }, (err, block) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } return resolve(block); }, ); }); } _setNetworkState(network) { this.networkStore.putState(network); } /** * Set EIP support indication in the networkDetails store * * @param {number} EIPNumber - The number of the EIP to mark support for * @param {boolean} isSupported - True if the EIP is supported */ _setNetworkEIPSupport(EIPNumber, isSupported) { this.networkDetails.putState({ EIPS: { [EIPNumber]: isSupported, }, }); } /** * Reset EIP support to default (no support) */ _clearNetworkDetails() { this.networkDetails.putState({ ...defaultNetworkDetailsState }); } /** * Sets the provider config and switches the network. * * @param config */ _setProviderConfig(config) { this.previousProviderStore.putState(this.providerStore.getState()); this.providerStore.putState(config); this._switchNetwork(config); } async _checkInfuraAvailability(network) { const rpcUrl = `https://${network}${this._infuraProjectId}`; let networkChanged = false; this.once(NETWORK_EVENTS.NETWORK_DID_CHANGE, () => { networkChanged = true; }); try { const response = await fetchWithTimeout(rpcUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_blockNumber', params: [], id: 1, }), }); if (networkChanged) { return; } if (response.ok) { this.emit(NETWORK_EVENTS.INFURA_IS_UNBLOCKED); } else { const responseMessage = await response.json(); if (networkChanged) { return; } if (responseMessage.error === INFURA_BLOCKED_KEY) { this.emit(NETWORK_EVENTS.INFURA_IS_BLOCKED); } } } catch (err) { log.warn(`MetaMask - Infura availability check failed`, err); } } _switchNetwork(opts) { // Indicate to subscribers that network is about to change this.emit(NETWORK_EVENTS.NETWORK_WILL_CHANGE); // Set loading state this._setNetworkState('loading'); // Reset network details this._clearNetworkDetails(); // Configure the provider appropriately this._configureProvider(opts); // Notify subscribers that network has changed this.emit(NETWORK_EVENTS.NETWORK_DID_CHANGE, opts.type); } _configureProvider({ type, rpcUrl, chainId }) { // infura type-based endpoints const isInfura = INFURA_PROVIDER_TYPES.includes(type); if (isInfura) { this._configureInfuraProvider(type, this._infuraProjectId); // url-based rpc endpoints } else if (type === NETWORK_TYPES.RPC) { this._configureStandardProvider(rpcUrl, chainId); } else { throw new Error( `NetworkController - _configureProvider - unknown type "${type}"`, ); } } _configureInfuraProvider(type, projectId) {'NetworkController - configureInfuraProvider', type); const networkClient = createInfuraClient({ network: type, projectId, }); this._setNetworkClient(networkClient); } _configureStandardProvider(rpcUrl, chainId) {'NetworkController - configureStandardProvider', rpcUrl); const networkClient = createJsonRpcClient({ rpcUrl, chainId }); this._setNetworkClient(networkClient); } _setNetworkClient({ networkMiddleware, blockTracker }) { const engine = new JsonRpcEngine(); engine.push(networkMiddleware); const provider = providerFromEngine(engine); this._setProviderAndBlockTracker({ provider, blockTracker }); } _setProviderAndBlockTracker({ provider, blockTracker }) { // update or initialize proxies if (this._providerProxy) { this._providerProxy.setTarget(provider); } else { this._providerProxy = createSwappableProxy(provider); } if (this._blockTrackerProxy) { this._blockTrackerProxy.setTarget(blockTracker); } else { this._blockTrackerProxy = createEventEmitterProxy(blockTracker, { eventFilter: 'skipInternal', }); } // set new provider and blockTracker this._provider = provider; this._blockTracker = blockTracker; } /** * Network Configuration management functions */ /** * Adds a network configuration if the rpcUrl is not already present on an * existing network configuration. Otherwise updates the entry with the matching rpcUrl. * * @param {NetworkConfiguration} networkConfiguration - The network configuration to add or, if rpcUrl matches an existing entry, to modify. * @param {object} options * @param {boolean} options.setActive - An option to set the newly added networkConfiguration as the active provider. * @param {string} options.referrer - The site from which the call originated, or 'metamask' for internal calls - used for event metrics. * @param {string} options.source - Where the upsertNetwork event originated (i.e. from a dapp or from the network form)- used for event metrics. * @returns {string} id for the added or updated network configuration */ upsertNetworkConfiguration( { rpcUrl, chainId, ticker, nickname, rpcPrefs }, { setActive = false, referrer, source }, ) { assert.ok( isPrefixedFormattedHexString(chainId), `Invalid chain ID "${chainId}": invalid hex string.`, ); assert.ok( isSafeChainId(parseInt(chainId, 16)), `Invalid chain ID "${chainId}": numerical value greater than max safe value.`, ); if (!rpcUrl) { throw new Error( 'An rpcUrl is required to add or update network configuration', ); } if (!referrer || !source) { throw new Error( 'referrer and source are required arguments for adding or updating a network configuration', ); } try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new URL(rpcUrl); } catch (e) { if (e.message.includes('Invalid URL')) { throw new Error('rpcUrl must be a valid URL'); } } if (!ticker) { throw new Error( 'A ticker is required to add or update networkConfiguration', ); } const networkConfigurations = this.networkConfigurationsStore.getState(); const newNetworkConfiguration = { rpcUrl, chainId, ticker, nickname, rpcPrefs, }; const oldNetworkConfigurationId = Object.values(networkConfigurations).find( (networkConfiguration) => networkConfiguration.rpcUrl?.toLowerCase() === rpcUrl?.toLowerCase(), )?.id; const newNetworkConfigurationId = oldNetworkConfigurationId || random(); this.networkConfigurationsStore.putState({ ...networkConfigurations, [newNetworkConfigurationId]: { ...newNetworkConfiguration, id: newNetworkConfigurationId, }, }); if (!oldNetworkConfigurationId) { this._trackMetaMetricsEvent({ event: 'Custom Network Added', category: EVENT.CATEGORIES.NETWORK, referrer: { url: referrer, }, properties: { chain_id: chainId, symbol: ticker, source, }, }); } if (setActive) { this.setActiveNetwork(newNetworkConfigurationId); } return newNetworkConfigurationId; } /** * Removes network configuration from state. * * @param {string} networkConfigurationId - the unique id for the network configuration to remove. */ removeNetworkConfiguration(networkConfigurationId) { const networkConfigurations = { ...this.networkConfigurationsStore.getState(), }; delete networkConfigurations[networkConfigurationId]; this.networkConfigurationsStore.putState(networkConfigurations); } }