const { promises: fs } = require('fs');
const { strict: assert } = require('assert');
const { until, error: webdriverError, By } = require('selenium-webdriver');
const cssToXPath = require('css-to-xpath');

 * Temporary workaround to patch selenium's element handle API with methods
 * that match the playwright API for Elements
 * @param {Object} element - Selenium Element
 * @param driver
 * @returns {Object} modified Selenium Element
function wrapElementWithAPI(element, driver) { = (key) => element.sendKeys(key);
  element.fill = async (input) => {
    // The 'fill' method in playwright replaces existing input
    await element.clear();
    await element.sendKeys(input);
  element.waitForElementState = async (state, timeout) => {
    switch (state) {
      case 'hidden':
        return await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(element), timeout);
      case 'visible':
        return await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(element), timeout);
        throw new Error(`Provided state: '${state}' is not supported`);
  return element;

 * For Selenium WebDriver API documentation, see:
class Driver {
   * @param {!ThenableWebDriver} driver - A {@code WebDriver} instance
   * @param {string} browser - The type of browser this driver is controlling
   * @param extensionUrl
   * @param {number} timeout
  constructor(driver, browser, extensionUrl, timeout = 10000) {
    this.driver = driver;
    this.browser = browser;
    this.extensionUrl = extensionUrl;
    this.timeout = timeout;
    // The following values are found in
    // These should be replaced with string constants 'Enter' etc for playwright.
    this.Key = {
      BACK_SPACE: '\uE003',
      ENTER: '\uE007',

  async executeAsyncScript(script, ...args) {
    return this.driver.executeAsyncScript(script, args);

  async executeScript(script, ...args) {
    return this.driver.executeScript(script, args);

  buildLocator(locator) {
    if (typeof locator === 'string') {
      // If locator is a string we assume its a css selector
      return By.css(locator);
    } else if (locator.value) {
      // For backwards compatibility, checking if the locator has a value prop
      // tells us this is a Selenium locator
      return locator;
    } else if (locator.xpath) {
      // Providing an xpath prop to the object will consume the locator as an
      // xpath locator.
      return By.xpath(locator.xpath);
    } else if (locator.text) {
      // Providing a text prop, and optionally a tag or css prop, will use
      // xpath to look for an element with the tag that has matching text.
      if (locator.css) {
        // When providing css prop we use cssToXPath to build a xpath string
        // We provide two cases to check for, first a text node of the
        // element that matches the text provided OR we test the stringified
        // contents of the element in the case where text is split across
        // multiple children. In the later case non literal spaces are stripped
        // so we do the same with the input to provide a consistent API.
        const xpath = cssToXPath
                  .contains(locator.text.split(' ').join('')),
        return By.xpath(xpath);
      // The tag prop is optional and further refines which elements match
      return By.xpath(
        `//${locator.tag ?? '*'}[contains(text(), '${locator.text}')]`,
    throw new Error(
      `The locator '${locator}' is not supported by the E2E test driver`,

  async fill(rawLocator, input) {
    const element = await this.findElement(rawLocator);
    await element.fill(input);
    return element;

  async press(rawLocator, keys) {
    const element = await this.findElement(rawLocator);
    return element;

  async delay(time) {
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));

  async wait(condition, timeout = this.timeout) {
    await this.driver.wait(condition, timeout);

  async waitForSelector(
    { timeout = this.timeout, state = 'visible' } = {},
  ) {
    // Playwright has a waitForSelector method that will become a shallow
    // replacement for the implementation below. It takes an option options
    // bucket that can include the state attribute to wait for elements that
    // match the selector to be removed from the DOM.
    const selector = this.buildLocator(rawLocator);
    let element;
    if (!['visible', 'detached'].includes(state)) {
      throw new Error(`Provided state selector ${state} is not supported`);
    if (state === 'visible') {
      element = await this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(selector), timeout);
    } else if (state === 'detached') {
      element = await this.driver.wait(
        until.stalenessOf(await this.findElement(selector)),
    return wrapElementWithAPI(element, this);

  async quit() {
    await this.driver.quit();

  // Element interactions

  async findElement(rawLocator) {
    const locator = this.buildLocator(rawLocator);
    const element = await this.driver.wait(
    return wrapElementWithAPI(element, this);

  async findVisibleElement(rawLocator) {
    const locator = this.buildLocator(rawLocator);
    const element = await this.findElement(locator);
    await this.driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(element), this.timeout);
    return wrapElementWithAPI(element, this);

  async findClickableElement(rawLocator) {
    const locator = this.buildLocator(rawLocator);
    const element = await this.findElement(locator);
    await Promise.all([
      this.driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(element), this.timeout),
      this.driver.wait(until.elementIsEnabled(element), this.timeout),
    return wrapElementWithAPI(element, this);

  async findElements(rawLocator) {
    const locator = this.buildLocator(rawLocator);
    const elements = await this.driver.wait(
    return => wrapElementWithAPI(element, this));

  async findClickableElements(rawLocator) {
    const locator = this.buildLocator(rawLocator);
    const elements = await this.findElements(locator);
    await Promise.all(
      elements.reduce((acc, element) => {
          this.driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(element), this.timeout),
          this.driver.wait(until.elementIsEnabled(element), this.timeout),
        return acc;
      }, []),
    return => wrapElementWithAPI(element, this));

  async clickElement(rawLocator) {
    const locator = this.buildLocator(rawLocator);
    const element = await this.findClickableElement(locator);

  async clickPoint(rawLocator, x, y) {
    const locator = this.buildLocator(rawLocator);
    const element = await this.findElement(locator);
    await this.driver
      .move({ origin: element, x, y })

  async scrollToElement(element) {
    await this.driver.executeScript(

  async assertElementNotPresent(rawLocator) {
    const locator = this.buildLocator(rawLocator);
    let dataTab;
    try {
      dataTab = await this.findElement(locator);
    } catch (err) {
        err instanceof webdriverError.NoSuchElementError ||
          err instanceof webdriverError.TimeoutError,
    assert.ok(!dataTab, 'Found element that should not be present');

  // Navigation

  async navigate(page = Driver.PAGES.HOME) {
    return await this.driver.get(`${this.extensionUrl}/${page}.html`);

  // Metrics

  async collectMetrics() {
    return await this.driver.executeScript(collectMetrics);

  // Window management

  async openNewPage(url) {
    const newHandle = await this.driver.switchTo().newWindow();
    await this.driver.get(url);
    return newHandle;

  async switchToWindow(handle) {
    await this.driver.switchTo().window(handle);

  async getAllWindowHandles() {
    return await this.driver.getAllWindowHandles();

  async waitUntilXWindowHandles(x, delayStep = 1000, timeout = 5000) {
    let timeElapsed = 0;
    let windowHandles = [];
    while (timeElapsed <= timeout) {
      windowHandles = await this.driver.getAllWindowHandles();
      if (windowHandles.length === x) {
        return windowHandles;
      await this.delay(delayStep);
      timeElapsed += delayStep;
    throw new Error('waitUntilXWindowHandles timed out polling window handles');

  async switchToWindowWithTitle(
    delayStep = 1000,
    timeout = 5000,
  ) {
    let windowHandles =
      initialWindowHandles || (await this.driver.getAllWindowHandles());
    let timeElapsed = 0;
    while (timeElapsed <= timeout) {
      for (const handle of windowHandles) {
        await this.driver.switchTo().window(handle);
        const handleTitle = await this.driver.getTitle();
        if (handleTitle === title) {
          return handle;
      await this.delay(delayStep);
      timeElapsed += delayStep;
      // refresh the window handles
      windowHandles = await this.driver.getAllWindowHandles();

    throw new Error(`No window with title: ${title}`);

   * Closes all windows except those in the given list of exceptions
   * @param {Array<string>} exceptions - The list of window handle exceptions
   * @param {Array} [windowHandles] - The full list of window handles
   * @returns {Promise<void>}
  async closeAllWindowHandlesExcept(exceptions, windowHandles) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
    windowHandles = windowHandles || (await this.driver.getAllWindowHandles());

    for (const handle of windowHandles) {
      if (!exceptions.includes(handle)) {
        await this.driver.switchTo().window(handle);
        await this.delay(1000);
        await this.driver.close();
        await this.delay(1000);

  // Error handling

  async verboseReportOnFailure(title) {
    const artifactDir = `./test-artifacts/${this.browser}/${title}`;
    const filepathBase = `${artifactDir}/test-failure`;
    await fs.mkdir(artifactDir, { recursive: true });
    const screenshot = await this.driver.takeScreenshot();
    await fs.writeFile(`${filepathBase}-screenshot.png`, screenshot, {
      encoding: 'base64',
    const htmlSource = await this.driver.getPageSource();
    await fs.writeFile(`${filepathBase}-dom.html`, htmlSource);
    const uiState = await this.driver.executeScript(
      () => window.getCleanAppState && window.getCleanAppState(),
    await fs.writeFile(
      JSON.stringify(uiState, null, 2),

  async checkBrowserForConsoleErrors() {
    const ignoredLogTypes = ['WARNING'];
    const ignoredErrorMessages = [
      // Third-party Favicon 404s show up as errors
      'favicon.ico - Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)',
      // Sentry rate limiting
      'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 429',
      // 4Byte
      'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway)',
    const browserLogs = await this.driver.manage().logs().get('browser');
    const errorEntries = browserLogs.filter(
      (entry) => !ignoredLogTypes.includes(entry.level.toString()),
    const errorObjects = => entry.toJSON());
    return errorObjects.filter(
      (entry) =>
        !ignoredErrorMessages.some((message) =>

function collectMetrics() {
  const results = {
    paint: {},
    navigation: [],

  window.performance.getEntriesByType('paint').forEach((paintEntry) => {
    results.paint[] = paintEntry.startTime;

    .forEach((navigationEntry) => {
        domContentLoaded: navigationEntry.domContentLoadedEventEnd,
        load: navigationEntry.loadEventEnd,
        domInteractive: navigationEntry.domInteractive,
        redirectCount: navigationEntry.redirectCount,
        type: navigationEntry.type,

  return results;

Driver.PAGES = {
  BACKGROUND: 'background',
  HOME: 'home',
  NOTIFICATION: 'notification',
  POPUP: 'popup',

module.exports = Driver;