import { Story, Canvas, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
import { AvatarWithBadge } from './avatar-with-badge';
# AvatarWithBadge
The `AvatarWithBadge` is a wrapper component that adds badge display options to avatars.
## Props
The `AvatarWithBadge` accepts all props below as well as all [Box](/docs/components-ui-box--default-story#props) component props.
### Badge Position
Use the `badgePosition` prop to set the position of the badge, it can have two values `Top` and `Bottom`
import { AvatarWithBadge } from '../ui/component-library';
### Badge
Used to define the badge component to be rendered inside the `AvatarWithBadge`.
### Badge Props
The required props to be passed to the badge.
### Children
The children to be rendered inside the AvatarWithBadge. Generally used with the `AvatarAccount`