import * as React from 'react'; import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import { BorderColor } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { Checkbox } from '.'; describe('Checkbox', () => { it('should render the Checkbox without crashing', () => { const { getByRole, container } = render(); expect(getByRole('checkbox')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should render the Checkbox with additional className', () => { const { getByTestId } = render( , ); expect(getByTestId('classname')).toHaveClass('mm-checkbox mm-test'); }); it('should render the Checkbox with additional className on the input', () => { const { getByRole } = render( , ); expect(getByRole('checkbox')).toHaveClass('mm-checkbox__input mm-test'); }); it('should render the Checkbox with border color changed from inputProps', () => { const { getByRole } = render( , ); expect(getByRole('checkbox')).toHaveClass( 'mm-box--border-color-error-default', ); }); it('should render isChecked', () => { const { getByRole, getByTestId } = render( , ); expect(getByRole('checkbox')).toBeChecked(); expect(window.getComputedStyle(getByTestId('check-bold')).maskImage).toBe( `url('./images/icons/check-bold.svg')`, ); }); it('should render isIndeterminate', () => { const { getByRole, getByTestId } = render( , ); expect(getByRole('checkbox').getAttribute('data-indeterminate')).toBe( 'true', ); expect(window.getComputedStyle(getByTestId('minus-bold')).maskImage).toBe( `url('./images/icons/minus-bold.svg')`, ); }); it('should render checkbox with label', () => { const { getByText } = render(); expect(getByText('Option 1')).toBeDefined(); }); it('should render checkbox with id and label has matching htmlfor', () => { const { getByTestId, getByRole } = render( , ); const checkbox = getByRole('checkbox'); expect(checkbox).toHaveAttribute('id', 'option-1'); expect(getByTestId('label')).toHaveAttribute('for', 'option-1'); }); test('Checkbox component is disabled when isDisabled is true', () => { const { getByRole, getByTestId } = render( , ); const checkbox = getByRole('checkbox'); expect(checkbox).toBeDisabled(); expect(getByTestId('option-disabled')).toHaveClass('mm-checkbox--disabled'); }); test('Checkbox component is readOnly when isReadOnly is true', () => { const { getByLabelText } = render( , ); const checkbox = getByLabelText('Option 1'); expect(checkbox).toHaveAttribute('readonly'); expect(checkbox).toHaveClass('mm-checkbox__input--readonly'); }); it('Checkbox component fires onChange function when clicked', () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const { getByTestId } = render( , ); const checkbox = getByTestId('checkbox');; expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('Checkbox component fires onChange function label clicked', () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const { getByText } = render( , ); const label = getByText('Click label');; expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test('Checkbox component is required when isRequired is true', () => { const { getByLabelText } = render( , ); const checkbox = getByLabelText('Option 1'); expect(checkbox).toHaveAttribute('required'); }); test('Checkbox component renders with the correct title attribute', () => { const { getByLabelText } = render( , ); const checkbox = getByLabelText('Option 1'); expect(checkbox).toHaveAttribute('title', 'pineapple'); }); test('Checkbox component renders with the correct title attribute used from the label', () => { const { getByLabelText } = render( , ); const checkbox = getByLabelText('Option 1'); expect(checkbox).toHaveAttribute('title', 'Option 1'); }); test('Checkbox component renders with the correct title attribute used from the id', () => { const { getByRole } = render(); const checkbox = getByRole('checkbox'); expect(checkbox).toHaveAttribute('title', 'option-1'); }); test('Checkbox component renders with the correct name attribute', () => { const { getByRole } = render(); const checkbox = getByRole('checkbox'); expect(checkbox).toHaveAttribute('name', 'option-1'); }); });