import { StoryFn, Meta } from '@storybook/react'; import { useArgs } from '@storybook/client-api'; import React from 'react'; import { Box } from '..'; import { BorderColor, Display, FlexDirection, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import README from './README.mdx'; import { Checkbox } from '.'; export default { title: 'Components/ComponentLibrary/Checkbox', component: Checkbox, parameters: { docs: { page: README, }, }, argTypes: { label: { control: 'text', }, name: { control: 'text', }, id: { control: 'text', }, }, } as Meta; const Template: StoryFn = (args) => { const [{ isChecked }, updateArgs] = useArgs(); return ( updateArgs({ isChecked: !isChecked, }) } isChecked={isChecked} /> ); }; export const DefaultStory = Template.bind({}); DefaultStory.storyName = 'Default'; export const Label = Template.bind({}); Label.args = { label: 'Checkbox label', }; export const Id = Template.bind({}); Id.args = { label: 'Id demo', id: 'id-demo', }; export const IsChecked = Template.bind({}); IsChecked.args = { isChecked: true, label: 'isChecked demo', }; export const IsIndeterminate = (args) => { const [checkedItems, setCheckedItems] = React.useState([false, true, false]); const allChecked = checkedItems.every(Boolean); const isIndeterminate = checkedItems.some(Boolean) && !allChecked; const handleIndeterminateChange = () => { if (allChecked || isIndeterminate) { setCheckedItems([false, false, false]); } else { setCheckedItems([true, true, true]); } }; const handleCheckboxChange = (index, value) => { const newCheckedItems = [...checkedItems]; newCheckedItems[index] = value; setCheckedItems(newCheckedItems); }; return (
handleCheckboxChange(0,} label="Checkbox 1" /> handleCheckboxChange(1,} label="Checkbox 2" /> handleCheckboxChange(2,} label="Checkbox 3" />
); }; IsIndeterminate.args = { label: 'isIndeterminate demo', isIndeterminate: true, }; export const IsDisabled = Template.bind({}); IsDisabled.args = { isDisabled: true, label: 'isDisabled demo', }; export const IsReadOnly = Template.bind({}); IsReadOnly.args = { isReadOnly: true, isChecked: true, label: 'isReadOnly demo', }; export const OnChange = Template.bind({}); OnChange.args = { label: 'onChange demo', }; export const IsRequired = Template.bind({}); IsRequired.args = { isRequired: true, isChecked: true, label: 'isRequired demo', }; export const Title = Template.bind({}); Title.args = { title: 'Apples', label: 'Inspect to see title attribute', }; export const Name = Template.bind({}); Name.args = { name: 'pineapple', label: 'Inspect to see name attribute', }; export const InputProps = Template.bind({}); InputProps.args = { inputProps: { borderColor: BorderColor.errorDefault }, label: 'inputProps demo', };