import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; const version = 77; /** * Prior to token detection v2 the data property in tokensChainsCache was an array, * in v2 we changes that to an object. In this migration we are converting the data as array to object. */ export default { version, async migrate(originalVersionedData) { const versionedData = cloneDeep(originalVersionedData); versionedData.meta.version = version; const state =; const newState = transformState(state); = newState; return versionedData; }, }; function transformState(state) { const TokenListController = state?.TokenListController || {}; const { tokensChainsCache } = TokenListController; let dataCache; let dataObject; // eslint-disable-next-line for (const chainId in tokensChainsCache) { dataCache = tokensChainsCache[chainId].data; dataObject = {}; // if the data is array conver that to object if (Array.isArray(dataCache)) { for (const token of dataCache) { dataObject[token.address] = token; } } else if ( Object.keys(dataCache)[0].toLowerCase() !== dataCache[Object.keys(dataCache)[0]].address.toLowerCase() ) { // for the users who already updated to the recent version // and the dataCache is already an object keyed with 0,1,2,3 etc // eslint-disable-next-line for (const tokenAddress in dataCache) { dataObject[dataCache[tokenAddress].address] = dataCache[tokenAddress]; } } tokensChainsCache[chainId].data = Object.keys(dataObject).length > 0 ? dataObject : dataCache; } TokenListController.tokensChainsCache = tokensChainsCache; return { ...state, TokenListController: { ...TokenListController, }, }; }