import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'; import { getMaximumGasTotalInHexWei, getMinimumGasTotalInHexWei, } from '../../../shared/modules/gas.utils'; import { decGWEIToHexWEI } from '../../helpers/utils/conversions.util'; import { decimalToHex } from '../../../shared/lib/transactions-controller-utils'; import { FEE_MARKET_ESTIMATE_RETURN_VALUE, LEGACY_GAS_ESTIMATE_RETURN_VALUE, configureEIP1559, configureLegacy, } from './test-utils'; import { useGasEstimates } from './useGasEstimates'; jest.mock('../useGasFeeEstimates', () => ({ useGasFeeEstimates: jest.fn(), })); jest.mock('react-redux', () => { const actual = jest.requireActual('react-redux'); return { ...actual, useSelector: jest.fn(), }; }); const useGasEstimatesHook = (props) => useGasEstimates({ transaction: { txParams: { type: '0x2', value: '100' } }, gasLimit: '21000', gasPrice: '10', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '10', maxFeePerGas: '100', minimumCostInHexWei: '0x5208', minimumGasLimit: '0x5208', supportsEIP1559: true, ...FEE_MARKET_ESTIMATE_RETURN_VALUE, ...props, }); describe('useGasEstimates', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('EIP-1559 scenario', () => { beforeEach(() => { configureEIP1559(); }); it('uses new EIP-1559 gas fields to calculate minimum values', () => { const gasLimit = '21000'; const maxFeePerGas = '100'; const maxPriorityFeePerGas = '10'; const { estimatedBaseFee } = FEE_MARKET_ESTIMATE_RETURN_VALUE.gasFeeEstimates; const { result } = renderHook(() => useGasEstimatesHook({ gasLimit, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas }), ); const minimumHexValue = getMinimumGasTotalInHexWei({ baseFeePerGas: decGWEIToHexWEI(estimatedBaseFee), gasLimit: decimalToHex(gasLimit), maxFeePerGas: decGWEIToHexWEI(maxFeePerGas), maxPriorityFeePerGas: decGWEIToHexWEI(maxPriorityFeePerGas), }); expect(result.current.minimumCostInHexWei).toBe(minimumHexValue); }); it('uses new EIP-1559 gas fields to calculate maximum values', () => { const gasLimit = '21000'; const maxFeePerGas = '100'; const { result } = renderHook(() => useGasEstimatesHook({ gasLimit, maxFeePerGas }), ); const maximumHexValue = getMaximumGasTotalInHexWei({ gasLimit: decimalToHex(gasLimit), maxFeePerGas: decGWEIToHexWEI(maxFeePerGas), }); expect(result.current.maximumCostInHexWei).toBe(maximumHexValue); }); }); describe('legacy scenario', () => { beforeEach(() => { configureLegacy(); }); it('uses legacy gas fields to calculate minimum values', () => { const gasLimit = '21000'; const gasPrice = '10'; const { result } = renderHook(() => useGasEstimatesHook({ gasLimit, gasPrice, supportsEIP1559: false, ...LEGACY_GAS_ESTIMATE_RETURN_VALUE, }), ); const minimumHexValue = getMinimumGasTotalInHexWei({ gasLimit: decimalToHex(gasLimit), gasPrice: decGWEIToHexWEI(gasPrice), }); expect(result.current.minimumCostInHexWei).toBe(minimumHexValue); }); it('uses legacy gas fields to calculate maximum values', () => { const gasLimit = '21000'; const gasPrice = '10'; const { result } = renderHook(() => useGasEstimatesHook({ gasLimit, gasPrice, supportsEIP1559: false, ...LEGACY_GAS_ESTIMATE_RETURN_VALUE, }), ); const maximumHexValue = getMaximumGasTotalInHexWei({ gasLimit: decimalToHex(gasLimit), gasPrice: decGWEIToHexWEI(gasPrice), }); expect(result.current.maximumCostInHexWei).toBe(maximumHexValue); }); it('estimatedBaseFee is undefined', () => { const { result } = renderHook(() => useGasEstimatesHook({ supportsEIP1559: false }), ); expect(result.current.estimatedBaseFee).toBeUndefined(); }); }); });