import React from 'react'; import { useState } from '@storybook/addons'; import { SIZES } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { Icon, ICON_NAMES, ButtonLink, ButtonPrimary } from '..'; import { BannerBase } from './banner-base'; import README from './README.mdx'; const marginSizeControlOptions = [ undefined, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 'auto', ]; export default { title: 'Components/ComponentLibrary/BannerBase', id: __filename, component: BannerBase, parameters: { docs: { page: README, }, backgrounds: { default: 'alternative' }, }, argTypes: { className: { control: 'text', }, title: { control: 'text', }, children: { control: 'text', }, action: { control: 'func', }, actionButtonLabel: { control: 'text', }, actionButtonOnClick: { control: 'func', }, actionButtonProps: { control: 'object', }, startAccessory: { control: 'text', }, onClose: { action: 'onClose', }, marginTop: { options: marginSizeControlOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, marginRight: { options: marginSizeControlOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, marginBottom: { options: marginSizeControlOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, marginLeft: { options: marginSizeControlOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, }, }; export const DefaultStory = (args) => { const onClose = () => console.log('BannerBase onClose trigger'); return ; }; DefaultStory.args = { title: 'Title is sentence case no period', children: "Description shouldn't repeat title. 1-3 lines.", actionButtonLabel: 'Action', startAccessory: , }; DefaultStory.storyName = 'Default'; export const Title = (args) => { return ; }; Title.args = { title: 'Title is sentence case no period', children: 'Pass only a string through the title prop', }; export const Children = (args) => { return ( {`Description shouldn't repeat title. 1-3 lines. Can contain a `} hyperlink. ); }; export const ActionButton = (args) => { return ; }; ActionButton.args = { title: 'Action prop demo', actionButtonLabel: 'Action', actionButtonOnClick: () => console.log('ButtonLink actionButtonOnClick demo'), actionButtonProps: { icon: ICON_NAMES.ARROW_2_RIGHT, // TODO: change to iconName iconPositionRight: true, }, children: 'Use actionButtonLabel for action text, actionButtonOnClick for the onClick handler, and actionButtonProps to pass any ButtonLink prop types such as iconName', }; export const OnClose = (args) => { const [isShown, setShown] = useState(true); const bannerToggle = () => { if (isShown) { console.log('close button clicked'); } setShown(!isShown); }; return ( <> {isShown ? ( ) : ( View BannerBase )} ); }; OnClose.args = { title: 'onClose demo', children: 'Click the close button icon to hide this notifcation', }; export const StartAccessory = (args) => { return ; }; StartAccessory.args = { title: 'Start accessory demo', children: 'The info icon on the left is passed through the startAccessory prop', startAccessory: , };