/* eslint-disable jest/require-top-level-describe */ import React from 'react'; import { fireEvent, render, act } from '@testing-library/react'; import { renderWithUserEvent } from '../../../../test/lib/render-helpers'; import { TextVariant } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { Input } from './input'; import { InputType } from './input.types'; describe('Input', () => { it('should render correctly', () => { const { getByRole, container } = render(); expect(getByRole('textbox')).toBeDefined(); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should render correctly with custom className', () => { const { getByRole } = render(); expect(getByRole('textbox')).toHaveClass('test'); }); it('should render and be able to input text', () => { const { getByTestId } = render(); const InputComponent = getByTestId('input'); expect(InputComponent.value).toBe(''); // initial value is empty string fireEvent.change(InputComponent, { target: { value: 'text value' } }); expect(InputComponent.value).toBe('text value'); fireEvent.change(InputComponent, { target: { value: '' } }); // reset value expect(InputComponent.value).toBe(''); // value is empty string after reset }); it('should render without state styles when disableStateStyles is true', async () => { const { getByTestId, user } = renderWithUserEvent( , ); const InputComponent = getByTestId('input'); await user.click(InputComponent); expect(getByTestId('input')).toHaveFocus(); expect(getByTestId('input')).toHaveClass('mm-input--disable-state-styles'); expect(getByTestId('input')).not.toHaveClass('mm-input--disabled'); }); it('should render and fire onFocus and onBlur events', async () => { const onFocus = jest.fn(); const onBlur = jest.fn(); const { getByTestId, user } = renderWithUserEvent( , ); const InputComponent = getByTestId('input'); await user.click(InputComponent); expect(onFocus).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); fireEvent.blur(InputComponent); expect(onBlur).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should pass ref to allow input to focus through another element', () => { const ref = React.createRef(); const { getByRole } = renderWithUserEvent(); act(() => ref.current.focus()); expect(getByRole('textbox')).toHaveFocus(); }); it('should render and fire onChange event', async () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const { getByTestId, user } = renderWithUserEvent( , ); const InputComponent = getByTestId('input'); await user.type(InputComponent, '123'); expect(InputComponent).toHaveValue('123'); expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); }); it('should render with different types', () => { const { getByTestId } = render( <> , ); expect(getByTestId('input-text-default')).toHaveAttribute('type', 'text'); expect(getByTestId('input-text')).toHaveAttribute('type', 'text'); expect(getByTestId('input-number')).toHaveAttribute('type', 'number'); expect(getByTestId('input-password')).toHaveAttribute('type', 'password'); }); it('should render with autoComplete', () => { const { getByTestId } = render( , ); expect(getByTestId('input-auto-complete')).toHaveAttribute( 'autocomplete', 'on', ); }); it('should render with autoFocus', () => { const { getByRole } = render(); expect(getByRole('textbox')).toHaveFocus(); }); it('should render with a defaultValue', () => { const { getByRole } = render(); expect(getByRole('textbox').value).toBe('default value'); }); it('should render in disabled state and not focus or be clickable', async () => { const mockOnFocus = jest.fn(); const { getByRole, getByTestId, user } = renderWithUserEvent( , ); const InputComponent = getByTestId('input'); await user.click(InputComponent); expect(getByRole('textbox')).toBeDisabled(); expect(mockOnFocus).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); it('should render with maxLength and not allow more than the set characters', async () => { const { getByRole, user } = renderWithUserEvent(); const InputComponent = getByRole('textbox'); await user.type(InputComponent, '1234567890'); expect(getByRole('textbox')).toBeDefined(); expect(InputComponent.maxLength).toBe(5); expect(InputComponent.value).toBe('12345'); expect(InputComponent.value).toHaveLength(5); }); it('should render with readOnly attr when readOnly is true', async () => { const { getByTestId, getByRole, user } = renderWithUserEvent( , ); const InputComponent = getByTestId('read-only'); await user.type(InputComponent, '1234567890'); expect(getByRole('textbox').value).toBe(''); expect(getByRole('textbox')).toHaveAttribute('readonly', ''); }); it('should render with required attr when required is true', () => { const { getByTestId } = render( , ); expect(getByTestId('input-required')).toHaveAttribute('required', ''); }); it('should render with a different Text variant', () => { const { getByTestId } = render( , ); expect(getByTestId('input-required')).toHaveClass('mm-text--heading-sm'); }); });