const path = require('path'); const { promisify } = require('util'); const exec = promisify(require('child_process').exec); const dependencyTree = require('dependency-tree'); const cwd = process.cwd(); const resolutionCache = {}; // 1. load stories // 2. load list per story // 3. filter against files module.exports = { getHighlights, getHighlightAnnouncement, }; async function getHighlightAnnouncement({ changedFiles, artifactBase }) { const highlights = await getHighlights({ changedFiles }); if (!highlights.length) { return null; } const highlightsBody = highlights .map((entry) => `\n- [${entry}](${urlForStoryFile(entry, artifactBase)})`) .join(''); const announcement = `
storybook ${highlightsBody}
\n\n`; return announcement; } async function getHighlights({ changedFiles }) { const highlights = []; const storyFiles = await getAllStories(); // check each story file for dep graph overlap with changed files for (const storyFile of storyFiles) { const list = await getLocalDependencyList(storyFile); if (list.some((entry) => changedFiles.includes(entry))) { highlights.push(storyFile); } } return highlights; } async function getAllStories() { const { stdout } = await exec('find ui -name "*.stories.js"'); const matches = stdout.split('\n').slice(0, -1); return matches; } async function getLocalDependencyList(filename) { const list = dependencyTree .toList({ filename, // not sure what this does but its mandatory directory: cwd, webpackConfig: `.storybook/main.js`, // skip all dependencies filter: (entry) => !entry.includes('node_modules'), // for memoization across trees: 30s -> 5s visited: resolutionCache, }) .map((entry) => path.relative(cwd, entry)); return list; } function urlForStoryFile(filename, artifactBase) { const storyId = sanitize(filename); return `${artifactBase}/storybook/index.html?path=/story/${storyId}`; } /** * Remove punctuation and illegal characters from a story ID. * See: * * * * @param {string} string - The string to sanitize. * @returns The sanitized string. */ function sanitize(string) { return ( string .toLowerCase() // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape .replace(/[ ’–—―′¿'`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/giu, '-') .replace(/-+/gu, '-') .replace(/^-+/u, '') .replace(/-+$/u, '') ); }