import { strict as assert } from 'assert'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import nock from 'nock'; import { obj as createThoughStream } from 'through2'; import EthQuery from 'eth-query'; import proxyquire from 'proxyquire'; import browser from 'webextension-polyfill'; import { wordlist as englishWordlist } from '@metamask/scure-bip39/dist/wordlists/english'; import { ListNames, METAMASK_STALELIST_URL, METAMASK_HOTLIST_DIFF_URL, PHISHING_CONFIG_BASE_URL, METAMASK_STALELIST_FILE, METAMASK_HOTLIST_DIFF_FILE, } from '@metamask/phishing-controller'; import { TransactionStatus } from '../../shared/constants/transaction'; import createTxMeta from '../../test/lib/createTxMeta'; import { NETWORK_TYPES } from '../../shared/constants/network'; import { createTestProviderTools } from '../../test/stub/provider'; import { HardwareDeviceNames } from '../../shared/constants/hardware-wallets'; import { KeyringType } from '../../shared/constants/keyring'; import { deferredPromise } from './lib/util'; const Ganache = require('../../test/e2e/ganache'); const ganacheServer = new Ganache(); const browserPolyfillMock = { runtime: { id: 'fake-extension-id', onInstalled: { addListener: () => undefined, }, onMessageExternal: { addListener: () => undefined, }, getPlatformInfo: async () => 'mac', }, storage: { session: { set: () => undefined, }, }, }; let loggerMiddlewareMock; const initializeMockMiddlewareLog = () => { loggerMiddlewareMock = { requests: [], responses: [], }; }; const tearDownMockMiddlewareLog = () => { loggerMiddlewareMock = undefined; }; const createLoggerMiddlewareMock = () => (req, res, next) => { if (loggerMiddlewareMock) { loggerMiddlewareMock.requests.push(req); next((cb) => { loggerMiddlewareMock.responses.push(res); cb(); }); return; } next(); }; const MOCK_TOKEN_BALANCE = '888'; function MockEthContract() { return () => { return { at: () => { return { balanceOf: () => MOCK_TOKEN_BALANCE, }; }, }; }; } // TODO, Feb 24, 2023: // ethjs-contract is being added to proxyquire, but we might want to discontinue proxyquire // this is for expediency as we resolve a bug for v10.26.0. The proper solution here would have // us set up the test infrastructure for a mocked provider. Github ticket for that is: // const MetaMaskController = proxyquire('./metamask-controller', { './lib/createLoggerMiddleware': { default: createLoggerMiddlewareMock }, 'ethjs-contract': MockEthContract, }).default; const MetaMaskControllerMV3 = proxyquire('./metamask-controller', { '../../shared/modules/mv3.utils': { isManifestV3: true }, }).default; const currentNetworkId = '5'; const DEFAULT_LABEL = 'Account 1'; const TEST_SEED = 'debris dizzy just program just float decrease vacant alarm reduce speak stadium'; const TEST_ADDRESS = '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc'; const TEST_ADDRESS_2 = '0xec1adf982415d2ef5ec55899b9bfb8bc0f29251b'; const TEST_ADDRESS_3 = '0xeb9e64b93097bc15f01f13eae97015c57ab64823'; const TEST_SEED_ALT = 'setup olympic issue mobile velvet surge alcohol burger horse view reopen gentle'; const TEST_ADDRESS_ALT = '0xc42edfcc21ed14dda456aa0756c153f7985d8813'; const NOTIFICATION_ID = 'NHL8f2eSSTn9TKBamRLiU'; const ALT_MAINNET_RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:8545'; const POLYGON_RPC_URL = ''; const POLYGON_RPC_URL_2 = ''; const NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_1 = 'networkConfigurationId1'; const NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_2 = 'networkConfigurationId2'; const NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_3 = 'networkConfigurationId3'; const ETH = 'ETH'; const MATIC = 'MATIC'; const POLYGON_CHAIN_ID = '0x89'; const MAINNET_CHAIN_ID = '0x1'; const firstTimeState = { config: {}, NetworkController: { providerConfig: { type: NETWORK_TYPES.RPC, rpcUrl: ALT_MAINNET_RPC_URL, chainId: MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, ticker: ETH, nickname: 'Alt Mainnet', id: NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_1, }, networkConfigurations: { [NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_1]: { rpcUrl: ALT_MAINNET_RPC_URL, type: NETWORK_TYPES.RPC, chainId: MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, ticker: ETH, nickname: 'Alt Mainnet', id: NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_1, }, [NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_2]: { rpcUrl: POLYGON_RPC_URL, type: NETWORK_TYPES.RPC, chainId: POLYGON_CHAIN_ID, ticker: MATIC, nickname: 'Polygon', id: NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_2, }, [NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_3]: { rpcUrl: POLYGON_RPC_URL_2, type: NETWORK_TYPES.RPC, chainId: POLYGON_CHAIN_ID, ticker: MATIC, nickname: 'Alt Polygon', id: NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_1, }, }, networkDetails: { EIPS: { 1559: false, }, }, }, NotificationController: { notifications: { [NOTIFICATION_ID]: { id: NOTIFICATION_ID, origin: 'local:http://localhost:8086/', createdDate: 1652967897732, readDate: null, message: 'Hello, http://localhost:8086!', }, }, }, PhishingController: { phishingLists: [ { allowlist: [], blocklist: [''], fuzzylist: [], tolerance: 0, version: 0, name: 'MetaMask', }, ], }, }; const noop = () => undefined; describe('MetaMaskController', function () { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); before(async function () { await ganacheServer.start(); }); beforeEach(function () { nock('') .persist() .get(/.*/u) .reply(200, '{"JPY":12415.9}'); nock(PHISHING_CONFIG_BASE_URL) .persist() .get(METAMASK_STALELIST_FILE) .reply( 200, JSON.stringify({ version: 2, tolerance: 2, lastUpdated: 1, eth_phishing_detect_config: { fuzzylist: [], allowlist: [], blocklist: [''], name: ListNames.MetaMask, }, phishfort_hotlist: { blocklist: [], name: ListNames.Phishfort, }, }), ) .get(METAMASK_HOTLIST_DIFF_FILE) .reply( 200, JSON.stringify([ { url: '', targetList: 'blocklist', timestamp: 0, }, ]), ); sandbox.replace(browser, 'runtime', { sendMessage: sandbox.stub().rejects(), }); = sandbox.spy(); }); afterEach(function () { nock.cleanAll(); sandbox.restore(); }); after(async function () { await ganacheServer.quit(); }); describe('Phishing Detection Mock', function () { it('should be updated to use v1 of the API', function () { // Update the fixture above if this test fails assert.equal( METAMASK_STALELIST_URL, '', ); assert.equal( METAMASK_HOTLIST_DIFF_URL, '', ); }); }); describe('MetaMaskController Behaviour', function () { let metamaskController; beforeEach(function () { sandbox.spy(MetaMaskController.prototype, 'resetStates'); metamaskController = new MetaMaskController({ showUserConfirmation: noop, encryptor: { encrypt(_, object) { this.object = object; return Promise.resolve('mock-encrypted'); }, decrypt() { return Promise.resolve(this.object); }, }, initState: cloneDeep(firstTimeState), initLangCode: 'en_US', platform: { showTransactionNotification: () => undefined, getVersion: () => 'foo', }, browser: browserPolyfillMock, infuraProjectId: 'foo', isFirstMetaMaskControllerSetup: true, }); // add sinon method spies sandbox.spy( metamaskController.keyringController, 'createNewVaultAndKeychain', ); sandbox.spy( metamaskController.keyringController, 'createNewVaultAndRestore', ); }); describe('should reset states on first time profile load', function () { it('in mv2, it should reset state without attempting to call browser storage', function () { assert.equal(metamaskController.resetStates.callCount, 1); assert.equal(, 0); }); }); describe('#importAccountWithStrategy', function () { const importPrivkey = '4cfd3e90fc78b0f86bf7524722150bb8da9c60cd532564d7ff43f5716514f553'; beforeEach(async function () { const password = 'a-fake-password'; await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndRestore(password, TEST_SEED); await metamaskController.importAccountWithStrategy('Private Key', [ importPrivkey, ]); }); it('adds private key to keyrings in core KeyringController', async function () { const simpleKeyrings = metamaskController.coreKeyringController.getKeyringsByType( KeyringType.imported, ); const pubAddressHexArr = await simpleKeyrings[0].getAccounts(); const privKeyHex = await simpleKeyrings[0].exportAccount( pubAddressHexArr[0], ); assert.equal(privKeyHex, importPrivkey); assert.equal( pubAddressHexArr[0], '0xe18035bf8712672935fdb4e5e431b1a0183d2dfc', ); }); it('adds 1 account', async function () { const keyringAccounts = await metamaskController.keyringController.getAccounts(); assert.equal( keyringAccounts[keyringAccounts.length - 1], '0xe18035bf8712672935fdb4e5e431b1a0183d2dfc', ); }); }); describe('submitPassword', function () { it('removes any identities that do not correspond to known accounts.', async function () { const password = 'password'; await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndKeychain(password); const fakeAddress = '0xbad0'; metamaskController.preferencesController.addAddresses([fakeAddress]); await metamaskController.submitPassword(password); const identities = Object.keys(, ); const addresses = await metamaskController.keyringController.getAccounts(); identities.forEach((identity) => { assert.ok( addresses.includes(identity), `addresses should include all IDs: ${identity}`, ); }); addresses.forEach((address) => { assert.ok( identities.includes(address), `identities should include all Addresses: ${address}`, ); }); }); }); describe('#createNewVaultAndKeychain', function () { it('can only create new vault on keyringController once', async function () { const selectStub = sandbox.stub( metamaskController, 'selectFirstIdentity', ); const password = 'a-fake-password'; await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndKeychain(password); await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndKeychain(password); assert( metamaskController.keyringController.createNewVaultAndKeychain .calledOnce, ); selectStub.reset(); }); }); describe('#createNewVaultAndRestore', function () { it('should be able to call newVaultAndRestore despite a mistake.', async function () { const password = 'what-what-what'; sandbox.stub(metamaskController, 'getBalance'); metamaskController.getBalance.callsFake(() => { return Promise.resolve('0x0'); }); await metamaskController .createNewVaultAndRestore(password, TEST_SEED.slice(0, -1)) .catch(() => null); await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndRestore(password, TEST_SEED); assert( metamaskController.keyringController.createNewVaultAndRestore .calledTwice, ); }); it('should clear previous identities after vault restoration', async function () { sandbox.stub(metamaskController, 'getBalance'); metamaskController.getBalance.callsFake(() => { return Promise.resolve('0x0'); }); let startTime =; await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndRestore( 'foobar1337', TEST_SEED, ); let endTime =; const firstVaultIdentities = cloneDeep( metamaskController.getState().identities, ); assert.ok( firstVaultIdentities[TEST_ADDRESS].lastSelected >= startTime && firstVaultIdentities[TEST_ADDRESS].lastSelected <= endTime, `'${firstVaultIdentities[TEST_ADDRESS].lastSelected}' expected to be between '${startTime}' and '${endTime}'`, ); delete firstVaultIdentities[TEST_ADDRESS].lastSelected; assert.deepEqual(firstVaultIdentities, { [TEST_ADDRESS]: { address: TEST_ADDRESS, name: DEFAULT_LABEL }, }); await metamaskController.preferencesController.setAccountLabel( TEST_ADDRESS, 'Account Foo', ); const labelledFirstVaultIdentities = cloneDeep( metamaskController.getState().identities, ); delete labelledFirstVaultIdentities[TEST_ADDRESS].lastSelected; assert.deepEqual(labelledFirstVaultIdentities, { [TEST_ADDRESS]: { address: TEST_ADDRESS, name: 'Account Foo' }, }); startTime =; await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndRestore( 'foobar1337', TEST_SEED_ALT, ); endTime =; const secondVaultIdentities = cloneDeep( metamaskController.getState().identities, ); assert.ok( secondVaultIdentities[TEST_ADDRESS_ALT].lastSelected >= startTime && secondVaultIdentities[TEST_ADDRESS_ALT].lastSelected <= endTime, `'${secondVaultIdentities[TEST_ADDRESS_ALT].lastSelected}' expected to be between '${startTime}' and '${endTime}'`, ); delete secondVaultIdentities[TEST_ADDRESS_ALT].lastSelected; assert.deepEqual(secondVaultIdentities, { [TEST_ADDRESS_ALT]: { address: TEST_ADDRESS_ALT, name: DEFAULT_LABEL, }, }); }); it('should restore any consecutive accounts with balances without extra zero balance accounts', async function () { sandbox.stub(metamaskController, 'getBalance'); metamaskController.getBalance.withArgs(TEST_ADDRESS).callsFake(() => { return Promise.resolve('0x14ced5122ce0a000'); }); metamaskController.getBalance.withArgs(TEST_ADDRESS_2).callsFake(() => { return Promise.resolve('0x0'); }); metamaskController.getBalance.withArgs(TEST_ADDRESS_3).callsFake(() => { return Promise.resolve('0x14ced5122ce0a000'); }); const startTime =; await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndRestore( 'foobar1337', TEST_SEED, ); const identities = cloneDeep(metamaskController.getState().identities); assert.ok( identities[TEST_ADDRESS].lastSelected >= startTime && identities[TEST_ADDRESS].lastSelected <=, ); delete identities[TEST_ADDRESS].lastSelected; assert.deepEqual(identities, { [TEST_ADDRESS]: { address: TEST_ADDRESS, name: DEFAULT_LABEL }, }); }); }); describe('#getBalance', function () { it('should return the balance known by accountTracker', async function () { const accounts = {}; const balance = '0x14ced5122ce0a000'; accounts[TEST_ADDRESS] = { balance };{ accounts }); const gotten = await metamaskController.getBalance(TEST_ADDRESS); assert.equal(balance, gotten); }); it('should ask the network for a balance when not known by accountTracker', async function () { const accounts = {}; const balance = '0x14ced5122ce0a000'; const ethQuery = new EthQuery(); sinon.stub(ethQuery, 'getBalance').callsFake((_, callback) => { callback(undefined, balance); });{ accounts }); const gotten = await metamaskController.getBalance( TEST_ADDRESS, ethQuery, ); assert.equal(balance, gotten); }); }); describe('#getApi', function () { it('getState', function () { const getApi = metamaskController.getApi(); const state = getApi.getState(); assert.deepEqual(state, metamaskController.getState()); }); }); describe('#selectFirstIdentity', function () { let identities, address; beforeEach(function () { address = '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc'; identities = { '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc': { address, name: 'Account 1', }, '0xc42edfcc21ed14dda456aa0756c153f7985d8813': { address: '0xc42edfcc21ed14dda456aa0756c153f7985d8813', name: 'Account 2', }, };{ identities, }); metamaskController.selectFirstIdentity(); }); it('changes preferences controller select address', function () { const preferenceControllerState =; assert.equal(preferenceControllerState.selectedAddress, address); }); it('changes metamask controller selected address', function () { const metamaskState = metamaskController.getState(); assert.equal(metamaskState.selectedAddress, address); }); }); describe('connectHardware', function () { it('should throw if it receives an unknown device name', async function () { try { await metamaskController.connectHardware( 'Some random device name', 0, `m/44/0'/0'`, ); } catch (e) { assert.equal( e.message, 'MetamaskController:getKeyringForDevice - Unknown device', ); } }); it('should add the Trezor Hardware keyring', async function () { sinon.spy(metamaskController.keyringController, 'addNewKeyring'); await metamaskController .connectHardware(HardwareDeviceNames.trezor, 0) .catch(() => null); const keyrings = await metamaskController.coreKeyringController.getKeyringsByType( KeyringType.trezor, ); assert.deepEqual( metamaskController.keyringController.addNewKeyring.getCall(0).args, [KeyringType.trezor], ); assert.equal(keyrings.length, 1); }); it('should add the Ledger Hardware keyring', async function () { sinon.spy(metamaskController.keyringController, 'addNewKeyring'); await metamaskController .connectHardware(HardwareDeviceNames.ledger, 0) .catch(() => null); const keyrings = await metamaskController.coreKeyringController.getKeyringsByType( KeyringType.ledger, ); assert.deepEqual( metamaskController.keyringController.addNewKeyring.getCall(0).args, [KeyringType.ledger], ); assert.equal(keyrings.length, 1); }); }); describe('getPrimaryKeyringMnemonic', function () { it('should return a mnemonic as a Uint8Array', function () { const mockMnemonic = 'above mercy benefit hospital call oval domain student sphere interest argue shock'; const mnemonicIndices = mockMnemonic .split(' ') .map((word) => englishWordlist.indexOf(word)); const uint8ArrayMnemonic = new Uint8Array( new Uint16Array(mnemonicIndices).buffer, ); const mockHDKeyring = { type: 'HD Key Tree', mnemonic: uint8ArrayMnemonic, }; sinon .stub(metamaskController.coreKeyringController, 'getKeyringsByType') .returns([mockHDKeyring]); const recoveredMnemonic = metamaskController.getPrimaryKeyringMnemonic(); assert.equal(recoveredMnemonic, uint8ArrayMnemonic); }); }); describe('checkHardwareStatus', function () { it('should throw if it receives an unknown device name', async function () { try { await metamaskController.checkHardwareStatus( 'Some random device name', `m/44/0'/0'`, ); } catch (e) { assert.equal( e.message, 'MetamaskController:getKeyringForDevice - Unknown device', ); } }); it('should be locked by default', async function () { await metamaskController .connectHardware(HardwareDeviceNames.trezor, 0) .catch(() => null); const status = await metamaskController.checkHardwareStatus( HardwareDeviceNames.trezor, ); assert.equal(status, false); }); }); describe('forgetDevice', function () { it('should throw if it receives an unknown device name', async function () { try { await metamaskController.forgetDevice('Some random device name'); } catch (e) { assert.equal( e.message, 'MetamaskController:getKeyringForDevice - Unknown device', ); } }); it('should wipe all the keyring info', async function () { await metamaskController .connectHardware(HardwareDeviceNames.trezor, 0) .catch(() => null); await metamaskController.forgetDevice(HardwareDeviceNames.trezor); const keyrings = await metamaskController.coreKeyringController.getKeyringsByType( KeyringType.trezor, ); assert.deepEqual(keyrings[0].accounts, []); assert.deepEqual(keyrings[0].page, 0); assert.deepEqual(keyrings[0].isUnlocked(), false); }); }); describe('unlockHardwareWalletAccount', function () { let accountToUnlock; let windowOpenStub; let addNewAccountStub; let getAccountsStub; beforeEach(async function () { accountToUnlock = 10; windowOpenStub = sinon.stub(window, 'open'); windowOpenStub.returns(noop); addNewAccountStub = sinon.stub( metamaskController.keyringController, 'addNewAccount', ); addNewAccountStub.returns({}); getAccountsStub = sinon.stub( metamaskController.keyringController, 'getAccounts', ); // Need to return different address to mock the behavior of // adding a new account from the keyring getAccountsStub.onCall(0).returns(Promise.resolve(['0x1'])); getAccountsStub.onCall(1).returns(Promise.resolve(['0x2'])); getAccountsStub.onCall(2).returns(Promise.resolve(['0x3'])); getAccountsStub.onCall(3).returns(Promise.resolve(['0x4'])); sinon.spy(metamaskController.preferencesController, 'setAddresses'); sinon.spy( metamaskController.preferencesController, 'setSelectedAddress', ); sinon.spy(metamaskController.preferencesController, 'setAccountLabel'); await metamaskController .connectHardware(HardwareDeviceNames.trezor, 0, `m/44'/1'/0'/0`) .catch(() => null); await metamaskController.unlockHardwareWalletAccount( accountToUnlock, HardwareDeviceNames.trezor, `m/44'/1'/0'/0`, ); }); afterEach(function () {; metamaskController.keyringController.addNewAccount.restore(); metamaskController.keyringController.getAccounts.restore(); metamaskController.preferencesController.setAddresses.restore(); metamaskController.preferencesController.setSelectedAddress.restore(); metamaskController.preferencesController.setAccountLabel.restore(); }); it('should set unlockedAccount in the keyring', async function () { const keyrings = await metamaskController.coreKeyringController.getKeyringsByType( KeyringType.trezor, ); assert.equal(keyrings[0].unlockedAccount, accountToUnlock); }); it('should call keyringController.addNewAccount', async function () { assert(metamaskController.keyringController.addNewAccount.calledOnce); }); it('should call keyringController.getAccounts ', async function () { assert(metamaskController.keyringController.getAccounts.called); }); it('should call preferencesController.setAddresses', async function () { assert( metamaskController.preferencesController.setAddresses.calledOnce, ); }); it('should call preferencesController.setSelectedAddress', async function () { assert( metamaskController.preferencesController.setSelectedAddress .calledOnce, ); }); it('should call preferencesController.setAccountLabel', async function () { assert( metamaskController.preferencesController.setAccountLabel.calledOnce, ); }); }); describe('#addNewAccount', function () { it('errors when an primary keyring is does not exist', async function () { const addNewAccount = metamaskController.addNewAccount(); try { await addNewAccount;'should throw'); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'MetamaskController - No HD Key Tree found'); } }); }); describe('#verifyseedPhrase', function () { it('errors when no keying is provided', async function () { try { await metamaskController.verifySeedPhrase(); } catch (error) { assert.equal( error.message, 'MetamaskController - No HD Key Tree found', ); } }); it('#addNewAccount', async function () { await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndKeychain('password'); await metamaskController.addNewAccount(1); const getAccounts = await metamaskController.keyringController.getAccounts(); assert.equal(getAccounts.length, 2); }); }); describe('#resetAccount', function () { it('wipes transactions from only the correct network id and with the selected address', async function () { const selectedAddressStub = sinon.stub( metamaskController.preferencesController, 'getSelectedAddress', ); const getNetworkIdStub = sinon.stub( metamaskController.txController.txStateManager, 'getNetworkId', ); selectedAddressStub.returns( '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc', ); getNetworkIdStub.returns(42); metamaskController.txController.txStateManager._addTransactionsToState([ createTxMeta({ id: 1, status: TransactionStatus.unapproved, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: { from: '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc' }, }), createTxMeta({ id: 1, status: TransactionStatus.unapproved, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: { from: '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc' }, }), createTxMeta({ id: 2, status: TransactionStatus.rejected, metamaskNetworkId: '32', }), createTxMeta({ id: 3, status: TransactionStatus.submitted, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: { from: '0xB09d8505E1F4EF1CeA089D47094f5DD3464083d4' }, }), ]); await metamaskController.resetAccount(); assert.equal( metamaskController.txController.txStateManager.getTransaction(1), undefined, ); }); }); describe('#removeAccount', function () { let ret; const addressToRemove = '0x1'; let mockKeyring; beforeEach(async function () { mockKeyring = { getAccounts: sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve([])), destroy: sinon.stub(), }; sinon.stub(metamaskController.preferencesController, 'removeAddress'); sinon.stub(metamaskController.accountTracker, 'removeAccount'); sinon.stub(metamaskController.keyringController, 'removeAccount'); sinon.stub(metamaskController, 'removeAllAccountPermissions'); sinon .stub( metamaskController.coreKeyringController, 'getKeyringForAccount', ) .returns(Promise.resolve(mockKeyring)); ret = await metamaskController.removeAccount(addressToRemove); }); afterEach(function () { metamaskController.keyringController.removeAccount.restore(); metamaskController.accountTracker.removeAccount.restore(); metamaskController.preferencesController.removeAddress.restore(); metamaskController.removeAllAccountPermissions.restore(); mockKeyring.getAccounts.resetHistory(); mockKeyring.destroy.resetHistory(); }); it('should call preferencesController.removeAddress', async function () { assert( metamaskController.preferencesController.removeAddress.calledWith( addressToRemove, ), ); }); it('should call accountTracker.removeAccount', async function () { assert( metamaskController.accountTracker.removeAccount.calledWith([ addressToRemove, ]), ); }); it('should call keyringController.removeAccount', async function () { assert( metamaskController.keyringController.removeAccount.calledWith( addressToRemove, ), ); }); it('should call metamaskController.removeAllAccountPermissions', async function () { assert( metamaskController.removeAllAccountPermissions.calledWith( addressToRemove, ), ); }); it('should return address', async function () { assert.equal(ret, '0x1'); }); it('should call coreKeyringController.getKeyringForAccount', async function () { assert( metamaskController.coreKeyringController.getKeyringForAccount.calledWith( addressToRemove, ), ); }); it('should call keyring.destroy', async function () { assert(mockKeyring.destroy.calledOnce); }); }); describe('#setupUntrustedCommunication', function () { const mockTxParams = { from: TEST_ADDRESS }; beforeEach(function () { initializeMockMiddlewareLog(); }); after(function () { tearDownMockMiddlewareLog(); }); it('sets up phishing stream for untrusted communication', async function () { const phishingMessageSender = { url: '', tab: {}, }; const { promise, resolve } = deferredPromise(); const streamTest = createThoughStream((chunk, _, cb) => { if ( !== 'phishing') { cb(); return; } assert.equal(, new URL(phishingMessageSender.url).hostname, ); resolve(); cb(); }); metamaskController.setupUntrustedCommunication({ connectionStream: streamTest, sender: phishingMessageSender, }); await promise; streamTest.end(); }); it('adds a tabId and origin to requests', function (done) { const messageSender = { url: '', tab: { id: 456 }, }; const streamTest = createThoughStream((chunk, _, cb) => { if ( && { cb(null, chunk); return; } cb(); }); metamaskController.setupUntrustedCommunication({ connectionStream: streamTest, sender: messageSender, }); const message = { id: 1999133338649204, jsonrpc: '2.0', params: [{ ...mockTxParams }], method: 'eth_sendTransaction', }; streamTest.write( { name: 'metamask-provider', data: message, }, null, () => { setTimeout(() => { assert.deepStrictEqual(loggerMiddlewareMock.requests[0], { ...message, origin: '', tabId: 456, }); done(); }); }, ); }); it('should add only origin to request if tabId not provided', function (done) { const messageSender = { url: '', }; const streamTest = createThoughStream((chunk, _, cb) => { if ( && { cb(null, chunk); return; } cb(); }); metamaskController.setupUntrustedCommunication({ connectionStream: streamTest, sender: messageSender, }); const message = { id: 1999133338649204, jsonrpc: '2.0', params: [{ ...mockTxParams }], method: 'eth_sendTransaction', }; streamTest.write( { name: 'metamask-provider', data: message, }, null, () => { setTimeout(() => { assert.deepStrictEqual(loggerMiddlewareMock.requests[0], { ...message, origin: '', }); done(); }); }, ); }); }); describe('#setupTrustedCommunication', function () { it('sets up controller JSON-RPC api for trusted communication', async function () { const messageSender = { url: '', tab: {}, }; const { promise, resolve } = deferredPromise(); const streamTest = createThoughStream((chunk, _, cb) => { assert.equal(, 'controller'); resolve(); cb(); }); metamaskController.setupTrustedCommunication(streamTest, messageSender); await promise; streamTest.end(); }); }); describe('#markPasswordForgotten', function () { it('adds and sets forgottenPassword to config data to true', function () { metamaskController.markPasswordForgotten(noop); const state = metamaskController.getState(); assert.equal(state.forgottenPassword, true); }); }); describe('#unMarkPasswordForgotten', function () { it('adds and sets forgottenPassword to config data to false', function () { metamaskController.unMarkPasswordForgotten(noop); const state = metamaskController.getState(); assert.equal(state.forgottenPassword, false); }); }); describe('#_onKeyringControllerUpdate', function () { it('should do nothing if there are no keyrings in state', async function () { const syncAddresses = sinon.fake(); const syncWithAddresses = sinon.fake(); sandbox.replace(metamaskController, 'preferencesController', { syncAddresses, }); sandbox.replace(metamaskController, 'accountTracker', { syncWithAddresses, }); const oldState = metamaskController.getState(); await metamaskController._onKeyringControllerUpdate({ keyrings: [] }); assert.ok(syncAddresses.notCalled); assert.ok(syncWithAddresses.notCalled); assert.deepEqual(metamaskController.getState(), oldState); }); it('should sync addresses if there are keyrings in state', async function () { const syncAddresses = sinon.fake(); const syncWithAddresses = sinon.fake(); sandbox.replace(metamaskController, 'preferencesController', { syncAddresses, }); sandbox.replace(metamaskController, 'accountTracker', { syncWithAddresses, }); const oldState = metamaskController.getState(); await metamaskController._onKeyringControllerUpdate({ keyrings: [ { accounts: ['0x1', '0x2'], }, ], }); assert.deepEqual(syncAddresses.args, [[['0x1', '0x2']]]); assert.deepEqual(syncWithAddresses.args, [[['0x1', '0x2']]]); assert.deepEqual(metamaskController.getState(), oldState); }); it('should NOT update selected address if already unlocked', async function () { const syncAddresses = sinon.fake(); const syncWithAddresses = sinon.fake(); sandbox.replace(metamaskController, 'preferencesController', { syncAddresses, }); sandbox.replace(metamaskController, 'accountTracker', { syncWithAddresses, }); const oldState = metamaskController.getState(); await metamaskController._onKeyringControllerUpdate({ isUnlocked: true, keyrings: [ { accounts: ['0x1', '0x2'], }, ], }); assert.deepEqual(syncAddresses.args, [[['0x1', '0x2']]]); assert.deepEqual(syncWithAddresses.args, [[['0x1', '0x2']]]); assert.deepEqual(metamaskController.getState(), oldState); }); }); describe('markNotificationsAsRead', function () { it('marks the notification as read', function () { metamaskController.markNotificationsAsRead([NOTIFICATION_ID]); const readNotification = metamaskController.getState().notifications[NOTIFICATION_ID]; assert.notEqual(readNotification.readDate, null); }); }); describe('dismissNotifications', function () { it('deletes the notification from state', function () { metamaskController.dismissNotifications([NOTIFICATION_ID]); const state = metamaskController.getState().notifications; assert.ok( !Object.values(state).includes(NOTIFICATION_ID), 'Object should not include the deleted notification', ); }); }); describe('getTokenStandardAndDetails', function () { it('gets token data from the token list if available, and with a balance retrieved by fetchTokenBalance', async function () { const providerResultStub = { eth_getCode: '0x123', eth_call: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000029a2241af62c0000', }; const { provider } = createTestProviderTools({ scaffold: providerResultStub, networkId: '5', chainId: '5', }); const tokenData = { decimals: 18, symbol: 'DAI', }; metamaskController.tokenListController.update(() => { return { tokenList: { '0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f': tokenData, }, }; }); metamaskController.provider = provider; const tokenDetails = await metamaskController.getTokenStandardAndDetails( '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F', '0xf0d172594caedee459b89ad44c94098e474571b6', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.standard === 'ERC20', 'tokenDetails should include token standard in upper case', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.decimals === String(tokenData.decimals), 'tokenDetails should include token decimals as a string', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.symbol === tokenData.symbol, 'tokenDetails should include token symbol', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.balance === '3000000000000000000', 'tokenDetails should include a balance', ); }); it('gets token data from tokens if available, and with a balance retrieved by fetchTokenBalance', async function () { const providerResultStub = { eth_getCode: '0x123', eth_call: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000029a2241af62c0000', }; const { provider } = createTestProviderTools({ scaffold: providerResultStub, networkId: '5', chainId: '5', }); const tokenData = { decimals: 18, symbol: 'DAI', }; metamaskController.tokensController.update({ tokens: [ { address: '0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f', ...tokenData, }, ], }); metamaskController.provider = provider; const tokenDetails = await metamaskController.getTokenStandardAndDetails( '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F', '0xf0d172594caedee459b89ad44c94098e474571b6', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.standard === 'ERC20', 'tokenDetails should include token standard in upper case', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.decimals === String(tokenData.decimals), 'tokenDetails should include token decimals as a string', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.symbol === tokenData.symbol, 'tokenDetails should include token symbol', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.balance === '3000000000000000000', 'tokenDetails should include a balance', ); }); it('gets token data from contract-metadata if available, and with a balance retrieved by fetchTokenBalance', async function () { const providerResultStub = { eth_getCode: '0x123', eth_call: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000029a2241af62c0000', }; const { provider } = createTestProviderTools({ scaffold: providerResultStub, networkId: '5', chainId: '5', }); metamaskController.provider = provider; const tokenDetails = await metamaskController.getTokenStandardAndDetails( '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F', '0xf0d172594caedee459b89ad44c94098e474571b6', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.standard === 'ERC20', 'tokenDetails should include token standard in upper case', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.decimals === '18', 'tokenDetails should include token decimals as a string', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.symbol === 'DAI', 'tokenDetails should include token symbol', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.balance === '3000000000000000000', 'tokenDetails should include a balance', ); }); it('gets token data from the blockchain, via the assetsContractController, if not available through other sources', async function () { const providerResultStub = { eth_getCode: '0x123', eth_call: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000029a2241af62c0000', }; const { provider } = createTestProviderTools({ scaffold: providerResultStub, networkId: '5', chainId: '5', }); const tokenData = { standard: 'ERC20', decimals: 18, symbol: 'DAI', balance: '333', }; metamaskController.tokenListController.update(() => { return { tokenList: { '0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f': {}, }, }; }); metamaskController.provider = provider; sandbox .stub( metamaskController.assetsContractController, 'getTokenStandardAndDetails', ) .callsFake(() => { return tokenData; }); const tokenDetails = await metamaskController.getTokenStandardAndDetails( '0xNotInTokenList', '0xf0d172594caedee459b89ad44c94098e474571b6', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.standard === tokenData.standard.toUpperCase(), 'tokenDetails should include token standard in upper case', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.decimals === String(tokenData.decimals), 'tokenDetails should include token decimals as a string', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.symbol === tokenData.symbol, 'tokenDetails should include token symbol', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.balance === tokenData.balance, 'tokenDetails should include a balance', ); }); it('gets token data from the blockchain, via the assetsContractController, if it is in the token list but is an ERC721', async function () { const providerResultStub = { eth_getCode: '0x123', eth_call: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000029a2241af62c0000', }; const { provider } = createTestProviderTools({ scaffold: providerResultStub, networkId: '5', chainId: '5', }); const tokenData = { standard: 'ERC721', decimals: 18, symbol: 'DAI', balance: '333', }; metamaskController.tokenListController.update(() => { return { tokenList: { '0xaaa75474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f': tokenData, }, }; }); metamaskController.provider = provider; sandbox .stub( metamaskController.assetsContractController, 'getTokenStandardAndDetails', ) .callsFake(() => { return tokenData; }); const tokenDetails = await metamaskController.getTokenStandardAndDetails( '0xAAA75474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f', '0xf0d172594caedee459b89ad44c94098e474571b6', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.standard === tokenData.standard.toUpperCase(), 'tokenDetails should include token standard in upper case', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.decimals === String(tokenData.decimals), 'tokenDetails should include token decimals as a string', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.symbol === tokenData.symbol, 'tokenDetails should include token symbol', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.balance === tokenData.balance, 'tokenDetails should include a balance', ); }); it('gets token data from the blockchain, via the assetsContractController, if it is in the token list but is an ERC1155', async function () { const providerResultStub = { eth_getCode: '0x123', eth_call: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000029a2241af62c0000', }; const { provider } = createTestProviderTools({ scaffold: providerResultStub, networkId: '5', chainId: '5', }); const tokenData = { standard: 'ERC1155', decimals: 18, symbol: 'DAI', balance: '333', }; metamaskController.tokenListController.update(() => { return { tokenList: { '0xaaa75474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f': tokenData, }, }; }); metamaskController.provider = provider; sandbox .stub( metamaskController.assetsContractController, 'getTokenStandardAndDetails', ) .callsFake(() => { return tokenData; }); const tokenDetails = await metamaskController.getTokenStandardAndDetails( '0xAAA75474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f', '0xf0d172594caedee459b89ad44c94098e474571b6', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.standard === tokenData.standard.toUpperCase(), 'tokenDetails should include token standard in upper case', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.decimals === String(tokenData.decimals), 'tokenDetails should include token decimals as a string', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.symbol === tokenData.symbol, 'tokenDetails should include token symbol', ); assert.ok( tokenDetails.balance === tokenData.balance, 'tokenDetails should include a balance', ); }); describe('findNetworkConfigurationBy', function () { it('returns null if passed an object containing a valid networkConfiguration key but no matching value is found', function () { assert.strictEqual( metamaskController.findNetworkConfigurationBy({ chainId: '0xnone', }), null, ); }); it('returns null if passed an object containing an invalid networkConfiguration key', function () { assert.strictEqual( metamaskController.findNetworkConfigurationBy({ invalidKey: '0xnone', }), null, ); }); it('returns matching networkConfiguration when passed a chainId that matches an existing configuration', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( metamaskController.findNetworkConfigurationBy({ chainId: MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, }), { chainId: MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, nickname: 'Alt Mainnet', id: NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_1, rpcUrl: ALT_MAINNET_RPC_URL, ticker: ETH, type: NETWORK_TYPES.RPC, }, ); }); it('returns matching networkConfiguration when passed a ticker that matches an existing configuration', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( metamaskController.findNetworkConfigurationBy({ ticker: MATIC, }), { rpcUrl: POLYGON_RPC_URL, type: NETWORK_TYPES.RPC, chainId: POLYGON_CHAIN_ID, ticker: MATIC, nickname: 'Polygon', id: NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_2, }, ); }); it('returns matching networkConfiguration when passed a nickname that matches an existing configuration', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( metamaskController.findNetworkConfigurationBy({ nickname: 'Alt Mainnet', }), { chainId: MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, nickname: 'Alt Mainnet', id: NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_1, rpcUrl: ALT_MAINNET_RPC_URL, ticker: ETH, type: NETWORK_TYPES.RPC, }, ); }); it('returns null if passed an object containing mismatched networkConfiguration key/value combination', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( metamaskController.findNetworkConfigurationBy({ nickname: MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, }), null, ); }); it('returns the first networkConfiguration added if passed an key/value combination for which there are multiple matching configurations', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( metamaskController.findNetworkConfigurationBy({ chainId: POLYGON_CHAIN_ID, }), { rpcUrl: POLYGON_RPC_URL, type: NETWORK_TYPES.RPC, chainId: POLYGON_CHAIN_ID, ticker: MATIC, nickname: 'Polygon', id: NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_ID_2, }, ); }); }); }); }); describe('MV3 Specific behaviour', function () { before(async function () { globalThis.isFirstTimeProfileLoaded = true; }); beforeEach(async function () { sandbox.spy(MetaMaskControllerMV3.prototype, 'resetStates'); }); it('it should reset state', function () {; const metamaskControllerMV3 = new MetaMaskControllerMV3({ showUserConfirmation: noop, encryptor: { encrypt(_, object) { this.object = object; return Promise.resolve('mock-encrypted'); }, decrypt() { return Promise.resolve(this.object); }, }, initState: cloneDeep(firstTimeState), initLangCode: 'en_US', platform: { showTransactionNotification: () => undefined, getVersion: () => 'foo', }, browser: browserPolyfillMock, infuraProjectId: 'foo', isFirstMetaMaskControllerSetup: true, }); assert.equal(metamaskControllerMV3.resetStates.callCount, 1); assert.equal(, 1); assert.deepEqual([0], { isFirstMetaMaskControllerSetup: false, }, ); }); it('in mv3, it should not reset states if isFirstMetaMaskControllerSetup is false', function () {; const metamaskControllerMV3 = new MetaMaskControllerMV3({ showUserConfirmation: noop, encryptor: { encrypt(_, object) { this.object = object; return Promise.resolve('mock-encrypted'); }, decrypt() { return Promise.resolve(this.object); }, }, initState: cloneDeep(firstTimeState), initLangCode: 'en_US', platform: { showTransactionNotification: () => undefined, getVersion: () => 'foo', }, browser: browserPolyfillMock, infuraProjectId: 'foo', isFirstMetaMaskControllerSetup: false, }); assert.equal(metamaskControllerMV3.resetStates.callCount, 0); assert.equal(, 0); }); }); });