import React from 'react'; import { COLORS, DISPLAY, BACKGROUND_COLORS, BORDER_COLORS, FONT_WEIGHT, FONT_STYLE, TEXT_COLORS, TEXT_ALIGN, TEXT, OVERFLOW_WRAP, TEXT_TRANSFORM, FRACTIONS, FLEX_DIRECTION, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import Box from '../../ui/box'; import { ValidTags, Text } from './text'; import { TEXT_DIRECTIONS } from './text.constants'; import README from './README.mdx'; const sizeKnobOptions = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]; const marginSizeKnobOptions = [...sizeKnobOptions, 'auto']; export default { title: 'Components/ComponentLibrary/Text', parameters: { docs: { page: README, }, }, argTypes: { variant: { control: { type: 'select' }, options: Object.values(TEXT), }, color: { control: { type: 'select' }, options: Object.values(TEXT_COLORS), }, fontWeight: { control: { type: 'select' }, options: Object.values(FONT_WEIGHT), }, fontStyle: { control: { type: 'select' }, options: Object.values(FONT_STYLE), }, textTransform: { control: { type: 'select' }, options: Object.values(TEXT_TRANSFORM), }, align: { control: { type: 'select' }, options: Object.values(TEXT_ALIGN), }, overflowWrap: { control: { type: 'select' }, options: Object.values(OVERFLOW_WRAP), }, ellipsis: { control: { type: 'boolean' }, }, as: { control: { type: 'select' }, options: ValidTags, }, textDirection: { control: { type: 'select' }, options: Object.values(TEXT_DIRECTIONS), }, className: { control: { type: 'text' }, }, children: { control: { type: 'text' }, }, display: { options: Object.values(DISPLAY), control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, backgroundColor: { options: Object.values(BACKGROUND_COLORS), control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, borderColor: { options: Object.values(BORDER_COLORS), control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, padding: { options: sizeKnobOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, margin: { options: marginSizeKnobOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, marginTop: { options: marginSizeKnobOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, marginRight: { options: marginSizeKnobOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, marginBottom: { options: marginSizeKnobOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, marginLeft: { options: marginSizeKnobOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, }, }; function renderBackgroundColor(color) { let bgColor; switch (color) { case COLORS.OVERLAY_INVERSE: bgColor = COLORS.OVERLAY_DEFAULT; break; case COLORS.PRIMARY_INVERSE: bgColor = COLORS.PRIMARY_DEFAULT; break; case COLORS.ERROR_INVERSE: bgColor = COLORS.ERROR_DEFAULT; break; case COLORS.WARNING_INVERSE: bgColor = COLORS.WARNING_DEFAULT; break; case COLORS.SUCCESS_INVERSE: bgColor = COLORS.SUCCESS_DEFAULT; break; case COLORS.INFO_INVERSE: bgColor = COLORS.INFO_DEFAULT; break; default: bgColor = null; break; } return bgColor; } export const DefaultStory = (args) => {args.children}; DefaultStory.storyName = 'Default'; DefaultStory.args = { children: 'The quick orange fox jumped over the lazy dog.', }; export const Variant = (args) => ( <> {Object.values(TEXT).map((variant) => ( {args.children || variant} ))} ); export const Color = (args) => { // Index of last valid color in TEXT_COLORS array return ( <> {Object.values(TEXT_COLORS).map((color) => { return ( {color} ); })} ); }; export const FontWeight = (args) => ( <> {Object.values(FONT_WEIGHT).map((weight) => ( {weight} ))} ); export const FontStyle = (args) => ( <> {Object.values(FONT_STYLE).map((style) => ( {style} ))} ); export const TextTransform = (args) => ( <> {Object.values(TEXT_TRANSFORM).map((transform) => ( {transform} ))} ); export const TextAlign = (args) => ( <> {Object.values(TEXT_ALIGN).map((align) => ( {align} ))} ); export const OverflowWrap = (args) => ( {OVERFLOW_WRAP.NORMAL}: 0x39013f961c378f02c2b82a6e1d31e9812786fd9d {OVERFLOW_WRAP.BREAK_WORD}: 0x39013f961c378f02c2b82a6e1d31e9812786fd9d ); export const Ellipsis = (args) => ( Ellipsis: 0x39013f961c378f02c2b82a6e1d31e9812786fd9d No Ellipsis: 0x39013f961c378f02c2b82a6e1d31e9812786fd9d ); export const As = (args) => ( <> { => { if (tag === 'input') { return ; } return (
); })} ); export const TextDirection = (args) => ( This is left to right (ltr) for English and most languages This is right to left (rtl) for use with other laguanges such as Arabic. This Enlgish example is incorrect usage. Let the user agent decide with the auto option );