const { strict: assert } = require('assert');
const {
} = require('../helpers');

describe('Sign Typed Data V4 Signature Request', function () {
  it('can initiate and confirm a Signature Request', async function () {
    const ganacheOptions = {
      accounts: [
          balance: convertToHexValue(25000000000000000000),
    const publicAddress = '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1';
    await withFixtures(
        dapp: true,
        fixtures: 'connected-state',
        title: this.test.title,
      async ({ driver }) => {
        await driver.navigate();
        await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple');
        await'#password', driver.Key.ENTER);

        await driver.openNewPage('');

        // creates a sign typed data signature request
        await driver.clickElement('#signTypedDataV4');

        await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(3);
        let windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
        await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle(
          'MetaMask Notification',

        const title = await driver.findElement(
        const name = await driver.findElement(
        const content = await driver.findElements(
        const origin = content[0];
        const address = content[1];
        const message = await driver.findElement(
        assert.equal(await title.getText(), 'Signature Request');
        assert.equal(await name.getText(), 'Ether Mail');
        assert.equal(await origin.getText(), '');
          await address.getText(),
          `${publicAddress.slice(0, 8)}...${publicAddress.slice(
            publicAddress.length - 8,
        assert.equal(await message.getText(), 'Hello, Bob!');
        // Approve signing typed data
        await driver.clickElement(
        await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
        await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Sign', tag: 'button' });
        await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2);
        windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();

        // switch to the Dapp and verify the signed addressed
        await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle('E2E Test Dapp', windowHandles);
        await driver.clickElement('#signTypedDataV4Verify');
        const recoveredAddress = await driver.findElement(
        assert.equal(await recoveredAddress.getText(), publicAddress);

describe('Sign Typed Data V3 Signature Request', function () {
  it('can initiate and confirm a Signature Request', async function () {
    const ganacheOptions = {
      accounts: [
          balance: convertToHexValue(25000000000000000000),
    const publicAddress = '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1';
    await withFixtures(
        dapp: true,
        fixtures: 'connected-state',
        title: this.test.title,
      async ({ driver }) => {
        await driver.navigate();
        await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple');
        await'#password', driver.Key.ENTER);

        await driver.openNewPage('');

        // creates a sign typed data signature request
        await driver.clickElement('#signTypedDataV3');

        await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(3);
        let windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
        await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle(
          'MetaMask Notification',

        const title = await driver.findElement(
        const name = await driver.findElement(
        const content = await driver.findElements(
        const origin = content[0];
        const address = content[1];
        const messages = await driver.findElements(
        assert.equal(await title.getText(), 'Signature Request');
        assert.equal(await name.getText(), 'Ether Mail');
        assert.equal(await origin.getText(), '');
          await address.getText(),
          `${publicAddress.slice(0, 8)}...${publicAddress.slice(
            publicAddress.length - 8,
        assert.equal(await messages[4].getText(), 'Hello, Bob!');

        // Approve signing typed data
        await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Sign', tag: 'button' });
        await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2);
        windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();

        // switch to the Dapp and verify the signed addressed
        await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle('E2E Test Dapp', windowHandles);
        await driver.clickElement('#signTypedDataV3Verify');
        const recoveredAddress = await driver.findElement(
        assert.equal(await recoveredAddress.getText(), publicAddress);

describe('Sign Typed Data Signature Request', function () {
  it('can initiate and confirm a Signature Request', async function () {
    const ganacheOptions = {
      accounts: [
          balance: convertToHexValue(25000000000000000000),
    const publicAddress = '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1';
    await withFixtures(
        dapp: true,
        fixtures: 'connected-state',
        title: this.test.title,
      async ({ driver }) => {
        await driver.navigate();
        await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple');
        await'#password', driver.Key.ENTER);

        await driver.openNewPage('');

        // creates a sign typed data signature request
        await driver.clickElement('#signTypedData');

        await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(3);
        let windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
        await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle(
          'MetaMask Notification',

        const title = await driver.findElement(
        const origin = await driver.findElement('.request-signature__origin');
        const message = await driver.findElements(
        assert.equal(await title.getText(), 'Signature Request');
        assert.equal(await origin.getText(), '');
        assert.equal(await message[0].getText(), 'Hi, Alice!');
        assert.equal(await message[1].getText(), '1337');

        // Approve signing typed data
        await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Sign', tag: 'button' });
        await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2);
        windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();

        // switch to the Dapp and verify the signed addressed
        await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle('E2E Test Dapp', windowHandles);
        await driver.clickElement('#signTypedDataVerify');
        const recoveredAddress = await driver.findElement(
        assert.equal(await recoveredAddress.getText(), publicAddress);