import { Contract } from '@ethersproject/contracts'; import { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers'; import buildUnserializedTransaction from './buildUnserializedTransaction'; // Snippet of the ABI that we need // Should we need more of it at some point, the full ABI can be found here: // const OPTIMISM_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_ABI = [ { inputs: [{ internalType: 'bytes', name: '_data', type: 'bytes' }], name: 'getL1Fee', outputs: [{ internalType: 'uint256', name: '', type: 'uint256' }], stateMutability: 'view', type: 'function', }, ]; // BlockExplorer link: const OPTIMISM_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_ADDRESS = '0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F'; export default async function fetchEstimatedL1Fee(txMeta, ethersProvider) { const provider = global.ethereumProvider ? new Web3Provider(global.ethereumProvider, 10) : ethersProvider; if (process.env.IN_TEST) { provider.detectNetwork = async () => ({ name: 'optimism', chainId: 10, }); } const contract = new Contract( OPTIMISM_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_ADDRESS, OPTIMISM_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_ABI, provider, ); const serializedTransaction = buildUnserializedTransaction(txMeta).serialize(); const result = await contract.getL1Fee(serializedTransaction); return result?.toHexString(); }