import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import { TRANSACTION_ENVELOPE_TYPES } from '../constants/transaction'; import { conversionUtil, multiplyCurrencies, subtractCurrencies, } from '../modules/conversion.utils'; import { isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol } from '../modules/swaps.utils'; const TOKEN_TRANSFER_LOG_TOPIC_HASH = '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef'; export const TRANSACTION_NO_CONTRACT_ERROR_KEY = 'transactionErrorNoContract'; export const TEN_SECONDS_IN_MILLISECONDS = 10_000; export function calcGasTotal(gasLimit = '0', gasPrice = '0') { return multiplyCurrencies(gasLimit, gasPrice, { toNumericBase: 'hex', multiplicandBase: 16, multiplierBase: 16, }); } /** * Given a number and specified precision, returns that number in base 10 with a maximum of precision * significant digits, but without any trailing zeros after the decimal point To be used when wishing * to display only as much digits to the user as necessary * * @param {string | number | BigNumber} n - The number to format * @param {number} precision - The maximum number of significant digits in the return value * @returns {string} The number in decimal form, with <= precision significant digits and no decimal trailing zeros */ export function toPrecisionWithoutTrailingZeros(n, precision) { return new BigNumber(n) .toPrecision(precision) .replace(/(\.[0-9]*[1-9])0*|(\.0*)/u, '$1'); } export function calcTokenAmount(value, decimals) { const multiplier = Math.pow(10, Number(decimals || 0)); return new BigNumber(String(value)).div(multiplier); } export function getSwapsTokensReceivedFromTxMeta( tokenSymbol, txMeta, tokenAddress, accountAddress, tokenDecimals, approvalTxMeta, chainId, ) { const txReceipt = txMeta?.txReceipt; const networkAndAccountSupports1559 = txMeta?.txReceipt?.type === TRANSACTION_ENVELOPE_TYPES.FEE_MARKET; if (isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol(tokenSymbol, chainId)) { if ( !txReceipt || !txMeta || !txMeta.postTxBalance || !txMeta.preTxBalance ) { return null; } if (txMeta.swapMetaData && txMeta.preTxBalance === txMeta.postTxBalance) { // If preTxBalance and postTxBalance are equal, postTxBalance hasn't been updated on time // because of the RPC provider delay, so we return an estimated receiving amount instead. return txMeta.swapMetaData.token_to_amount; } let approvalTxGasCost = '0x0'; if (approvalTxMeta && approvalTxMeta.txReceipt) { approvalTxGasCost = calcGasTotal( approvalTxMeta.txReceipt.gasUsed, networkAndAccountSupports1559 ? approvalTxMeta.txReceipt.effectiveGasPrice // Base fee + priority fee. : approvalTxMeta.txParams.gasPrice, ); } const gasCost = calcGasTotal( txReceipt.gasUsed, networkAndAccountSupports1559 ? txReceipt.effectiveGasPrice : txMeta.txParams.gasPrice, ); const totalGasCost = new BigNumber(gasCost, 16) .plus(approvalTxGasCost, 16) .toString(16); const preTxBalanceLessGasCost = subtractCurrencies( txMeta.preTxBalance, totalGasCost, { aBase: 16, bBase: 16, toNumericBase: 'hex', }, ); const ethReceived = subtractCurrencies( txMeta.postTxBalance, preTxBalanceLessGasCost, { aBase: 16, bBase: 16, fromDenomination: 'WEI', toDenomination: 'ETH', toNumericBase: 'dec', numberOfDecimals: 6, }, ); return ethReceived; } const txReceiptLogs = txReceipt?.logs; if (txReceiptLogs && txReceipt?.status !== '0x0') { const tokenTransferLog = txReceiptLogs.find((txReceiptLog) => { const isTokenTransfer = txReceiptLog.topics && txReceiptLog.topics[0] === TOKEN_TRANSFER_LOG_TOPIC_HASH; const isTransferFromGivenToken = txReceiptLog.address === tokenAddress; const isTransferFromGivenAddress = txReceiptLog.topics && txReceiptLog.topics[2] && txReceiptLog.topics[2].match(accountAddress.slice(2)); return ( isTokenTransfer && isTransferFromGivenToken && isTransferFromGivenAddress ); }); return tokenTransferLog ? toPrecisionWithoutTrailingZeros( calcTokenAmount(, tokenDecimals).toString(10), 6, ) : ''; } return null; } export const TRANSACTION_ENVELOPE_TYPE_NAMES = { FEE_MARKET: 'fee-market', LEGACY: 'legacy', }; export function hexWEIToDecGWEI(decGWEI) { return conversionUtil(decGWEI, { fromNumericBase: 'hex', toNumericBase: 'dec', fromDenomination: 'WEI', toDenomination: 'GWEI', }); } export function decimalToHex(decimal) { return conversionUtil(decimal, { fromNumericBase: 'dec', toNumericBase: 'hex', }); } export function hexWEIToDecETH(hexWEI) { return conversionUtil(hexWEI, { fromNumericBase: 'hex', toNumericBase: 'dec', fromDenomination: 'WEI', toDenomination: 'ETH', }); }