const { strict: assert } = require('assert'); const { withFixtures, defaultGanacheOptions, unlockWallet, } = require('../helpers'); const FixtureBuilder = require('../fixture-builder'); const { SMART_CONTRACTS } = require('../seeder/smart-contracts'); describe('Settings', function () { const smartContract = SMART_CONTRACTS.ERC1155; it('Should match the value of token list item and account list item for eth conversion', async function () { await withFixtures( { dapp: true, fixtures: new FixtureBuilder().build(), defaultGanacheOptions, smartContract, title: this.test.title, }, async ({ driver }) => { await driver.navigate(); await unlockWallet(driver); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="home__asset-tab"]'); const tokenValue = '0 ETH'; const tokenListAmount = await driver.findElement( '[data-testid="multichain-token-list-item-value"]', ); assert.equal(await tokenListAmount.getText(), tokenValue); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="account-menu-icon"]'); const accountTokenValue = await driver.waitForSelector( '.currency-display-component__text', ); assert.equal(await accountTokenValue.getText(), '0', `ETH`); }, ); }); it('Should match the value of token list item and account list item for fiat conversion', async function () { await withFixtures( { dapp: true, fixtures: new FixtureBuilder().build(), defaultGanacheOptions, smartContract, title: this.test.title, }, async ({ driver }) => { await driver.navigate(); await unlockWallet(driver); await driver.clickElement( '[data-testid="account-options-menu-button"]', ); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Settings', tag: 'div' }); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'General', tag: 'div', }); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Fiat', tag: 'label' }); await driver.clickElement( '.settings-page__header__title-container__close-button', ); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="home__asset-tab"]'); const tokenValue = '0 ETH'; const tokenListAmount = await driver.findElement( '[data-testid="multichain-token-list-item-value"]', ); assert.equal(await tokenListAmount.getText(), tokenValue); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="account-menu-icon"]'); const accountTokenValue = await driver.waitForSelector( '.currency-display-component__text', ); assert.equal(await accountTokenValue.getText(), '0', `ETH`); }, ); }); });