import { strict as assert } from 'assert' import EventEmitter from 'events' import ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util' import EthTx from 'ethereumjs-tx' import ObservableStore from 'obs-store' import sinon from 'sinon' import TransactionController from '../../../../../app/scripts/controllers/transactions' import { createTestProviderTools, getTestAccounts, } from '../../../../stub/provider' import { TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES, TRANSACTION_TYPES, } from '../../../../../shared/constants/transaction' const noop = () => true const currentNetworkId = '42' const currentChainId = '0x2a' describe('Transaction Controller', function () { let txController, provider, providerResultStub, fromAccount beforeEach(function () { providerResultStub = { // 1 gwei eth_gasPrice: '0x0de0b6b3a7640000', // by default, all accounts are external accounts (not contracts) eth_getCode: '0x', } provider = createTestProviderTools({ scaffold: providerResultStub }) .provider fromAccount = getTestAccounts()[0] const blockTrackerStub = new EventEmitter() blockTrackerStub.getCurrentBlock = noop blockTrackerStub.getLatestBlock = noop txController = new TransactionController({ provider, getGasPrice() { return '0xee6b2800' }, networkStore: new ObservableStore(currentNetworkId), txHistoryLimit: 10, blockTracker: blockTrackerStub, signTransaction: (ethTx) => new Promise((resolve) => { ethTx.sign(fromAccount.key) resolve() }), getPermittedAccounts: () => undefined, getCurrentChainId: () => currentChainId, getParticipateInMetrics: () => false, }) txController.nonceTracker.getNonceLock = () => Promise.resolve({ nextNonce: 0, releaseLock: noop }) }) describe('#getState', function () { it('should return a state object with the right keys and data types', function () { const exposedState = txController.getState() assert.ok( 'unapprovedTxs' in exposedState, 'state should have the key unapprovedTxs', ) assert.ok( 'currentNetworkTxList' in exposedState, 'state should have the key currentNetworkTxList', ) assert.ok( typeof exposedState?.unapprovedTxs === 'object', 'should be an object', ) assert.ok( Array.isArray(exposedState.currentNetworkTxList), 'should be an array', ) }) }) describe('#getUnapprovedTxCount', function () { it('should return the number of unapproved txs', function () { txController.txStateManager._saveTxList([ { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, { id: 2, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, { id: 3, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, ]) const unapprovedTxCount = txController.getUnapprovedTxCount() assert.equal(unapprovedTxCount, 3, 'should be 3') }) }) describe('#getPendingTxCount', function () { it('should return the number of pending txs', function () { txController.txStateManager._saveTxList([ { id: 1, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, { id: 2, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, { id: 3, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, ]) const pendingTxCount = txController.getPendingTxCount() assert.equal(pendingTxCount, 3, 'should be 3') }) }) describe('#getConfirmedTransactions', function () { it('should return the number of confirmed txs', function () { const address = '0xc684832530fcbddae4b4230a47e991ddcec2831d' const txParams = { from: address, to: '0xc684832530fcbddae4b4230a47e991ddcec2831d', } txController.txStateManager._saveTxList([ { id: 0, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams, history: [{}], }, { id: 1, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams, history: [{}], }, { id: 2, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams, history: [{}], }, { id: 3, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams, history: [{}], }, { id: 4, status: 'rejected', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams, history: [{}], }, { id: 5, status: 'approved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams, history: [{}], }, { id: 6, status: 'signed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams, history: [{}], }, { id: 7, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams, history: [{}], }, { id: 8, status: 'failed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams, history: [{}], }, ]) assert.equal( txController.nonceTracker.getConfirmedTransactions(address).length, 3, ) }) }) describe('#newUnapprovedTransaction', function () { let stub, txMeta, txParams beforeEach(function () { txParams = { from: '0xc684832530fcbddae4b4230a47e991ddcec2831d', to: '0xc684832530fcbddae4b4230a47e991ddcec2831d', } txMeta = { status: 'unapproved', id: 1, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams, history: [{}], } txController.txStateManager._saveTxList([txMeta]) stub = sinon .stub(txController, 'addUnapprovedTransaction') .callsFake(() => { txController.emit('newUnapprovedTx', txMeta) return Promise.resolve(txController.txStateManager.addTx(txMeta)) }) }) afterEach(function () { txController.txStateManager._saveTxList([]) stub.restore() }) it('should resolve when finished and status is submitted and resolve with the hash', async function () { txController.once('newUnapprovedTx', (txMetaFromEmit) => { setTimeout(() => { txController.setTxHash(, '0x0') txController.txStateManager.setTxStatusSubmitted( }) }) const hash = await txController.newUnapprovedTransaction(txParams) assert.ok(hash, 'newUnapprovedTransaction needs to return the hash') }) it('should reject when finished and status is rejected', async function () { txController.once('newUnapprovedTx', (txMetaFromEmit) => { setTimeout(() => { txController.txStateManager.setTxStatusRejected( }) }) await assert.rejects( () => txController.newUnapprovedTransaction(txParams), { message: 'MetaMask Tx Signature: User denied transaction signature.', }, ) }) }) describe('#addUnapprovedTransaction', function () { const selectedAddress = '0x1678a085c290ebd122dc42cba69373b5953b831d' let getSelectedAddress, getPermittedAccounts beforeEach(function () { getSelectedAddress = sinon .stub(txController, 'getSelectedAddress') .returns(selectedAddress) getPermittedAccounts = sinon .stub(txController, 'getPermittedAccounts') .returns([selectedAddress]) }) afterEach(function () { getSelectedAddress.restore() getPermittedAccounts.restore() }) it('should add an unapproved transaction and return a valid txMeta', async function () { const txMeta = await txController.addUnapprovedTransaction({ from: selectedAddress, }) assert.ok('id' in txMeta, 'should have a id') assert.ok('time' in txMeta, 'should have a time stamp') assert.ok( 'metamaskNetworkId' in txMeta, 'should have a metamaskNetworkId', ) assert.ok('txParams' in txMeta, 'should have a txParams') assert.ok('history' in txMeta, 'should have a history') assert.equal( txMeta.txParams.value, '0x0', 'should have added 0x0 as the value', ) const memTxMeta = txController.txStateManager.getTx( assert.deepEqual(txMeta, memTxMeta) }) it('should emit newUnapprovedTx event and pass txMeta as the first argument', function (done) { providerResultStub.eth_gasPrice = '4a817c800' txController.once('newUnapprovedTx', (txMetaFromEmit) => { assert.ok(txMetaFromEmit, 'txMeta is falsy') done() }) txController .addUnapprovedTransaction({ from: selectedAddress }) .catch(done) }) it("should fail if the from address isn't the selected address", async function () { await assert.rejects(() => txController.addUnapprovedTransaction({ from: '0x0d1d4e623D10F9FBA5Db95830F7d3839406C6AF2', }), ) }) it('should fail if netId is loading', async function () { txController.networkStore = new ObservableStore('loading') await assert.rejects( () => txController.addUnapprovedTransaction({ from: selectedAddress, to: '0x0d1d4e623D10F9FBA5Db95830F7d3839406C6AF2', }), { message: 'MetaMask is having trouble connecting to the network' }, ) }) }) describe('#addTxGasDefaults', function () { it('should add the tx defaults if their are none', async function () { txController.txStateManager._saveTxList([ { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, ]) const txMeta = { id: 1, txParams: { from: '0xc684832530fcbddae4b4230a47e991ddcec2831d', to: '0xc684832530fcbddae4b4230a47e991ddcec2831d', }, history: [{}], } providerResultStub.eth_gasPrice = '4a817c800' providerResultStub.eth_getBlockByNumber = { gasLimit: '47b784' } providerResultStub.eth_estimateGas = '5209' const txMetaWithDefaults = await txController.addTxGasDefaults(txMeta) assert.ok( txMetaWithDefaults.txParams.gasPrice, 'should have added the gas price', ) assert.ok( txMetaWithDefaults.txParams.gas, 'should have added the gas field', ) }) }) describe('#addTx', function () { it('should emit updates', function (done) { const txMeta = { id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, } const eventNames = ['update:badge', '1:unapproved'] const listeners = [] eventNames.forEach((eventName) => { listeners.push( new Promise((resolve) => { txController.once(eventName, (arg) => { resolve(arg) }) }), ) }) Promise.all(listeners) .then((returnValues) => { assert.deepEqual( returnValues.pop(), txMeta, 'last event 1:unapproved should return txMeta', ) done() }) .catch(done) txController.addTx(txMeta) }) }) describe('#approveTransaction', function () { it('does not overwrite set values', async function () { const originalValue = '0x01' const txMeta = { id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: { nonce: originalValue, gas: originalValue, gasPrice: originalValue, }, } this.timeout(15000) const wrongValue = '0x05' txController.addTx(txMeta) providerResultStub.eth_gasPrice = wrongValue providerResultStub.eth_estimateGas = '0x5209' const signStub = sinon .stub(txController, 'signTransaction') .callsFake(() => Promise.resolve()) const pubStub = sinon .stub(txController, 'publishTransaction') .callsFake(() => { txController.setTxHash('1', originalValue) txController.txStateManager.setTxStatusSubmitted('1') }) await txController.approveTransaction( const result = txController.txStateManager.getTx( const params = result.txParams assert.equal(params.gas, originalValue, 'gas unmodified') assert.equal(params.gasPrice, originalValue, 'gas price unmodified') assert.equal(result.hash, originalValue) assert.equal( result.status, 'submitted', 'should have reached the submitted status.', ) signStub.restore() pubStub.restore() }) }) describe('#sign replay-protected tx', function () { it('prepares a tx with the chainId set', async function () { txController.addTx( { id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, }, noop, ) const rawTx = await txController.signTransaction('1') const ethTx = new EthTx(ethUtil.toBuffer(rawTx)) assert.equal(ethTx.getChainId(), 42) }) }) describe('#updateAndApproveTransaction', function () { it('should update and approve transactions', async function () { const txMeta = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: fromAccount.address, to: '0x1678a085c290ebd122dc42cba69373b5953b831d', gasPrice: '0x77359400', gas: '0x7b0d', nonce: '0x4b', }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, } txController.txStateManager.addTx(txMeta) const approvalPromise = txController.updateAndApproveTransaction(txMeta) const tx = txController.txStateManager.getTx(1) assert.equal(tx.status, 'approved') await approvalPromise }) }) describe('#getChainId', function () { it('returns 0 when the chainId is NaN', function () { txController.networkStore = new ObservableStore('loading') assert.equal(txController.getChainId(), 0) }) }) describe('#cancelTransaction', function () { it('should emit a status change to rejected', function (done) { txController.txStateManager._saveTxList([ { id: 0, status: 'unapproved', txParams: {}, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], }, { id: 1, status: 'rejected', txParams: {}, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], }, { id: 2, status: 'approved', txParams: {}, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], }, { id: 3, status: 'signed', txParams: {}, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], }, { id: 4, status: 'submitted', txParams: {}, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], }, { id: 5, status: 'confirmed', txParams: {}, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], }, { id: 6, status: 'failed', txParams: {}, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], }, ]) txController.once('tx:status-update', (txId, status) => { try { assert.equal(status, 'rejected', 'status should e rejected') assert.equal(txId, 0, 'id should e 0') done() } catch (e) { done(e) } }) txController.cancelTransaction(0) }) }) describe('#createSpeedUpTransaction', function () { let addTxSpy let approveTransactionSpy let txParams let expectedTxParams beforeEach(function () { addTxSpy = sinon.spy(txController, 'addTx') approveTransactionSpy = sinon.spy(txController, 'approveTransaction') txParams = { nonce: '0x00', from: '0xB09d8505E1F4EF1CeA089D47094f5DD3464083d4', to: '0xB09d8505E1F4EF1CeA089D47094f5DD3464083d4', gas: '0x5209', gasPrice: '0xa', } txController.txStateManager._saveTxList([ { id: 1, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams, history: [{}], }, ]) expectedTxParams = { ...txParams, gasPrice: '0xb' } }) afterEach(function () { addTxSpy.restore() approveTransactionSpy.restore() }) it('should call this.addTx and this.approveTransaction with the expected args', async function () { await txController.createSpeedUpTransaction(1) assert.equal(addTxSpy.callCount, 1) const addTxArgs = addTxSpy.getCall(0).args[0] assert.deepEqual(addTxArgs.txParams, expectedTxParams) const { lastGasPrice, type } = addTxArgs assert.deepEqual( { lastGasPrice, type }, { lastGasPrice: '0xa', type: TRANSACTION_TYPES.RETRY, }, ) }) it('should call this.approveTransaction with the id of the returned tx', async function () { const result = await txController.createSpeedUpTransaction(1) assert.equal(approveTransactionSpy.callCount, 1) const approveTransactionArg = approveTransactionSpy.getCall(0).args[0] assert.equal(, approveTransactionArg) }) it('should return the expected txMeta', async function () { const result = await txController.createSpeedUpTransaction(1) assert.deepEqual(result.txParams, expectedTxParams) const { lastGasPrice, type } = result assert.deepEqual( { lastGasPrice, type }, { lastGasPrice: '0xa', type: TRANSACTION_TYPES.RETRY, }, ) }) }) describe('#publishTransaction', function () { let hash, txMeta beforeEach(function () { hash = '0x2a5523c6fa98b47b7d9b6c8320179785150b42a16bcff36b398c5062b65657e8' txMeta = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', txParams: {}, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, } providerResultStub.eth_sendRawTransaction = hash }) it('should publish a tx, updates the rawTx when provided a one', async function () { const rawTx = '0x477b2e6553c917af0db0388ae3da62965ff1a184558f61b749d1266b2e6d024c' txController.txStateManager.addTx(txMeta) await txController.publishTransaction(, rawTx) const publishedTx = txController.txStateManager.getTx(1) assert.equal(publishedTx.hash, hash) assert.equal(publishedTx.status, 'submitted') }) it('should ignore the error "Transaction Failed: known transaction" and be as usual', async function () { providerResultStub.eth_sendRawTransaction = async (_, __, ___, end) => { end('Transaction Failed: known transaction') } const rawTx = '0xf86204831e848082520894f231d46dd78806e1dd93442cf33c7671f853874880802ca05f973e540f2d3c2f06d3725a626b75247593cb36477187ae07ecfe0a4db3cf57a00259b52ee8c58baaa385fb05c3f96116e58de89bcc165cb3bfdfc708672fed8a' txController.txStateManager.addTx(txMeta) await txController.publishTransaction(, rawTx) const publishedTx = txController.txStateManager.getTx(1) assert.equal( publishedTx.hash, '0x2cc5a25744486f7383edebbf32003e5a66e18135799593d6b5cdd2bb43674f09', ) assert.equal(publishedTx.status, 'submitted') }) }) describe('#_markNonceDuplicatesDropped', function () { it('should mark all nonce duplicates as dropped without marking the confirmed transaction as dropped', function () { txController.txStateManager._saveTxList([ { id: 1, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], txParams: { nonce: '0x01' }, }, { id: 2, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], txParams: { nonce: '0x01' }, }, { id: 3, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], txParams: { nonce: '0x01' }, }, { id: 4, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], txParams: { nonce: '0x01' }, }, { id: 5, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], txParams: { nonce: '0x01' }, }, { id: 6, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], txParams: { nonce: '0x01' }, }, { id: 7, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, history: [{}], txParams: { nonce: '0x01' }, }, ]) txController._markNonceDuplicatesDropped(1) const confirmedTx = txController.txStateManager.getTx(1) const droppedTxs = txController.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({ nonce: '0x01', status: 'dropped', }) assert.equal( confirmedTx.status, 'confirmed', 'the confirmedTx should remain confirmed', ) assert.equal(droppedTxs.length, 6, 'their should be 6 dropped txs') }) }) describe('#_determineTransactionCategory', function () { it('should return a simple send transactionCategory when to is truthy but data is falsy', async function () { const result = await txController._determineTransactionCategory({ to: '0xabc', data: '', }) assert.deepEqual(result, { transactionCategory: TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES.SENT_ETHER, getCodeResponse: null, }) }) it('should return a token transfer transactionCategory when data is for the respective method call', async function () { const result = await txController._determineTransactionCategory({ to: '0xabc', data: '0xa9059cbb0000000000000000000000002f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a', }) assert.deepEqual(result, { transactionCategory: TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES.TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER, getCodeResponse: undefined, }) }) it('should return a token approve transactionCategory when data is for the respective method call', async function () { const result = await txController._determineTransactionCategory({ to: '0xabc', data: '0x095ea7b30000000000000000000000002f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C9700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005', }) assert.deepEqual(result, { transactionCategory: TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES.TOKEN_METHOD_APPROVE, getCodeResponse: undefined, }) }) it('should return a contract deployment transactionCategory when to is falsy and there is data', async function () { const result = await txController._determineTransactionCategory({ to: '', data: '0xabd', }) assert.deepEqual(result, { transactionCategory: TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES.DEPLOY_CONTRACT, getCodeResponse: undefined, }) }) it('should return a simple send transactionCategory with a 0x getCodeResponse when there is data and but the to address is not a contract address', async function () { const result = await txController._determineTransactionCategory({ to: '0x9e673399f795D01116e9A8B2dD2F156705131ee9', data: '0xabd', }) assert.deepEqual(result, { transactionCategory: TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES.SENT_ETHER, getCodeResponse: '0x', }) }) it('should return a simple send transactionCategory with a null getCodeResponse when to is truthy and there is data and but getCode returns an error', async function () { const result = await txController._determineTransactionCategory({ to: '0xabc', data: '0xabd', }) assert.deepEqual(result, { transactionCategory: TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES.SENT_ETHER, getCodeResponse: null, }) }) it('should return a contract interaction transactionCategory with the correct getCodeResponse when to is truthy and there is data and it is not a token transaction', async function () { const _providerResultStub = { // 1 gwei eth_gasPrice: '0x0de0b6b3a7640000', // by default, all accounts are external accounts (not contracts) eth_getCode: '0xa', } const _provider = createTestProviderTools({ scaffold: _providerResultStub, }).provider const _fromAccount = getTestAccounts()[0] const _blockTrackerStub = new EventEmitter() _blockTrackerStub.getCurrentBlock = noop _blockTrackerStub.getLatestBlock = noop const _txController = new TransactionController({ provider: _provider, getGasPrice() { return '0xee6b2800' }, networkStore: new ObservableStore(currentNetworkId), txHistoryLimit: 10, blockTracker: _blockTrackerStub, signTransaction: (ethTx) => new Promise((resolve) => { ethTx.sign(_fromAccount.key) resolve() }), getParticipateInMetrics: () => false, }) const result = await _txController._determineTransactionCategory({ to: '0x9e673399f795D01116e9A8B2dD2F156705131ee9', data: 'abd', }) assert.deepEqual(result, { transactionCategory: TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES.CONTRACT_INTERACTION, getCodeResponse: '0x0a', }) }) it('should return a contract interaction transactionCategory with the correct getCodeResponse when to is a contract address and data is falsy', async function () { const _providerResultStub = { // 1 gwei eth_gasPrice: '0x0de0b6b3a7640000', // by default, all accounts are external accounts (not contracts) eth_getCode: '0xa', } const _provider = createTestProviderTools({ scaffold: _providerResultStub, }).provider const _fromAccount = getTestAccounts()[0] const _blockTrackerStub = new EventEmitter() _blockTrackerStub.getCurrentBlock = noop _blockTrackerStub.getLatestBlock = noop const _txController = new TransactionController({ provider: _provider, getGasPrice() { return '0xee6b2800' }, networkStore: new ObservableStore(currentNetworkId), txHistoryLimit: 10, blockTracker: _blockTrackerStub, signTransaction: (ethTx) => new Promise((resolve) => { ethTx.sign(_fromAccount.key) resolve() }), getParticipateInMetrics: () => false, }) const result = await _txController._determineTransactionCategory({ to: '0x9e673399f795D01116e9A8B2dD2F156705131ee9', data: '', }) assert.deepEqual(result, { transactionCategory: TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES.CONTRACT_INTERACTION, getCodeResponse: '0x0a', }) }) }) describe('#getPendingTransactions', function () { it('should show only submitted and approved transactions as pending transaction', function () { txController.txStateManager._saveTxList([ { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, }, { id: 2, status: 'rejected', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, { id: 3, status: 'approved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, { id: 4, status: 'signed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, { id: 5, status: 'submitted', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, { id: 6, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, { id: 7, status: 'failed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {}, history: [{}], }, ]) assert.equal( txController.pendingTxTracker.getPendingTransactions().length, 2, ) const states = txController.pendingTxTracker .getPendingTransactions() .map((tx) => tx.status) assert.ok(states.includes('approved'), 'includes approved') assert.ok(states.includes('submitted'), 'includes submitted') }) }) })