import { migrate } from './088'; describe('migration #88', () => { it('updates the version metadata', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: {}, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(newStorage.meta).toStrictEqual({ version: 88 }); }); it('returns the state unaltered if it has no NftController property', async () => { const oldData = { some: 'data', }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('returns the state unaltered if the NftController object has no allNftContracts property', async () => { const oldData = { NftController: { some: 'data', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('returns the state unaltered if NftController.allNftContracts is not an object', async () => { const oldData = { NftController: { allNftContracts: 'foo', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('returns the state unaltered if any value of the NftController.allNftContracts object is not an object itself', async () => { const oldData = { NftController: { allNftContracts: { '0x111': { '123': 'foo', }, '0x222': 'bar', }, }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('rewrites NftController.allNftContracts so that decimal chain IDs are converted to hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { NftController: { allNftContracts: { '0x111': { '16': [ { name: 'Contract 1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], '32': [ { name: 'Contract 2', address: '0xbbb', }, ], }, '0x222': { '64': [ { name: 'Contract 3', address: '0xccc', }, ], '128': [ { name: 'Contract 4', address: '0xddd', }, ], }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ NftController: { allNftContracts: { '0x111': { '0x10': [ { name: 'Contract 1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], '0x20': [ { name: 'Contract 2', address: '0xbbb', }, ], }, '0x222': { '0x40': [ { name: 'Contract 3', address: '0xccc', }, ], '0x80': [ { name: 'Contract 4', address: '0xddd', }, ], }, }, }, }); }); it('deletes undefined-keyed properties from state of NftController.allNftContracts', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { NftController: { allNftContracts: { '0x111': { '16': [ { name: 'Contract 1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], undefined: [ { name: 'Contract 2', address: '0xbbb', }, ], }, '0x222': { '64': [ { name: 'Contract 3', address: '0xccc', }, ], }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ NftController: { allNftContracts: { '0x111': { '0x10': [ { name: 'Contract 1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], }, '0x222': { '0x40': [ { name: 'Contract 3', address: '0xccc', }, ], }, }, }, }); }); it('does not convert chain IDs in NftController.allNftContracts which are already hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { NftController: { allNftContracts: { '0x111': { '0x10': [ { name: 'Contract 1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], '0x20': [ { name: 'Contract 2', address: '0xbbb', }, ], }, '0x222': { '0x40': [ { name: 'Contract 3', address: '0xccc', }, ], '0x80': [ { name: 'Contract 4', address: '0xddd', }, ], }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ NftController: { allNftContracts: { '0x111': { '0x10': [ { name: 'Contract 1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], '0x20': [ { name: 'Contract 2', address: '0xbbb', }, ], }, '0x222': { '0x40': [ { name: 'Contract 3', address: '0xccc', }, ], '0x80': [ { name: 'Contract 4', address: '0xddd', }, ], }, }, }, }); }); it('returns the state unaltered if the NftController object has no allNfts property', async () => { const oldData = { NftController: { some: 'data', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('returns the state unaltered if NftController.allNfts is not an object', async () => { const oldData = { NftController: { allNfts: 'foo', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('returns the state unaltered if any value of the NftController.allNfts object is not an object itself', async () => { const oldData = { NftController: { allNfts: { '0x111': { '123': 'foo', }, '0x222': 'bar', }, }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('rewrites NftController.allNfts so that decimal chain IDs are converted to hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { NftController: { allNfts: { '0x111': { '16': [ { name: 'NFT 1', description: 'Description for NFT 1', image: 'nft1.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], '32': [ { name: 'NFT 2', description: 'Description for NFT 2', image: 'nft2.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '2', address: '0xbbb', }, ], }, '0x222': { '64': [ { name: 'NFT 3', description: 'Description for NFT 3', image: 'nft3.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '3', address: '0xccc', }, ], '128': [ { name: 'NFT 4', description: 'Description for NFT 4', image: 'nft4.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '4', address: '0xddd', }, ], }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ NftController: { allNfts: { '0x111': { '0x10': [ { name: 'NFT 1', description: 'Description for NFT 1', image: 'nft1.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], '0x20': [ { name: 'NFT 2', description: 'Description for NFT 2', image: 'nft2.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '2', address: '0xbbb', }, ], }, '0x222': { '0x40': [ { name: 'NFT 3', description: 'Description for NFT 3', image: 'nft3.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '3', address: '0xccc', }, ], '0x80': [ { name: 'NFT 4', description: 'Description for NFT 4', image: 'nft4.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '4', address: '0xddd', }, ], }, }, }, }); }); it('deletes undefined-keyed properties from state of NftController.allNfts', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { NftController: { allNfts: { '0x111': { '16': [ { name: 'NFT 1', description: 'Description for NFT 1', image: 'nft1.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], undefined: [ { name: 'NFT 2', description: 'Description for NFT 2', image: 'nft2.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '2', address: '0xbbb', }, ], }, '0x222': { '64': [ { name: 'NFT 3', description: 'Description for NFT 3', image: 'nft3.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '3', address: '0xccc', }, ], }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ NftController: { allNfts: { '0x111': { '0x10': [ { name: 'NFT 1', description: 'Description for NFT 1', image: 'nft1.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], }, '0x222': { '0x40': [ { name: 'NFT 3', description: 'Description for NFT 3', image: 'nft3.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '3', address: '0xccc', }, ], }, }, }, }); }); it('does not convert chain IDs in NftController.allNfts which are already hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { NftController: { allNfts: { '0x111': { '0x10': [ { name: 'NFT 1', description: 'Description for NFT 1', image: 'nft1.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], '0x20': [ { name: 'NFT 2', description: 'Description for NFT 2', image: 'nft2.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '2', address: '0xbbb', }, ], }, '0x222': { '0x40': [ { name: 'NFT 3', description: 'Description for NFT 3', image: 'nft3.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '3', address: '0xccc', }, ], '0x80': [ { name: 'NFT 4', description: 'Description for NFT 4', image: 'nft4.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '4', address: '0xddd', }, ], }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ NftController: { allNfts: { '0x111': { '0x10': [ { name: 'NFT 1', description: 'Description for NFT 1', image: 'nft1.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '1', address: '0xaaa', }, ], '0x20': [ { name: 'NFT 2', description: 'Description for NFT 2', image: 'nft2.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '2', address: '0xbbb', }, ], }, '0x222': { '0x40': [ { name: 'NFT 3', description: 'Description for NFT 3', image: 'nft3.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '3', address: '0xccc', }, ], '0x80': [ { name: 'NFT 4', description: 'Description for NFT 4', image: 'nft4.jpg', standard: 'ERC721', tokenId: '4', address: '0xddd', }, ], }, }, }, }); }); it('returns the state unaltered if it has no TokenListController property', async () => { const oldData = { some: 'data', }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('returns the state unaltered if the TokenListController object has no tokensChainsCache property', async () => { const oldData = { TokenListController: { some: 'data', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('returns the state unaltered if TokenListController.tokensChainsCache is not an object', async () => { const oldData = { TokenListController: { tokensChainsCache: 'foo', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('rewrites TokenListController.tokensChainsCache so that decimal chain IDs are converted to hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokenListController: { tokensChainsCache: { '16': { timestamp: 111111, data: { '0x111': { address: '0x111', symbol: 'TEST1', decimals: 1, occurrences: 1, name: 'Token 1', iconUrl: 'https://url/to/token1.png', aggregators: [], }, }, }, '32': { timestamp: 222222, data: { '0x222': { address: '0x222', symbol: 'TEST2', decimals: 1, occurrences: 1, name: 'Token 2', iconUrl: 'https://url/to/token2.png', aggregators: [], }, }, }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokenListController: { tokensChainsCache: { '0x10': { timestamp: 111111, data: { '0x111': { address: '0x111', symbol: 'TEST1', decimals: 1, occurrences: 1, name: 'Token 1', iconUrl: 'https://url/to/token1.png', aggregators: [], }, }, }, '0x20': { timestamp: 222222, data: { '0x222': { address: '0x222', symbol: 'TEST2', decimals: 1, occurrences: 1, name: 'Token 2', iconUrl: 'https://url/to/token2.png', aggregators: [], }, }, }, }, }, }); }); it('deletes undefined-keyed properties from state of TokenListController.tokensChainsCache', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokenListController: { tokensChainsCache: { '16': { timestamp: 111111, data: { '0x111': { address: '0x111', symbol: 'TEST1', decimals: 1, occurrences: 1, name: 'Token 1', iconUrl: 'https://url/to/token1.png', aggregators: [], }, }, }, undefined: { timestamp: 222222, data: { '0x222': { address: '0x222', symbol: 'TEST2', decimals: 1, occurrences: 1, name: 'Token 2', iconUrl: 'https://url/to/token2.png', aggregators: [], }, }, }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokenListController: { tokensChainsCache: { '0x10': { timestamp: 111111, data: { '0x111': { address: '0x111', symbol: 'TEST1', decimals: 1, occurrences: 1, name: 'Token 1', iconUrl: 'https://url/to/token1.png', aggregators: [], }, }, }, }, }, }); }); it('does not convert chain IDs in TokenListController.tokensChainsCache which are already hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokenListController: { tokensChainsCache: { '0x10': { timestamp: 111111, data: { '0x111': { address: '0x111', symbol: 'TEST1', decimals: 1, occurrences: 1, name: 'Token 1', iconUrl: 'https://url/to/token1.png', aggregators: [], }, }, }, '0x20': { timestamp: 222222, data: { '0x222': { address: '0x222', symbol: 'TEST2', decimals: 1, occurrences: 1, name: 'Token 2', iconUrl: 'https://url/to/token2.png', aggregators: [], }, }, }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokenListController: { tokensChainsCache: { '0x10': { timestamp: 111111, data: { '0x111': { address: '0x111', symbol: 'TEST1', decimals: 1, occurrences: 1, name: 'Token 1', iconUrl: 'https://url/to/token1.png', aggregators: [], }, }, }, '0x20': { timestamp: 222222, data: { '0x222': { address: '0x222', symbol: 'TEST2', decimals: 1, occurrences: 1, name: 'Token 2', iconUrl: 'https://url/to/token2.png', aggregators: [], }, }, }, }, }, }); }); it('returns the state unaltered if it has no TokensController property', async () => { const oldData = { some: 'data', }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('returns the state unaltered if the TokensController object has no allTokens property', async () => { const oldData = { TokensController: { some: 'data', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('returns the state unaltered if TokensController.allTokens is not an object', async () => { const oldData = { TokensController: { allTokens: 'foo', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('rewrites TokensController.allTokens so that decimal chain IDs are converted to hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokensController: { allTokens: { '16': { '0x111': [ { address: '0xaaa', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST1', }, ], }, '32': { '0x222': [ { address: '0xbbb', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST2', }, ], }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokensController: { allTokens: { '0x10': { '0x111': [ { address: '0xaaa', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST1', }, ], }, '0x20': { '0x222': [ { address: '0xbbb', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST2', }, ], }, }, }, }); }); it('deletes undefined keyed properties from TokensController.allTokens', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokensController: { allTokens: { '16': { '0x111': [ { address: '0xaaa', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST1', }, ], }, '32': { '0x222': [ { address: '0xbbb', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST2', }, ], }, undefined: { '0x333': [ { address: '0xbbb', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST2', }, ], }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokensController: { allTokens: { '0x10': { '0x111': [ { address: '0xaaa', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST1', }, ], }, '0x20': { '0x222': [ { address: '0xbbb', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST2', }, ], }, }, }, }); }); it('does not convert chain IDs in TokensController.allTokens which are already hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokensController: { allTokens: { '0x10': { '0x111': [ { address: '0xaaa', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST1', }, ], }, '0x20': { '0x222': [ { address: '0xbbb', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST2', }, ], }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokensController: { allTokens: { '0x10': { '0x111': [ { address: '0xaaa', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST1', }, ], }, '0x20': { '0x222': [ { address: '0xbbb', decimals: 1, symbol: 'TEST2', }, ], }, }, }, }); }); it('returns the state unaltered if the TokensController object has no allIgnoredTokens property', async () => { const oldData = { TokensController: { some: 'data', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('returns the state unaltered if TokensController.allIgnoredTokens is not an object', async () => { const oldData = { TokensController: { allIgnoredTokens: 'foo', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('rewrites TokensController.allIgnoredTokens so that decimal chain IDs are converted to hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokensController: { allIgnoredTokens: { '16': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, '32': { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokensController: { allIgnoredTokens: { '0x10': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, '0x20': { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, }, }, }); }); it('deletes undefined-keyed properties from TokensController.allIgnoredTokens', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokensController: { allIgnoredTokens: { '16': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, '32': { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, undefined: { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokensController: { allIgnoredTokens: { '0x10': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, '0x20': { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, }, }, }); }); it('does not convert chain IDs in TokensController.allIgnoredTokens which are already hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokensController: { allIgnoredTokens: { '0x10': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, '0x20': { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokensController: { allIgnoredTokens: { '0x10': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, '0x20': { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, }, }, }); }); it('returns the state unaltered if the TokensController object has no allDetectedTokens property', async () => { const oldData = { TokensController: { some: 'data', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('returns the state unaltered if TokensController.allDetectedTokens is not an object', async () => { const oldData = { TokensController: { allDetectedTokens: 'foo', }, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('rewrites TokensController.allDetectedTokens so that decimal chain IDs are converted to hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokensController: { allDetectedTokens: { '0x10': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, '0x20': { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokensController: { allDetectedTokens: { '0x10': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, '0x20': { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, }, }, }); }); it('deletes undefined-keyed properties from TokensController.allDetectedTokens', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokensController: { allDetectedTokens: { '16': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, undefined: { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokensController: { allDetectedTokens: { '0x10': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, }, }, }); }); it('does not convert chain IDs in TokensController.allDetectedTokens which are already hex strings', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 87 }, data: { TokensController: { allDetectedTokens: { '0x10': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, '0x20': { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, }, }, }, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ TokensController: { allDetectedTokens: { '0x10': { '0x1': { '0x111': ['0xaaa'], }, }, '0x20': { '0x2': { '0x222': ['0xbbb'], }, }, }, }, }); }); });