import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import { getChangedAccounts, getPermittedAccountsByOrigin } from './selectors'; describe('PermissionController selectors', () => { describe('getChangedAccounts', () => { it('returns the new value if the previous value is undefined', () => { const newAccounts = new Map([['', ['0x1']]]); expect(getChangedAccounts(newAccounts)).toBe(newAccounts); }); it('returns an empty map if the new and previous values are the same', () => { const newAccounts = new Map([['', ['0x1']]]); expect(getChangedAccounts(newAccounts, newAccounts)).toStrictEqual( new Map(), ); }); it('returns a new map of the changed accounts if the new and previous values differ', () => { // We set this on the new and previous value under the key '' to // check that identical values are excluded. const identicalValue = ['0x1']; const previousAccounts = new Map([ ['bar.baz', ['0x1']], // included: different accounts ['', ['0x1']], // included: removed in new value ]); previousAccounts.set('', identicalValue); const newAccounts = new Map([ ['bar.baz', ['0x1', '0x2']], // included: different accounts ['baz.fizz', ['0x3']], // included: brand new ]); newAccounts.set('', identicalValue); expect(getChangedAccounts(newAccounts, previousAccounts)).toStrictEqual( new Map([ ['bar.baz', ['0x1', '0x2']], ['', []], ['baz.fizz', ['0x3']], ]), ); }); }); describe('getPermittedAccountsByOrigin', () => { it('memoizes and gets permitted accounts by origin', () => { const state1 = { subjects: { '': { origin: '', permissions: { eth_accounts: { caveats: [{ type: 'restrictReturnedAccounts', value: ['0x1'] }], }, }, }, 'bar.baz': { origin: 'bar.baz', permissions: { eth_accounts: { caveats: [{ type: 'restrictReturnedAccounts', value: ['0x2'] }], }, }, }, 'baz.bizz': { origin: 'baz.fizz', permissions: { eth_accounts: { caveats: [ { type: 'restrictReturnedAccounts', value: ['0x1', '0x2'] }, ], }, }, }, 'no.accounts': { // we shouldn't see this in the result permissions: { foobar: {}, }, }, }, }; const expected1 = new Map([ ['', ['0x1']], ['bar.baz', ['0x2']], ['baz.fizz', ['0x1', '0x2']], ]); const selected1 = getPermittedAccountsByOrigin(state1); expect(selected1).toStrictEqual(expected1); // The selector should return the memoized value if state.subjects is // the same object expect(selected1).toBe(getPermittedAccountsByOrigin(state1)); // If we mutate the state, the selector return value should be different // from the first. const state2 = cloneDeep(state1); delete state2.subjects['']; const expected2 = new Map([ ['bar.baz', ['0x2']], ['baz.fizz', ['0x1', '0x2']], ]); const selected2 = getPermittedAccountsByOrigin(state2); expect(selected2).toStrictEqual(expected2); expect(selected2).not.toBe(selected1); // Since we didn't mutate the state at this point, the value should once // again be the memoized. expect(selected2).toBe(getPermittedAccountsByOrigin(state2)); }); }); });