import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import * as actions from '../../../store/actions'; import { getCurrentChainId, getMetaMaskAccounts, getRpcPrefsForCurrentProvider, getMetaMaskAccountsConnected, } from '../../../selectors'; import { formatBalance } from '../../../helpers/utils/util'; import { getMostRecentOverviewPage } from '../../../ducks/history/history'; import { MetaMetricsEventAccountType, MetaMetricsEventCategory, MetaMetricsEventName, } from '../../../../shared/constants/metametrics'; import { SECOND } from '../../../../shared/constants/time'; import { HardwareDeviceNames, LedgerTransportTypes, } from '../../../../shared/constants/hardware-wallets'; import { BUTTON_VARIANT, BUTTON_SIZES, Button, Text, } from '../../../components/component-library'; import ZENDESK_URLS from '../../../helpers/constants/zendesk-url'; import { TextColor } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import SelectHardware from './select-hardware'; import AccountList from './account-list'; const U2F_ERROR = 'U2F'; const LEDGER_LIVE_PATH = `m/44'/60'/0'/0/0`; const MEW_PATH = `m/44'/60'/0'`; const BIP44_PATH = `m/44'/60'/0'/0`; export const LEDGER_HD_PATHS = [ { name: 'Ledger Live', value: LEDGER_LIVE_PATH }, { name: 'Legacy (MEW / MyCrypto)', value: MEW_PATH }, { name: `BIP44 Standard (e.g. MetaMask, Trezor)`, value: BIP44_PATH }, ]; const LATTICE_STANDARD_BIP44_PATH = `m/44'/60'/0'/0/x`; const LATTICE_LEDGER_LIVE_PATH = `m/44'/60'/x'/0/0`; const LATTICE_MEW_PATH = `m/44'/60'/0'/x`; export const LATTICE_HD_PATHS = [ { name: `Standard (${LATTICE_STANDARD_BIP44_PATH})`, value: LATTICE_STANDARD_BIP44_PATH, }, { name: `Ledger Live (${LATTICE_LEDGER_LIVE_PATH})`, value: LATTICE_LEDGER_LIVE_PATH, }, { name: `Ledger Legacy (${LATTICE_MEW_PATH})`, value: LATTICE_MEW_PATH }, ]; const TREZOR_TESTNET_PATH = `m/44'/1'/0'/0`; export const TREZOR_HD_PATHS = [ { name: `BIP44 Standard (e.g. MetaMask, Trezor)`, value: BIP44_PATH }, { name: `Legacy (Ledger / MEW / MyCrypto)`, value: MEW_PATH }, { name: `Trezor Testnets`, value: TREZOR_TESTNET_PATH }, ]; const HD_PATHS = { ledger: LEDGER_HD_PATHS, lattice: LATTICE_HD_PATHS, trezor: TREZOR_HD_PATHS, }; class ConnectHardwareForm extends Component { static contextTypes = { t: PropTypes.func, }; state = { error: null, selectedAccounts: [], accounts: [], browserSupported: true, unlocked: false, device: null, isFirefox: false, }; UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const { accounts } = nextProps; const newAccounts = => { const normalizedAddress = a.address.toLowerCase(); const balanceValue = accounts[normalizedAddress]?.balance || null; a.balance = balanceValue ? formatBalance(balanceValue, 6) : '...'; return a; }); this.setState({ accounts: newAccounts }); } componentDidMount() { this.checkIfUnlocked(); const useAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; if (/Firefox/u.test(useAgent)) { this.setState({ isFirefox: true }); } } async checkIfUnlocked() { for (const device of [ HardwareDeviceNames.trezor, HardwareDeviceNames.ledger, HardwareDeviceNames.lattice, ]) { const path = this.props.defaultHdPaths[device]; const unlocked = await this.props.checkHardwareStatus(device, path); if (unlocked) { this.setState({ unlocked: true }); this.getPage(device, 0, path); } } } connectToHardwareWallet = (device) => { this.setState({ device }); if (this.state.accounts.length) { return; } // Default values this.getPage(device, 0, this.props.defaultHdPaths[device]); }; onPathChange = (path) => { this.props.setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath({ device: this.state.device, path, }); this.setState({ selectedAccounts: [], }); this.getPage(this.state.device, 0, path); }; onAccountChange = (account) => { let { selectedAccounts } = this.state; if (selectedAccounts.includes(account)) { selectedAccounts = selectedAccounts.filter((acc) => account !== acc); } else { selectedAccounts.push(account); } this.setState({ selectedAccounts, error: null }); }; onAccountRestriction = () => { this.setState({ error: this.context.t('ledgerAccountRestriction') }); }; showTemporaryAlert() { this.props.showAlert(this.context.t('hardwareWalletConnected')); // Autohide the alert after 5 seconds setTimeout((_) => { this.props.hideAlert(); }, SECOND * 5); } getPage = (device, page, hdPath) => { this.props .connectHardware(device, page, hdPath, this.context.t) .then((accounts) => { if (accounts.length) { // If we just loaded the accounts for the first time // (device previously locked) show the global alert if (this.state.accounts.length === 0 && !this.state.unlocked) { this.showTemporaryAlert(); } // Map accounts with balances const newAccounts = => { const normalizedAddress = account.address.toLowerCase(); const balanceValue = this.props.accounts[normalizedAddress]?.balance || null; account.balance = balanceValue ? formatBalance(balanceValue, 6) : '...'; return account; }); this.setState({ accounts: newAccounts, unlocked: true, device, error: null, }); } }) .catch((e) => { const errorMessage = typeof e === 'string' ? e : e.message; if (errorMessage === 'Window blocked') { this.setState({ browserSupported: false, error: null }); } else if (errorMessage.includes(U2F_ERROR)) { this.setState({ error: U2F_ERROR }); } else if ( errorMessage === 'LEDGER_LOCKED' || errorMessage === 'LEDGER_WRONG_APP' ) { this.setState({ error: this.context.t('ledgerLocked'), }); } else if (errorMessage.includes('timeout')) { this.setState({ error: this.context.t('ledgerTimeout'), }); } else if ( errorMessage .toLowerCase() .includes( 'KeystoneError#pubkey_account.no_expected_account'.toLowerCase(), ) ) { this.setState({ error: this.context.t('QRHardwarePubkeyAccountOutOfRange'), }); } else if ( errorMessage !== 'Window closed' && errorMessage !== 'Popup closed' && errorMessage .toLowerCase() .includes('KeystoneError#sync_cancel'.toLowerCase()) === false ) { this.setState({ error: errorMessage, }); } }); }; onForgetDevice = (device) => { this.props .forgetDevice(device) .then((_) => { this.setState({ error: null, selectedAccounts: [], accounts: [], unlocked: false, }); }) .catch((e) => { this.setState({ error: e.message }); }); }; onUnlockAccounts = (device, path) => { const { history, mostRecentOverviewPage, unlockHardwareWalletAccounts } = this.props; const { selectedAccounts } = this.state; if (selectedAccounts.length === 0) { this.setState({ error: this.context.t('accountSelectionRequired') }); } const description = MEW_PATH === path ? this.context.t('hardwareWalletLegacyDescription') : ''; return unlockHardwareWalletAccounts( selectedAccounts, device, path || null, description, ) .then((_) => { this.context.trackEvent({ category: MetaMetricsEventCategory.Accounts, event: MetaMetricsEventName.AccountAdded, properties: { account_type: MetaMetricsEventAccountType.Hardware, account_hardware_type: device, }, }); history.push(mostRecentOverviewPage); }) .catch((e) => { this.context.trackEvent({ category: MetaMetricsEventCategory.Accounts, event: MetaMetricsEventName.AccountAddFailed, properties: { account_type: MetaMetricsEventAccountType.Hardware, account_hardware_type: device, error: e.message, }, }); this.setState({ error: e.message }); }); }; onCancel = () => { const { history, mostRecentOverviewPage } = this.props; history.push(mostRecentOverviewPage); }; renderError() { if (this.state.error === U2F_ERROR) { if (this.state.device === 'ledger' && this.state.isFirefox) { return ( <> {this.context.t('troubleConnectingToLedgerU2FOnFirefox', [ // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key , ])} {this.context.t( 'troubleConnectingToLedgerU2FOnFirefoxLedgerSolution', [ // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key , ], )} ); } return ( {this.context.t('troubleConnectingToWallet', [ this.state.device, // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key , ])} ); } return this.state.error ? ( {this.state.error} ) : null; } renderContent() { if (!this.state.accounts.length) { return ( ); } return ( ); } render() { return ( <> {this.renderError()} {this.renderContent()} ); } } ConnectHardwareForm.propTypes = { connectHardware: PropTypes.func, checkHardwareStatus: PropTypes.func, forgetDevice: PropTypes.func, showAlert: PropTypes.func, hideAlert: PropTypes.func, unlockHardwareWalletAccounts: PropTypes.func, setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath: PropTypes.func, history: PropTypes.object, chainId: PropTypes.string, rpcPrefs: PropTypes.object, accounts: PropTypes.object, connectedAccounts: PropTypes.array.isRequired, defaultHdPaths: PropTypes.object, mostRecentOverviewPage: PropTypes.string.isRequired, ledgerTransportType: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(LedgerTransportTypes)), }; const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ chainId: getCurrentChainId(state), rpcPrefs: getRpcPrefsForCurrentProvider(state), accounts: getMetaMaskAccounts(state), connectedAccounts: getMetaMaskAccountsConnected(state), defaultHdPaths: state.appState.defaultHdPaths, mostRecentOverviewPage: getMostRecentOverviewPage(state), ledgerTransportType: state.metamask.ledgerTransportType, }); const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => { return { setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath: ({ device, path }) => { return dispatch(actions.setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath({ device, path })); }, connectHardware: (deviceName, page, hdPath, t) => { return dispatch(actions.connectHardware(deviceName, page, hdPath, t)); }, checkHardwareStatus: (deviceName, hdPath) => { return dispatch(actions.checkHardwareStatus(deviceName, hdPath)); }, forgetDevice: (deviceName) => { return dispatch(actions.forgetDevice(deviceName)); }, unlockHardwareWalletAccounts: ( indexes, deviceName, hdPath, hdPathDescription, ) => { return dispatch( actions.unlockHardwareWalletAccounts( indexes, deviceName, hdPath, hdPathDescription, ), ); }, showAlert: (msg) => dispatch(actions.showAlert(msg)), hideAlert: () => dispatch(actions.hideAlert()), }; }; ConnectHardwareForm.contextTypes = { t: PropTypes.func, trackEvent: PropTypes.func, }; export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, )(ConnectHardwareForm);