import React from 'react'; import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import { fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import { NetworkType } from '@metamask/controller-utils'; import { NetworkStatus } from '@metamask/network-controller'; import { renderWithProvider } from '../../../test/lib/render-helpers'; import { setBackgroundConnection } from '../../../test/jest'; import { INITIAL_SEND_STATE_FOR_EXISTING_DRAFT } from '../../../test/jest/mocks'; import { GasEstimateTypes } from '../../../shared/constants/gas'; import { KeyringType } from '../../../shared/constants/keyring'; import { CHAIN_IDS } from '../../../shared/constants/network'; import { TransactionStatus, TransactionType, } from '../../../shared/constants/transaction'; import { domainInitialState } from '../../ducks/domains'; import ConfirmTransactionBase from './confirm-transaction-base.container'; const middleware = [thunk]; setBackgroundConnection({ getGasFeeTimeEstimate: jest.fn(), getGasFeeEstimatesAndStartPolling: jest.fn(), promisifiedBackground: jest.fn(), tryReverseResolveAddress: jest.fn(), getNextNonce: jest.fn(), }); const mockNetworkId = '5'; const mockTxParamsFromAddress = '0x123456789'; const mockTxParamsToAddress = '0x85c1685cfceaa5c0bdb1609fc536e9a8387dd65e'; const mockTxParamsToAddressConcat = '0x85c...D65e'; const mockParsedTxDataToAddressWithout0x = 'e57e7847fd3661a9b7c86aaf1daea08d9da5750a'; const mockParsedTxDataToAddress = '0xe57...750A'; const mockPropsToAddress = '0x33m1685cfceaa5c0bdb1609fc536e9a8387dd567'; const mockPropsToAddressConcat = '0x33m...d567'; const mockTxParams = { from: mockTxParamsFromAddress, to: mockTxParamsToAddress, value: '0x5af3107a4000', gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f16', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', type: '0x2', data: `0xa22cb465000000000000000000000000${mockParsedTxDataToAddressWithout0x}0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001`, }; const baseStore = { send: { ...INITIAL_SEND_STATE_FOR_EXISTING_DRAFT, currentTransactionUUID: null, draftTransactions: {}, }, DNS: domainInitialState, gas: { customData: { limit: null, price: null }, }, history: { mostRecentOverviewPage: '/' }, metamask: { transactions: [ { id: 1, metamaskNetworkId: mockNetworkId, txParams: { ...mockTxParams }, status: 'unapproved', }, ], gasEstimateType: GasEstimateTypes.legacy, gasFeeEstimates: { low: '0', medium: '1', fast: '2', }, selectedAddress: mockTxParamsFromAddress, keyrings: [ { type: KeyringType.hdKeyTree, accounts: ['0x0'], }, ], networkId: mockNetworkId, selectedNetworkClientId: NetworkType.mainnet, networksMetadata: { [NetworkType.mainnet]: { EIPS: {}, status: NetworkStatus.Available, }, }, tokens: [], preferences: { useNativeCurrencyAsPrimaryCurrency: false, }, currentCurrency: 'USD', providerConfig: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI, }, nativeCurrency: 'ETH', featureFlags: { sendHexData: false, }, addressBook: { [CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI]: [], }, cachedBalances: { [CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI]: {}, }, accounts: { [mockTxParamsFromAddress]: { balance: '0x0', address: mockTxParamsFromAddress, }, }, identities: { [mockTxParamsFromAddress]: { address: mockTxParamsFromAddress }, [mockTxParamsToAddress]: { name: 'Test Address 1', }, }, tokenAddress: '0x32e6c34cd57087abbd59b5a4aecc4cb495924356', tokenList: {}, ensResolutionsByAddress: {}, snaps: {}, }, confirmTransaction: { txData: { id: 1, metamaskNetworkId: mockNetworkId, txParams: { ...mockTxParams }, time: 1675012496170, status: TransactionStatus.unapproved, originalGasEstimate: '0x5208', userEditedGasLimit: false, chainId: '0x5', loadingDefaults: false, dappSuggestedGasFees: null, sendFlowHistory: [], origin: 'metamask', actionId: 1675012496153.2039, type: 'simpleSend', history: [], userFeeLevel: 'medium', defaultGasEstimates: { estimateType: 'medium', gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f16', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', }, }, tokenData: {}, tokenProps: {}, fiatTransactionAmount: '0.16', fiatTransactionFee: '0', fiatTransactionTotal: '0.16', ethTransactionAmount: '0.0001', ethTransactionFee: '0', ethTransactionTotal: '0.0001', hexTransactionAmount: '0x5af3107a4000', hexTransactionFee: '0x0', hexTransactionTotal: '0x5af3107a4000', nonce: '', }, appState: { sendInputCurrencySwitched: false, }, }; const mockedStore = jest.mocked(baseStore); const mockedStoreWithConfirmTxParams = (_mockTxParams = mockTxParams) => { mockedStore.metamask.transactions[0].txParams = { ..._mockTxParams }; mockedStore.confirmTransaction.txData.txParams = { ..._mockTxParams }; }; const sendToRecipientSelector = '.sender-to-recipient__party--recipient .sender-to-recipient__name'; describe('Confirm Transaction Base', () => { it('should match snapshot', () => { const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(baseStore); const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should not contain L1 L2 fee details for chains that are not optimism', () => { const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(baseStore); const { queryByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(queryByText('Layer 1 fees')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(queryByText('Layer 2 gas fee')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should contain L1 L2 fee details for optimism', () => { mockedStore.metamask.providerConfig.chainId = CHAIN_IDS.OPTIMISM; mockedStore.confirmTransaction.txData.chainId = CHAIN_IDS.OPTIMISM; const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(mockedStore); const { queryByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(queryByText('Layer 1 fees')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(queryByText('Layer 2 gas fee')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render NoteToTrader when isNoteToTraderSupported is true', () => { mockedStore.metamask.custodyAccountDetails = { [mockTxParamsFromAddress]: { address: mockTxParamsFromAddress, details: 'details', custodyType: 'testCustody - Saturn', custodianName: 'saturn-dev', }, }; mockedStore.metamask.mmiConfiguration = { custodians: [ { name: 'saturn-dev', displayName: 'Saturn Custody', isNoteToTraderSupported: true, }, ], }; const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(mockedStore); const { getByTestId } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByTestId('note-tab')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('handleMainSubmit calls sendTransaction correctly', async () => { const newMockedStore = { ...mockedStore, appState: { ...mockedStore.appState, gasLoadingAnimationIsShowing: false, }, metamask: { ...mockedStore.metamask, accounts: { [mockTxParamsFromAddress]: { balance: '0x1000000000000000000', address: mockTxParamsFromAddress, }, }, gasEstimateType: GasEstimateTypes.feeMarket, selectedNetworkClientId: NetworkType.mainnet, networksMetadata: { ...mockedStore.metamask.networksMetadata, [NetworkType.mainnet]: { EIPS: { 1559: true }, status: NetworkStatus.Available, }, }, customGas: { gasLimit: '0x5208', gasPrice: '0x59682f00', }, noGasPrice: false, }, send: { ...mockedStore.send, gas: { ...mockedStore.send.gas, gasEstimateType: GasEstimateTypes.legacy, gasFeeEstimates: { low: '0', medium: '1', high: '2', }, }, hasSimulationError: false, userAcknowledgedGasMissing: false, submitting: false, hardwareWalletRequiresConnection: false, gasIsLoading: false, gasFeeIsCustom: true, }, }; const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(newMockedStore); const sendTransaction = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(); const { getByTestId } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); const confirmButton = getByTestId('page-container-footer-next');; expect(sendTransaction).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('handleMMISubmit calls sendTransaction correctly and then showCustodianDeepLink', async () => { const newMockedStore = { ...mockedStore, appState: { ...mockedStore.appState, gasLoadingAnimationIsShowing: false, }, confirmTransaction: { ...mockedStore.confirmTransaction, txData: { ...mockedStore.confirmTransaction.txData, custodyStatus: true, }, }, metamask: { ...mockedStore.metamask, accounts: { [mockTxParamsFromAddress]: { balance: '0x1000000000000000000', address: mockTxParamsFromAddress, }, }, gasEstimateType: GasEstimateTypes.feeMarket, selectedNetworkClientId: NetworkType.mainnet, networksMetadata: { ...mockedStore.metamask.networksMetadata, [NetworkType.mainnet]: { EIPS: { 1559: true, }, status: NetworkStatus.Available, }, }, customGas: { gasLimit: '0x5208', gasPrice: '0x59682f00', }, noGasPrice: false, }, send: { ...mockedStore.send, gas: { ...mockedStore.send.gas, gasEstimateType: GasEstimateTypes.legacy, gasFeeEstimates: { low: '0', medium: '1', high: '2', }, }, hasSimulationError: false, userAcknowledgedGasMissing: false, submitting: false, hardwareWalletRequiresConnection: false, gasIsLoading: false, gasFeeIsCustom: true, }, }; const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(newMockedStore); const sendTransaction = jest .fn() .mockResolvedValue(newMockedStore.confirmTransaction.txData); const showCustodianDeepLink = jest.fn(); const setWaitForConfirmDeepLinkDialog = jest.fn(); const { getByTestId } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); const confirmButton = getByTestId('page-container-footer-next');; expect(setWaitForConfirmDeepLinkDialog).toHaveBeenCalled(); await expect(sendTransaction).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(showCustodianDeepLink).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('when rendering the recipient value', () => { describe(`when the transaction is a ${TransactionType.simpleSend} type`, () => { it(`should use address`, () => { const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(mockedStore); const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); const recipientElem = container.querySelector(sendToRecipientSelector); expect(recipientElem).toHaveTextContent(mockTxParamsToAddressConcat); }); it(`should use address even if there is no amount sent`, () => { mockedStoreWithConfirmTxParams({ ...mockTxParams, value: '0x0', }); const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(mockedStore); const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); const recipientElem = container.querySelector(sendToRecipientSelector); expect(recipientElem).toHaveTextContent(mockTxParamsToAddressConcat); }); }); describe(`when the transaction is NOT a ${TransactionType.simpleSend} type`, () => { beforeEach(() => { mockedStore.confirmTransaction.txData.type = TransactionType.contractInteraction; }); describe('when there is an amount being sent (it should be treated as a general contract intereaction rather than custom one)', () => { it('should use address (contract address)', () => { mockedStoreWithConfirmTxParams({ ...mockTxParams, value: '0x45666', }); const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(mockedStore); const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); const recipientElem = container.querySelector( sendToRecipientSelector, ); expect(recipientElem).toHaveTextContent(mockTxParamsToAddressConcat); }); }); describe(`when there is no amount being sent`, () => { it('should use propToAddress (toAddress passed as prop)', () => { mockedStoreWithConfirmTxParams({ ...mockTxParams, value: '0x0', }); const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(mockedStore); const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); const recipientElem = container.querySelector( sendToRecipientSelector, ); expect(recipientElem).toHaveTextContent(mockPropsToAddressConcat); }); it('should use address parsed from transaction data if propToAddress is not provided', () => { mockedStoreWithConfirmTxParams({ ...mockTxParams, value: '0x0', }); const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(mockedStore); const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); const recipientElem = container.querySelector( sendToRecipientSelector, ); expect(recipientElem).toHaveTextContent(mockParsedTxDataToAddress); }); it('should use if neither propToAddress is not provided nor the transaction data to address were provided', () => { mockedStoreWithConfirmTxParams({ ...mockTxParams, data: '0x', value: '0x0', }); const store = configureMockStore(middleware)(mockedStore); const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); const recipientElem = container.querySelector( sendToRecipientSelector, ); expect(recipientElem).toHaveTextContent(mockTxParamsToAddressConcat); }); }); }); }); });