import { strict as assert } from 'assert'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { toHex } from '@metamask/controller-utils'; import { ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_BACKGROUND } from '../../../shared/constants/app'; import { createSegmentMock } from '../lib/segment'; import { METAMETRICS_ANONYMOUS_ID, METAMETRICS_BACKGROUND_PAGE_OBJECT, MetaMetricsUserTrait, } from '../../../shared/constants/metametrics'; import waitUntilCalled from '../../../test/lib/wait-until-called'; import { CHAIN_IDS, CURRENCY_SYMBOLS, NETWORK_TYPES, } from '../../../shared/constants/network'; import * as Utils from '../lib/util'; import MetaMetricsController from './metametrics'; const segment = createSegmentMock(2, 10000); const VERSION = '0.0.1-test'; const FAKE_CHAIN_ID = '0x1338'; const LOCALE = 'en_US'; const TEST_META_METRICS_ID = '0xabc'; const DUMMY_ACTION_ID = 'DUMMY_ACTION_ID'; const MOCK_EXTENSION_ID = 'testid'; const MOCK_EXTENSION = { runtime: { id: MOCK_EXTENSION_ID, setUninstallURL: () => undefined, }, }; const MOCK_TRAITS = { test_boolean: true, test_string: 'abc', test_number: 123, test_bool_array: [true, true, false], test_string_array: ['test', 'test', 'test'], test_boolean_array: [1, 2, 3], }; const MOCK_INVALID_TRAITS = { test_null: null, test_array_multi_types: [true, 'a', 1], }; const DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT = { app: { name: 'MetaMask Extension', version: VERSION, extensionId: MOCK_EXTENSION_ID, }, page: METAMETRICS_BACKGROUND_PAGE_OBJECT, referrer: undefined, userAgent: window.navigator.userAgent, }; const DEFAULT_SHARED_PROPERTIES = { chain_id: FAKE_CHAIN_ID, locale: LOCALE.replace('_', '-'), environment_type: 'background', }; const DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES = { category: 'Unit Test', revenue: undefined, value: undefined, currency: undefined, extensionId: MOCK_EXTENSION_ID, ...DEFAULT_SHARED_PROPERTIES, }; const DEFAULT_PAGE_PROPERTIES = { ...DEFAULT_SHARED_PROPERTIES, }; function getMockNetworkController() { let state = { providerConfig: { type: NETWORK_TYPES.GOERLI, chainId: FAKE_CHAIN_ID, }, network: 'loading', }; const onNetworkDidChange = sinon.stub(); const updateState = (newState) => { state = { ...state, ...newState }; onNetworkDidChange.getCall(0).args[0](); }; return { store: { getState: () => state, updateState, }, onNetworkDidChange, }; } function getMockPreferencesStore({ currentLocale = LOCALE } = {}) { let preferencesStore = { currentLocale, }; const subscribe = sinon.stub(); const updateState = (newState) => { preferencesStore = { ...preferencesStore, ...newState }; subscribe.getCall(0).args[0](preferencesStore); }; return { getState: sinon.stub().returns(preferencesStore), updateState, subscribe, }; } const SAMPLE_PERSISTED_EVENT = { id: 'testid', persist: true, category: 'Unit Test', successEvent: 'sample persisted event success', failureEvent: 'sample persisted event failure', properties: { test: true, }, }; const SAMPLE_NON_PERSISTED_EVENT = { id: 'testid2', persist: false, category: 'Unit Test', successEvent: 'sample non-persisted event success', failureEvent: 'sample non-persisted event failure', uniqueIdentifier: 'sample-non-persisted-event', properties: { test: true, }, }; function getMetaMetricsController({ participateInMetaMetrics = true, metaMetricsId = TEST_META_METRICS_ID, preferencesStore = getMockPreferencesStore(), networkController = getMockNetworkController(), segmentInstance, } = {}) { return new MetaMetricsController({ segment: segmentInstance || segment, getCurrentChainId: () =>, onNetworkDidChange: networkController.onNetworkDidChange.bind(networkController), preferencesStore, version: '0.0.1', environment: 'test', initState: { participateInMetaMetrics, metaMetricsId, fragments: { testid: SAMPLE_PERSISTED_EVENT, testid2: SAMPLE_NON_PERSISTED_EVENT, }, events: {}, }, extension: MOCK_EXTENSION, }); } describe('MetaMetricsController', function () { const now = new Date(); let clock; beforeEach(function () { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(now.getTime()); sinon.stub(Utils, 'generateRandomId').returns('DUMMY_RANDOM_ID'); }); describe('constructor', function () { it('should properly initialize', function () { const mock = sinon.mock(segment); mock .expects('track') .once() .withArgs({ event: 'sample non-persisted event failure', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, test: true, }, messageId: 'sample-non-persisted-event-failure', timestamp: new Date(), }); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); assert.strictEqual(metaMetricsController.version, VERSION); assert.strictEqual(metaMetricsController.chainId, FAKE_CHAIN_ID); assert.strictEqual( metaMetricsController.state.participateInMetaMetrics, true, ); assert.strictEqual( metaMetricsController.state.metaMetricsId, TEST_META_METRICS_ID, ); assert.strictEqual( metaMetricsController.locale, LOCALE.replace('_', '-'), ); assert.deepStrictEqual(metaMetricsController.state.fragments, { testid: SAMPLE_PERSISTED_EVENT, }); mock.verify(); }); it('should update when network changes', function () { const networkController = getMockNetworkController(); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ networkController, });{ providerConfig: { type: 'NEW_NETWORK', chainId: '0xaab', }, }); assert.strictEqual(metaMetricsController.chainId, '0xaab'); }); it('should update when preferences changes', function () { const preferencesStore = getMockPreferencesStore(); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ preferencesStore, }); preferencesStore.updateState({ currentLocale: 'en_UK', }); assert.strictEqual(metaMetricsController.locale, 'en-UK'); }); }); describe('generateMetaMetricsId', function () { it('should generate an 0x prefixed hex string', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); assert.equal( metaMetricsController.generateMetaMetricsId().startsWith('0x'), true, ); }); }); describe('identify', function () { it('should call segment.identify for valid traits if user is participating in metametrics', async function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ participateInMetaMetrics: true, metaMetricsId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, }); const mock = sinon.mock(segment); mock.expects('identify').once().withArgs({ userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, traits: MOCK_TRAITS, messageId: Utils.generateRandomId(), timestamp: new Date(), }); metaMetricsController.identify({ ...MOCK_TRAITS, ...MOCK_INVALID_TRAITS, }); mock.verify(); }); it('should transform date type traits into ISO-8601 timestamp strings', async function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ participateInMetaMetrics: true, metaMetricsId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, }); const mock = sinon.mock(segment); const mockDate = new Date(); const mockDateISOString = mockDate.toISOString(); mock .expects('identify') .once() .withArgs({ userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, traits: { test_date: mockDateISOString, }, messageId: Utils.generateRandomId(), timestamp: new Date(), }); metaMetricsController.identify({ test_date: mockDate, }); mock.verify(); }); it('should not call segment.identify if user is not participating in metametrics', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ participateInMetaMetrics: false, }); const mock = sinon.mock(segment); mock.expects('identify').never(); metaMetricsController.identify(MOCK_TRAITS); mock.verify(); }); it('should not call segment.identify if there are no valid traits to identify', async function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ participateInMetaMetrics: true, metaMetricsId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, }); const mock = sinon.mock(segment); mock.expects('identify').never(); metaMetricsController.identify(MOCK_INVALID_TRAITS); mock.verify(); }); }); describe('setParticipateInMetaMetrics', function () { it('should update the value of participateInMetaMetrics', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ participateInMetaMetrics: null, metaMetricsId: null, }); assert.equal(metaMetricsController.state.participateInMetaMetrics, null); metaMetricsController.setParticipateInMetaMetrics(true); assert.equal(metaMetricsController.state.participateInMetaMetrics, true); metaMetricsController.setParticipateInMetaMetrics(false); assert.equal(metaMetricsController.state.participateInMetaMetrics, false); }); it('should generate and update the metaMetricsId when set to true', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ participateInMetaMetrics: null, metaMetricsId: null, }); assert.equal(metaMetricsController.state.metaMetricsId, null); metaMetricsController.setParticipateInMetaMetrics(true); assert.equal(typeof metaMetricsController.state.metaMetricsId, 'string'); }); it('should nullify the metaMetricsId when set to false', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); metaMetricsController.setParticipateInMetaMetrics(false); assert.equal(metaMetricsController.state.metaMetricsId, null); }); }); describe('submitEvent', function () { it('should not track an event if user is not participating in metametrics', function () { const mock = sinon.mock(segment); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ participateInMetaMetrics: false, }); mock.expects('track').never(); metaMetricsController.submitEvent({ event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', properties: { test: 1, }, }); mock.verify(); }); it('should track an event if user has not opted in, but isOptIn is true', function () { const mock = sinon.mock(segment); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ participateInMetaMetrics: true, }); mock .expects('track') .once() .withArgs({ event: 'Fake Event', anonymousId: METAMETRICS_ANONYMOUS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { test: 1, ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: Utils.generateRandomId(), timestamp: new Date(), }); metaMetricsController.submitEvent( { event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', properties: { test: 1, }, }, { isOptIn: true }, ); mock.verify(); }); it('should track an event during optin and allow for metaMetricsId override', function () { const mock = sinon.mock(segment); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ participateInMetaMetrics: true, }); mock .expects('track') .once() .withArgs({ event: 'Fake Event', userId: 'TESTID', context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { test: 1, ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: Utils.generateRandomId(), timestamp: new Date(), }); metaMetricsController.submitEvent( { event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', properties: { test: 1, }, }, { isOptIn: true, metaMetricsId: 'TESTID' }, ); mock.verify(); }); it('should track a legacy event', function () { const mock = sinon.mock(segment); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); mock .expects('track') .once() .withArgs({ event: 'Fake Event', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { test: 1, legacy_event: true, ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: Utils.generateRandomId(), timestamp: new Date(), }); metaMetricsController.submitEvent( { event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', properties: { test: 1, }, }, { matomoEvent: true }, ); mock.verify(); }); it('should track a non legacy event', function () { const mock = sinon.mock(segment); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); mock .expects('track') .once() .withArgs({ event: 'Fake Event', properties: { test: 1, ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, messageId: Utils.generateRandomId(), timestamp: new Date(), }); metaMetricsController.submitEvent({ event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', properties: { test: 1, }, }); mock.verify(); }); it('should immediately flush queue if flushImmediately set to true', async function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); const flushStub = sinon.stub(segment, 'flush'); const flushCalled = waitUntilCalled(flushStub, segment); metaMetricsController.submitEvent( { event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', }, { flushImmediately: true }, ); assert.doesNotReject(flushCalled()); }); it('should throw if event or category not provided', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); assert.rejects( () => metaMetricsController.submitEvent({ event: 'test' }), /Must specify event and category\./u, 'must specify category', ); assert.rejects( () => metaMetricsController.submitEvent({ category: 'test' }), /Must specify event and category\./u, 'must specify event', ); }); it('should throw if provided sensitiveProperties, when excludeMetaMetricsId is true', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); assert.rejects( () => metaMetricsController.submitEvent( { event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', sensitiveProperties: { foo: 'bar' }, }, { excludeMetaMetricsId: true }, ), /sensitiveProperties was specified in an event payload that also set the excludeMetaMetricsId flag/u, ); }); it('should track sensitiveProperties in a separate, anonymous event', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); const spy = sinon.spy(segment, 'track'); metaMetricsController.submitEvent({ event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', sensitiveProperties: { foo: 'bar' }, }); assert.ok(spy.calledTwice); assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ event: 'Fake Event', anonymousId: METAMETRICS_ANONYMOUS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { foo: 'bar', ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: Utils.generateRandomId(), timestamp: new Date(), }), ); assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ event: 'Fake Event', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, messageId: Utils.generateRandomId(), timestamp: new Date(), }), ); }); }); describe('trackPage', function () { it('should track a page view', function () { const mock = sinon.mock(segment); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); mock .expects('page') .once() .withArgs({ name: 'home', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { params: null, ...DEFAULT_PAGE_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: Utils.generateRandomId(), timestamp: new Date(), }); metaMetricsController.trackPage({ name: 'home', params: null, environmentType: ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_BACKGROUND, page: METAMETRICS_BACKGROUND_PAGE_OBJECT, }); mock.verify(); }); it('should not track a page view if user is not participating in metametrics', function () { const mock = sinon.mock(segment); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ participateInMetaMetrics: false, }); mock.expects('page').never(); metaMetricsController.trackPage({ name: 'home', params: null, environmentType: ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_BACKGROUND, page: METAMETRICS_BACKGROUND_PAGE_OBJECT, }); mock.verify(); }); it('should track a page view if isOptInPath is true and user not yet opted in', function () { const mock = sinon.mock(segment); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ preferencesStore: getMockPreferencesStore({ participateInMetaMetrics: null, }), }); mock .expects('page') .once() .withArgs({ name: 'home', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { params: null, ...DEFAULT_PAGE_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: Utils.generateRandomId(), timestamp: new Date(), }); metaMetricsController.trackPage( { name: 'home', params: null, environmentType: ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_BACKGROUND, page: METAMETRICS_BACKGROUND_PAGE_OBJECT, }, { isOptInPath: true }, ); mock.verify(); }); it('multiple trackPage call with same actionId should result in same messageId being sent to segment', function () { const mock = sinon.mock(segment); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ preferencesStore: getMockPreferencesStore({ participateInMetaMetrics: null, }), }); mock .expects('page') .twice() .withArgs({ name: 'home', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { params: null, ...DEFAULT_PAGE_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: DUMMY_ACTION_ID, timestamp: new Date(), }); metaMetricsController.trackPage( { name: 'home', params: null, actionId: DUMMY_ACTION_ID, environmentType: ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_BACKGROUND, page: METAMETRICS_BACKGROUND_PAGE_OBJECT, }, { isOptInPath: true }, ); metaMetricsController.trackPage( { name: 'home', params: null, actionId: DUMMY_ACTION_ID, environmentType: ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_BACKGROUND, page: METAMETRICS_BACKGROUND_PAGE_OBJECT, }, { isOptInPath: true }, ); mock.verify(); }); }); describe('deterministic messageId', function () { it('should use the actionId as messageId when provided', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); const spy = sinon.spy(segment, 'track'); metaMetricsController.submitEvent({ event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', properties: { foo: 'bar' }, actionId: '0x001', }); assert.ok(spy.calledOnce); assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ event: 'Fake Event', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { foo: 'bar', ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: '0x001', timestamp: new Date(), }), ); }); it('should append 0x000 to the actionId of anonymized event when tracking sensitiveProperties', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); const spy = sinon.spy(segment, 'track'); metaMetricsController.submitEvent({ event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', sensitiveProperties: { foo: 'bar' }, actionId: '0x001', }); assert.ok(spy.calledTwice); assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ event: 'Fake Event', anonymousId: METAMETRICS_ANONYMOUS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { foo: 'bar', ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: '0x001-0x000', timestamp: new Date(), }), ); assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ event: 'Fake Event', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: '0x001', timestamp: new Date(), }), ); }); it('should use the uniqueIdentifier as messageId when provided', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); const spy = sinon.spy(segment, 'track'); metaMetricsController.submitEvent({ event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', properties: { foo: 'bar' }, uniqueIdentifier: 'transaction-submitted-0000', }); assert.ok(spy.calledOnce); assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ event: 'Fake Event', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { foo: 'bar', ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: 'transaction-submitted-0000', timestamp: new Date(), }), ); }); it('should append 0x000 to the uniqueIdentifier of anonymized event when tracking sensitiveProperties', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); const spy = sinon.spy(segment, 'track'); metaMetricsController.submitEvent({ event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', sensitiveProperties: { foo: 'bar' }, uniqueIdentifier: 'transaction-submitted-0000', }); assert.ok(spy.calledTwice); assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ event: 'Fake Event', anonymousId: METAMETRICS_ANONYMOUS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { foo: 'bar', ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: 'transaction-submitted-0000-0x000', timestamp: new Date(), }), ); assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ event: 'Fake Event', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: 'transaction-submitted-0000', timestamp: new Date(), }), ); }); it('should combine the uniqueIdentifier and actionId as messageId when both provided', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); const spy = sinon.spy(segment, 'track'); metaMetricsController.submitEvent({ event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', properties: { foo: 'bar' }, actionId: '0x001', uniqueIdentifier: 'transaction-submitted-0000', }); assert.ok(spy.calledOnce); assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ event: 'Fake Event', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { foo: 'bar', ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: 'transaction-submitted-0000-0x001', timestamp: new Date(), }), ); }); it('should append 0x000 to the combined uniqueIdentifier and actionId of anonymized event when tracking sensitiveProperties', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); const spy = sinon.spy(segment, 'track'); metaMetricsController.submitEvent({ event: 'Fake Event', category: 'Unit Test', sensitiveProperties: { foo: 'bar' }, actionId: '0x001', uniqueIdentifier: 'transaction-submitted-0000', }); assert.ok(spy.calledTwice); assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ event: 'Fake Event', anonymousId: METAMETRICS_ANONYMOUS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { foo: 'bar', ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: 'transaction-submitted-0000-0x001-0x000', timestamp: new Date(), }), ); assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ event: 'Fake Event', userId: TEST_META_METRICS_ID, context: DEFAULT_TEST_CONTEXT, properties: { ...DEFAULT_EVENT_PROPERTIES, }, messageId: 'transaction-submitted-0000-0x001', timestamp: new Date(), }), ); }); }); describe('_buildUserTraitsObject', function () { it('should return full user traits object on first call', function () { const MOCK_ALL_TOKENS = { [toHex(1)]: { '0x1235ce91d74254f29d4609f25932fe6d97bf4842': [ { address: '0xd2cea331e5f5d8ee9fb1055c297795937645de91', }, { address: '0xabc66500c84A76Ad7e9c93437bFc5Ac33E2DDaE9', }, ], '0xe364b0f9d1879e53e8183055c9d7dd2b7375d86b': [ { address: '0xd2cea331e5f5d8ee9fb1055c297795937645de91', }, ], }, [toHex(4)]: { '0x1235ce91d74254f29d4609f25932fe6d97bf4842': [ { address: '0xd2cea331e5f5d8ee9fb1055c297795937645de91', }, { address: '0x12317F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7', }, ], }, }; const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); const traits = metaMetricsController._buildUserTraitsObject({ addressBook: { [CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET]: [{ address: '0x' }], [CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI]: [{ address: '0x' }, { address: '0x0' }], }, allNfts: { '0xac706cE8A9BF27Afecf080fB298d0ee13cfb978A': { [toHex(56)]: [ { address: '0xd2cea331e5f5d8ee9fb1055c297795937645de91', tokenId: '100', }, { address: '0xd2cea331e5f5d8ee9fb1055c297795937645de91', tokenId: '101', }, { address: '0x7488d2ce5deb26db021285b50b661d655eb3d3d9', tokenId: '99', }, ], }, '0xe04AB39684A24D8D4124b114F3bd6FBEB779cacA': { [toHex(59)]: [ { address: '0x63d646bc7380562376d5de205123a57b1718184d', tokenId: '14', }, ], }, }, allTokens: MOCK_ALL_TOKENS, networkConfigurations: { 'network-configuration-id-1': { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET, ticker: CURRENCY_SYMBOLS.ETH, }, 'network-configuration-id-2': { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI, ticker: CURRENCY_SYMBOLS.TEST_ETH, }, 'network-configuration-id-3': { chainId: '0xaf' }, }, identities: [{}, {}], ledgerTransportType: 'web-hid', openSeaEnabled: true, useNftDetection: false, theme: 'default', useTokenDetection: true, desktopEnabled: false, security_providers: [], }); assert.deepEqual(traits, { [MetaMetricsUserTrait.AddressBookEntries]: 3, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.InstallDateExt]: '', [MetaMetricsUserTrait.LedgerConnectionType]: 'web-hid', [MetaMetricsUserTrait.NetworksAdded]: [ CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET, CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI, '0xaf', ], [MetaMetricsUserTrait.NetworksWithoutTicker]: ['0xaf'], [MetaMetricsUserTrait.NftAutodetectionEnabled]: false, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.NumberOfAccounts]: 2, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.NumberOfNftCollections]: 3, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.NumberOfNfts]: 4, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.NumberOfTokens]: 5, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.OpenseaApiEnabled]: true, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.ThreeBoxEnabled]: false, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.Theme]: 'default', [MetaMetricsUserTrait.TokenDetectionEnabled]: true, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.DesktopEnabled]: false, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.SecurityProviders]: [], ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(build-mmi) [MetaMetricsUserTrait.MmiExtensionId]: 'testid', [MetaMetricsUserTrait.MmiAccountAddress]: null, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.MmiIsCustodian]: false, ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN }); }); it('should return only changed traits object on subsequent calls', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); metaMetricsController._buildUserTraitsObject({ addressBook: { [CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET]: [{ address: '0x' }], [CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI]: [{ address: '0x' }, { address: '0x0' }], }, allTokens: {}, networkConfigurations: { 'network-configuration-id-1': { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET }, 'network-configuration-id-2': { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI }, }, ledgerTransportType: 'web-hid', openSeaEnabled: true, identities: [{}, {}], useNftDetection: false, theme: 'default', useTokenDetection: true, desktopEnabled: false, }); const updatedTraits = metaMetricsController._buildUserTraitsObject({ addressBook: { [CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET]: [{ address: '0x' }, { address: '0x1' }], [CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI]: [{ address: '0x' }, { address: '0x0' }], }, allTokens: { [toHex(1)]: { '0xabcde': [{ '0x12345': { address: '0xtestAddress' } }], }, }, networkConfigurations: { 'network-configuration-id-1': { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET }, 'network-configuration-id-2': { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI }, }, ledgerTransportType: 'web-hid', openSeaEnabled: false, identities: [{}, {}, {}], useNftDetection: false, theme: 'default', useTokenDetection: true, desktopEnabled: false, }); assert.deepEqual(updatedTraits, { [MetaMetricsUserTrait.AddressBookEntries]: 4, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.NumberOfAccounts]: 3, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.NumberOfTokens]: 1, [MetaMetricsUserTrait.OpenseaApiEnabled]: false, }); }); it('should return null if no traits changed', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController(); metaMetricsController._buildUserTraitsObject({ addressBook: { [CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET]: [{ address: '0x' }], [CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI]: [{ address: '0x' }, { address: '0x0' }], }, allTokens: {}, networkConfigurations: { 'network-configuration-id-1': { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET }, 'network-configuration-id-2': { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI }, }, ledgerTransportType: 'web-hid', openSeaEnabled: true, identities: [{}, {}], useNftDetection: true, theme: 'default', useTokenDetection: true, desktopEnabled: false, }); const updatedTraits = metaMetricsController._buildUserTraitsObject({ addressBook: { [CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET]: [{ address: '0x' }], [CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI]: [{ address: '0x' }, { address: '0x0' }], }, allTokens: {}, networkConfigurations: { 'network-configuration-id-1': { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET }, 'network-configuration-id-2': { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI }, }, ledgerTransportType: 'web-hid', openSeaEnabled: true, identities: [{}, {}], useNftDetection: true, theme: 'default', useTokenDetection: true, desktopEnabled: false, }); assert.equal(updatedTraits, null); }); }); describe('submitting segmentApiCalls to segment SDK', function () { it('should add event to store when submitting to SDK', function () { const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({}); metaMetricsController.trackPage({}, { isOptIn: true }); const { segmentApiCalls } =; assert(Object.keys(segmentApiCalls).length > 0); }); it('should remove event from store when callback is invoked', function () { const segmentInstance = createSegmentMock(2, 10000); const stubFn = (_, cb) => { cb(); }; sinon.stub(segmentInstance, 'track').callsFake(stubFn); sinon.stub(segmentInstance, 'page').callsFake(stubFn); const metaMetricsController = getMetaMetricsController({ segmentInstance, }); metaMetricsController.trackPage({}, { isOptIn: true }); const { segmentApiCalls } =; assert(Object.keys(segmentApiCalls).length === 0); }); }); afterEach(function () { // flush the queues manually after each test segment.flush(); clock.restore(); sinon.restore(); }); });