import { cloneDeep, uniq } from 'lodash'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import { getRpcUrl } from '../../../shared/constants/network'; const version = 74; const hexNumberIsGreaterThanZero = (hexNumber) => new BigNumber(hexNumber || '0x0', 16).gt(0); const DEPRECATED_TEST_NET_CHAINIDS = ['0x3', '0x2a', '0x4']; const DEPRECATED_TEST_NET_DETAILS = { '0x3': { rpcUrl: getRpcUrl({ network: 'ropsten' }), nickname: 'Ropsten', ticker: 'RopstenETH', }, '0x2a': { rpcUrl: getRpcUrl({ network: 'kovan' }), nickname: 'Kovan', ticker: 'KovanETH', }, '0x4': { rpcUrl: getRpcUrl({ network: 'rinkeby' }), nickname: 'Rinkeby', ticker: 'RinkebyETH', }, }; /** * Migrates the user default but deprecated testnet networks to custom networks, and * if the current network is one such network, updates the network provider details so that it * will work as a custom rpc */ export default { version, async migrate(originalVersionedData) { const versionedData = cloneDeep(originalVersionedData); versionedData.meta.version = version; const state =; const newState = transformState(state); = newState; return versionedData; }, }; function transformState(state) { const PreferencesController = state?.PreferencesController || {}; const preferences = PreferencesController.preferences || {}; const NetworkController = state?.NetworkController || {}; const provider = NetworkController?.provider || {}; const currentlyOnDeprecatedNetwork = DEPRECATED_TEST_NET_CHAINIDS.filter( (chainId) => chainId === provider?.chainId, ); // If the user does not want to see test networks, and if the the user is not on a deprecated test network, then // no need to migrate the test network data to a custom network if ( !preferences.showTestNetworks && currentlyOnDeprecatedNetwork.length === 0 ) { return state; } const transactions = state?.TransactionController?.transactions || {}; const cachedBalances = state.CachedBalancesController?.cachedBalances || {}; const deprecatedTestnetsOnWhichTheUserHasMadeATransaction = Object.values( transactions, ) .filter(({ chainId }) => DEPRECATED_TEST_NET_CHAINIDS.includes(chainId)) .map(({ chainId }) => chainId); const deprecatedTestnetsOnWhichTheUserHasCachedBalance = DEPRECATED_TEST_NET_CHAINIDS.filter((chainId) => { const cachedBalancesForChain = Object.values( cachedBalances[chainId] || {}, ); const userHasABalanceGreaterThanZeroOnThisChain = cachedBalancesForChain.some(hexNumberIsGreaterThanZero); return userHasABalanceGreaterThanZeroOnThisChain; }); const deprecatedTestnetsThatHaveBeenUsed = uniq([ ...deprecatedTestnetsOnWhichTheUserHasCachedBalance, ...deprecatedTestnetsOnWhichTheUserHasMadeATransaction, ...currentlyOnDeprecatedNetwork, ]); const newFrequentRpcListDetail = PreferencesController.frequentRpcListDetail ?? []; deprecatedTestnetsThatHaveBeenUsed.forEach((chainId) => { if ( !newFrequentRpcListDetail.find( (rpcDetails) => rpcDetails.chainId === chainId, ) ) { newFrequentRpcListDetail.unshift({ rpcUrl: DEPRECATED_TEST_NET_DETAILS[chainId].rpcUrl, chainId, ticker: DEPRECATED_TEST_NET_DETAILS[chainId].ticker, nickname: DEPRECATED_TEST_NET_DETAILS[chainId].nickname, rpcPrefs: {}, }); } }); if (newFrequentRpcListDetail.length) { PreferencesController.frequentRpcListDetail = newFrequentRpcListDetail; } if (currentlyOnDeprecatedNetwork.length) { const selectedNetworkChainId = currentlyOnDeprecatedNetwork[0]; NetworkController.provider = { ...NetworkController.provider, type: 'rpc', rpcUrl: DEPRECATED_TEST_NET_DETAILS[selectedNetworkChainId].rpcUrl, chainId: selectedNetworkChainId, nickname: DEPRECATED_TEST_NET_DETAILS[selectedNetworkChainId].nickname, ticker: DEPRECATED_TEST_NET_DETAILS[selectedNetworkChainId].ticker, }; } return { ...state, PreferencesController: { ...PreferencesController, }, NetworkController: { ...NetworkController, }, }; }