const { strict: assert } = require('assert'); const { withFixtures, openDapp, generateGanacheOptions, WALLET_PASSWORD, WINDOW_TITLES, DEFAULT_GANACHE_OPTIONS, generateETHBalance, roundToXDecimalPlaces, generateRandNumBetween, switchToWindow, sleepSeconds, terminateServiceWorker, unlockWallet, } = require('../helpers'); const FixtureBuilder = require('../fixture-builder'); describe('MV3 - Restart service worker multiple times', function () { it('Simple simple send flow within full screen view should still be usable', async function () { const initialBalance = roundToXDecimalPlaces( generateRandNumBetween(10, 100), 4, ); await withFixtures( { fixtures: new FixtureBuilder().build(), ganacheOptions: generateGanacheOptions({ accounts: [ { secretKey: DEFAULT_GANACHE_OPTIONS.accounts[0].secretKey, balance: generateETHBalance(initialBalance), }, ], }), title: this.test.title, driverOptions: { openDevToolsForTabs: true }, }, async ({ driver }) => { await driver.navigate(); await unlockWallet(driver, WALLET_PASSWORD); await assertETHBalance(driver, initialBalance); // first send ETH and then terminate SW const RECIPIENT_ADDRESS = '0x985c30949c92df7a0bd42e0f3e3d539ece98db24'; const amountFirstTx = roundToXDecimalPlaces( generateRandNumBetween(0.5, 2), 4, ); const gasFeesFirstTx = await simpleSendETH( driver, amountFirstTx, RECIPIENT_ADDRESS, ); const totalAfterFirstTx = roundToXDecimalPlaces( initialBalance - amountFirstTx - gasFeesFirstTx, 4, ); await terminateServiceWorker(driver); await assertETHBalance(driver, totalAfterFirstTx); // first send ETH #2 and then terminate SW const amountSecondTx = roundToXDecimalPlaces( generateRandNumBetween(0.5, 2), 4, ); const gasFeesSecondTx = await simpleSendETH( driver, amountSecondTx, RECIPIENT_ADDRESS, ); const totalAfterSecondTx = roundToXDecimalPlaces( initialBalance - amountFirstTx - gasFeesFirstTx - amountSecondTx - gasFeesSecondTx, 4, ); await terminateServiceWorker(driver); await assertETHBalance(driver, totalAfterSecondTx); // first terminate SW and then send ETH const amountThirdTx = roundToXDecimalPlaces( generateRandNumBetween(0.5, 2), 4, ); const gasFeesThirdTx = await simpleSendETH( driver, amountThirdTx, RECIPIENT_ADDRESS, ); const totalAfterThirdTx = roundToXDecimalPlaces( initialBalance - amountFirstTx - gasFeesFirstTx - amountSecondTx - gasFeesSecondTx - amountThirdTx - gasFeesThirdTx, 4, ); await assertETHBalance(driver, totalAfterThirdTx); }, ); async function simpleSendETH(driver, value, recipient) { await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.ExtensionInFullScreenView); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="eth-overview-send"]'); await driver.fill('[data-testid="ens-input"]', recipient); const formattedValue = `${value}`.replace('.', ','); await driver.fill('.unit-input__input', formattedValue); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="page-container-footer-next"]'); const gasFeesEl = await driver.findElement( '.transaction-detail-item__detail-values .currency-display-component', ); const gasFees = await gasFeesEl.getText(); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="page-container-footer-next"]'); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="home__activity-tab"]'); await driver.findElement('.transaction-list-item'); // reset view to assets tab await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="home__asset-tab"]'); return gasFees; } async function assertETHBalance(driver, expectedBalance) { await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.ExtensionInFullScreenView); const isETHBalanceOverviewPresentAndVisible = await driver.isElementPresentAndVisible({ css: '[data-testid="eth-overview__primary-currency"]', text: `${expectedBalance} ETH`, }); assert.equal( isETHBalanceOverviewPresentAndVisible, true, `Balance DOM element should be visible and match ${expectedBalance} ETH.`, ); } }); it('Should continue to support add network dApp interactions after service worker re-starts multiple times', async function () { await withFixtures( { dapp: true, fixtures: new FixtureBuilder() .withPermissionControllerConnectedToTestDapp() .build(), ganacheOptions: generateGanacheOptions({ concurrent: { port: 8546, chainId: 1338 }, }), title: this.test.title, driverOptions: { openDevToolsForTabs: true }, }, async ({ driver }) => { await driver.navigate(); await unlockWallet(driver, WALLET_PASSWORD); await openDapp(driver); // Click add Ethereum chain await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.TestDApp); await driver.clickElement('#addEthereumChain'); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); // Notification pop up opens await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.Notification); let notification = await driver.isElementPresent({ text: 'Allow this site to add a network?', tag: 'h3', }); assert.ok(notification, 'Dapp action does not appear in Metamask'); // Cancel Notification await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Cancel', tag: 'button' }); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); // Terminate Service Worker await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.TestDApp); await terminateServiceWorker(driver); // Click add Ethereum chain #2 await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.TestDApp); await driver.clickElement('#addEthereumChain'); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); // Notification pop up opens await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.Notification); notification = await driver.isElementPresent({ text: 'Allow this site to add a network?', tag: 'h3', }); assert.ok(notification, 'Dapp action does not appear in Metamask'); // Cancel Notification await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Cancel', tag: 'button' }); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); // Terminate Service Worker await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.TestDApp); await terminateServiceWorker(driver); // Click add Ethereum chain #3 await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.TestDApp); await driver.clickElement('#addEthereumChain'); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); // Notification pop up opens await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.Notification); notification = await driver.isElementPresent({ text: 'Allow this site to add a network?', tag: 'h3', }); assert.ok(notification, 'Dapp action does not appear in Metamask'); // Accept Notification await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Approve', tag: 'button' }); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Switch network', tag: 'button' }); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); }, ); }); it('Should continue to support send ETH dApp interactions after service worker re-starts multiple times', async function () { await withFixtures( { dapp: true, fixtures: new FixtureBuilder() .withPermissionControllerConnectedToTestDapp() .build(), ganacheOptions: generateGanacheOptions({ concurrent: { port: 8546, chainId: 1338 }, }), title: this.test.title, driverOptions: { openDevToolsForTabs: true }, }, async ({ driver }) => { await driver.navigate(); await unlockWallet(driver, WALLET_PASSWORD); await openDapp(driver); await clickSendButton(driver); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.TestDApp); await terminateServiceWorker(driver); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); await clickSendButton(driver); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.TestDApp); await terminateServiceWorker(driver); await clickSendButton(driver); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); await assertNumberOfTransactionsInPopUp(driver, 3); await confirmETHSendNotification(driver, 1); await assertNumberOfTransactionsInPopUp(driver, 2); await confirmETHSendNotification(driver, 1); await confirmETHSendNotification(driver, 1); }, ); async function clickSendButton(driver) { // Click send button await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.TestDApp); await driver.waitForSelector({ css: '#sendButton', text: 'Send', }); await driver.clickElement('#sendButton'); } async function confirmETHSendNotification(driver, amount) { await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.Notification); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Edit', tag: 'span', }); await driver.fill('[data-testid="currency-input"]', amount); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Next', tag: 'button', }); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button', }); } async function assertNumberOfTransactionsInPopUp(driver, number) { await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.Notification); const navEl = await driver.findElement( '.confirm-page-container-navigation__navtext', ); const notificationProgress = await navEl.getText(); assert.ok(notificationProgress, `1 of ${number}`); } }); it('Should lock wallet when a browser session ends (after turning off the extension)', async function () { await withFixtures( { dapp: true, fixtures: new FixtureBuilder() .withPermissionControllerConnectedToTestDapp() .build(), ganacheOptions: generateGanacheOptions({ concurrent: { port: 8546, chainId: 1338 }, }), title: this.test.title, }, async ({ driver }) => { const { extensionUrl } = driver; const extensionId = extensionUrl.split('//')[1]; await driver.navigate(); await unlockWallet(driver, WALLET_PASSWORD); await reloadExtension(driver, extensionId); // ensure extension finishes reloading before reopening full screen extension await sleepSeconds(0.1); await driver.openNewPage(`${extensionUrl}/home.html`); const passwordField = await driver.isElementPresent('#password'); assert.ok( passwordField, 'Password screen is not visible. Wallet should have been locked.', ); }, ); async function reloadExtension(driver, extensionId) { await switchToWindow(driver, WINDOW_TITLES.ExtensionInFullScreenView); await driver.openNewPage('chrome://extensions/'); // extensions-manager const extensionsManager = await driver.findElement('extensions-manager'); // shadowRoot const extensionsManagerShadowRoot = await driver.executeScript( 'return arguments[0][0].shadowRoot', extensionsManager, ); // cr-view-manager const viewManager = await extensionsManagerShadowRoot.findElement({ css: '#viewManager', }); // extensions-item-list const itemList = await viewManager.findElement({ css: '#items-list', }); // shadowRoot const itemListShadowRoot = await driver.executeScript( 'return arguments[0][0].shadowRoot', itemList, ); // extension-item const extensionItem = await await itemListShadowRoot.findElement({ css: `#${extensionId}`, }); // shadowRoot const extensionItemShadowRoot = await driver.executeScript( 'return arguments[0][0].shadowRoot', extensionItem, ); // cr-icon-button const devReloadButton = await extensionItemShadowRoot.findElement({ css: '#dev-reload-button', }); // shadowRoot const devReloadButtonShadowRoot = await driver.executeScript( 'return arguments[0][0].shadowRoot', devReloadButton, ); // cr-icon-button const reloadBtn = await devReloadButtonShadowRoot.findElement({ css: '#maskedImage', }); await; } }); });