import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { getShouldShowFiat, getIsMultiLayerFeeNetwork, } from '../../../selectors'; import { getNativeCurrency } from '../../../ducks/metamask/metamask'; import { getHexGasTotal } from '../../../helpers/utils/confirm-tx.util'; import { isEIP1559Transaction } from '../../../../shared/modules/transaction.utils'; import { subtractHexes, sumHexes, } from '../../../../shared/modules/conversion.utils'; import TransactionBreakdown from './transaction-breakdown.component'; const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => { const { transaction, isTokenApprove } = ownProps; const { txParams: { gas, gasPrice, maxFeePerGas, value } = {}, txReceipt: { gasUsed, effectiveGasPrice, l1Fee: l1HexGasTotal } = {}, baseFeePerGas, } = transaction; const gasLimit = typeof gasUsed === 'string' ? gasUsed : gas; const priorityFee = effectiveGasPrice && baseFeePerGas && subtractHexes(effectiveGasPrice, baseFeePerGas); // To calculate the total cost of the transaction, we use gasPrice if it is in the txParam, // which will only be the case on non-EIP1559 networks. If it is not in the params, we can // use the effectiveGasPrice from the receipt, which will ultimately represent to true cost // of the transaction. Either of these are used the same way with gasLimit to calculate total // cost. effectiveGasPrice will be available on the txReciept for all EIP1559 networks const usedGasPrice = gasPrice || effectiveGasPrice; const hexGasTotal = (gasLimit && usedGasPrice && getHexGasTotal({ gasLimit, gasPrice: usedGasPrice })) || '0x0'; let totalInHex = sumHexes(hexGasTotal, value); const isMultiLayerFeeNetwork = getIsMultiLayerFeeNetwork(state) && l1HexGasTotal !== undefined; if (isMultiLayerFeeNetwork) { totalInHex = sumHexes(totalInHex, l1HexGasTotal); } return { nativeCurrency: getNativeCurrency(state), showFiat: getShouldShowFiat(state), totalInHex, gas, gasPrice, maxFeePerGas, gasUsed, isTokenApprove, hexGasTotal, priorityFee, baseFee: baseFeePerGas, isEIP1559Transaction: isEIP1559Transaction(transaction), isMultiLayerFeeNetwork, l1HexGasTotal, }; }; export default connect(mapStateToProps)(TransactionBreakdown);