const assert = require('assert').strict; const runCommand = require('../runCommand'); const { parseChangelog } = require('./parseChangelog'); const { changeCategories } = require('./constants'); async function getMostRecentTag() { const [mostRecentTagCommitHash] = await runCommand('git', [ 'rev-list', '--tags', '--max-count=1', ]); const [mostRecentTag] = await runCommand('git', [ 'describe', '--tags', mostRecentTagCommitHash, ]); assert.equal(mostRecentTag[0], 'v', 'Most recent tag should start with v'); return mostRecentTag; } async function getCommits(commitHashes) { const commits = []; for (const commitHash of commitHashes) { const [subject] = await runCommand('git', [ 'show', '-s', '--format=%s', commitHash, ]); let prNumber; let description = subject; // Squash & Merge: the commit subject is parsed as ` (#)` if (subject.match(/\(#\d+\)/u)) { const matchResults = subject.match(/\(#(\d+)\)/u); prNumber = matchResults[1]; description = subject.match(/^(.+)\s\(#\d+\)/u)[1]; // Merge: the PR ID is parsed from the git subject (which is of the form `Merge pull request // # from `, and the description is assumed to be the first line of the body. // If no body is found, the description is set to the commit subject } else if (subject.match(/#\d+\sfrom/u)) { const matchResults = subject.match(/#(\d+)\sfrom/u); prNumber = matchResults[1]; const [firstLineOfBody] = await runCommand('git', [ 'show', '-s', '--format=%b', commitHash, ]); description = firstLineOfBody || subject; } // Otherwise: // Normal commits: The commit subject is the description, and the PR ID is omitted. commits.push({ prNumber, description }); } return commits; } function getAllChangeDescriptions(changelog) { const releases = changelog.getReleases(); const changeDescriptions = Object.values( changelog.getUnreleasedChanges(), ).flat(); for (const release of releases) { changeDescriptions.push( ...Object.values(changelog.getReleaseChanges(release.version)).flat(), ); } return changeDescriptions; } function getAllLoggedPrNumbers(changelog) { const changeDescriptions = getAllChangeDescriptions(changelog); const prNumbersWithChangelogEntries = []; for (const description of changeDescriptions) { const matchResults = description.match(/^\[#(\d+)\]/u); if (matchResults === null) { continue; } const prNumber = matchResults[1]; prNumbersWithChangelogEntries.push(prNumber); } return prNumbersWithChangelogEntries; } /** * @typedef {import('./constants.js').Version} Version */ /** * Update a changelog with any commits made since the last release. Commits for * PRs that are already included in the changelog are omitted. * @param {Object} options * @param {string} options.changelogContent - The current changelog * @param {Version} options.currentVersion - The current version * @param {string} options.repoUrl - The GitHub repository URL for the current * project. * @param {boolean} options.isReleaseCandidate - Denotes whether the current * project is in the midst of release preparation or not. If this is set, any * new changes are listed under the current release header. Otherwise, they * are listed under the 'Unreleased' section. * @returns */ async function updateChangelog({ changelogContent, currentVersion, repoUrl, isReleaseCandidate, }) { const changelog = parseChangelog({ changelogContent, repoUrl }); // Ensure we have all tags on remote await runCommand('git', ['fetch', '--tags']); const mostRecentTag = await getMostRecentTag(); const commitsHashesSinceLastRelease = await runCommand('git', [ 'rev-list', `${mostRecentTag}..HEAD`, ]); const commits = await getCommits(commitsHashesSinceLastRelease); const loggedPrNumbers = getAllLoggedPrNumbers(changelog); const newCommits = commits.filter( ({ prNumber }) => !loggedPrNumbers.includes(prNumber), ); const hasUnreleasedChanges = changelog.getUnreleasedChanges().length !== 0; if ( newCommits.length === 0 && (!isReleaseCandidate || hasUnreleasedChanges) ) { return undefined; } // Ensure release header exists, if necessary if ( isReleaseCandidate && !changelog .getReleases() .find((release) => release.version === currentVersion) ) { changelog.addRelease({ currentVersion }); } if (isReleaseCandidate && hasUnreleasedChanges) { changelog.migrateUnreleasedChangesToRelease(currentVersion); } const newChangeEntries ={ prNumber, description }) => { if (prNumber) { const prefix = `[#${prNumber}](${repoUrl}/pull/${prNumber})`; return `${prefix}: ${description}`; } return description; }); for (const description of newChangeEntries.reverse()) { changelog.addChange({ version: isReleaseCandidate ? currentVersion : undefined, category: changeCategories.Uncategorized, description, }); } return changelog.toString(); } module.exports = { updateChangelog };