import { strict as assert } from 'assert'; import { GOERLI, GOERLI_CHAIN_ID, KOVAN, KOVAN_CHAIN_ID, MAINNET, MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, RINKEBY, RINKEBY_CHAIN_ID, ROPSTEN, ROPSTEN_CHAIN_ID, } from '../../../shared/constants/network'; import migration55 from './055'; describe('migration #55', function () { it('should update the version metadata', async function () { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 54, }, data: {}, }; const newStorage = await migration55.migrate(oldStorage); assert.deepEqual(newStorage.meta, { version: 55, }); }); it('should replace incomingTxLastFetchedBlocksByNetwork with incomingTxLastFetchedBlockByChainId, and carry over old values', async function () { const oldStorage = { meta: {}, data: { IncomingTransactionsController: { incomingTransactions: { test: { transactionCategory: 'incoming', txParams: { foo: 'bar', }, }, }, incomingTxLastFetchedBlocksByNetwork: { [MAINNET]: 1, [ROPSTEN]: 2, [RINKEBY]: 3, [GOERLI]: 4, [KOVAN]: 5, }, }, foo: 'bar', }, }; const newStorage = await migration55.migrate(oldStorage); assert.deepEqual(, { IncomingTransactionsController: { incomingTransactions:, incomingTxLastFetchedBlockByChainId: { [MAINNET_CHAIN_ID]: 1, [ROPSTEN_CHAIN_ID]: 2, [RINKEBY_CHAIN_ID]: 3, [GOERLI_CHAIN_ID]: 4, [KOVAN_CHAIN_ID]: 5, }, }, foo: 'bar', }); }); it('should do nothing if incomingTxLastFetchedBlocksByNetwork key is not populated', async function () { const oldStorage = { meta: {}, data: { IncomingTransactionsController: { foo: 'baz', }, foo: 'bar', }, }; const newStorage = await migration55.migrate(oldStorage); assert.deepEqual(,; }); it('should do nothing if state is empty', async function () { const oldStorage = { meta: {}, data: {}, }; const newStorage = await migration55.migrate(oldStorage); assert.deepEqual(,; }); });