const Component = require('react').Component const connect = require('react-redux').connect const h = require('react-hyperscript') const inherits = require('util').inherits const selectors = require('../selectors') const Identicon = require('./identicon') const { formatBalance, formatDate } = require('../util') module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(TxList) function mapStateToProps (state) { return { txsToRender: selectors.transactionsSelector(state), conversionRate: selectors.conversionRateSelector(state), } } inherits(TxList, Component) function TxList () { } TxList.prototype.render = function () { // console.log('transactions to render', txsToRender) return h('div.flex-column.tx-list-container', {}, [ h('div.flex-row.tx-list-header-wrapper', { style: {}, }, [ h('div.flex-row.tx-list-header', { }, [ h('div', { style: {}, }, 'transactions'), ]), ]), this.renderTranstions(), ]) } TxList.prototype.getAddressText = function (transaction) { const { txParams: { to }, } = transaction return to ? `${to.slice(0, 10)}...${to.slice(-4)}` : 'Contract Published' } TxList.prototype.renderTranstions = function () { const { txsToRender } = this.props return txsToRender.length ? => { return this.renderTransactionListItem(transaction) }) : h('div.tx-list-item.tx-list-item--empty', [ 'No Transactions' ]) } // TODO: Consider moving TxListItem into a separate component TxList.prototype.renderTransactionListItem = function (transaction) { const props = { dateString: formatDate(transaction.time), address:, transactionStatus: transaction.status, transactionAmount: formatBalance(transaction.txParams.value, 6), } const { address, transactionStatus, transactionAmount, dateString, } = props return h('div.tx-list-item', { key:, }, [ h('div.flex-column.tx-list-item__wrapper', { style: {}, }, [ h('div.tx-list-date-wrapper', { style: {}, }, [ h('span.tx-list-date', {}, [ dateString, ]), ]), h('div.flex-row.tx-list-content-wrapper', { style: {}, }, [ h('div.tx-list-identicon-wrapper', { style: {}, }, [ h(Identicon, { address, diameter: 28, }), ]), h('div.tx-list-account-and-status-wrapper', {}, [ h('div.tx-list-account-wrapper', { style: {}, }, [ h('span.tx-list-account', {}, [ this.getAddressText(transaction), ]), ]), h('div.tx-list-status-wrapper', { style: {}, }, [ h('span.tx-list-status', {}, [ transactionStatus, ]), ]), ]), h('div.flex-column.tx-list-details-wrapper', { style: {}, }, [ h('span.tx-list-value', {}, [ transactionAmount, ]), h('span.tx-list-fiat-value', {}, [ '+ $300 USD', ]), ]), ]), ]), ]) }