const path = require('path');
const { promises: fs } = require('fs');
const yargs = require('yargs/yargs');
const { hideBin } = require('yargs/helpers');
const { exitWithError } = require('../../development/lib/exit-with-error');
const {
} = require('../helpers/file');
const { convertToHexValue, withFixtures } = require('./helpers');

const ganacheOptions = {
  accounts: [
      balance: convertToHexValue(25000000000000000000),

async function loadNewAccount() {
  let loadingTimes;

  await withFixtures(
      fixtures: 'imported-account',
    async ({ driver }) => {
      await driver.navigate();
      await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple');
      await'#password', driver.Key.ENTER);

      await driver.clickElement('.account-menu__icon');
      const timestampBeforeAction = new Date();
      await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Create account', tag: 'div' });
      await driver.fill('.new-account-create-form input', '2nd account');
      await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Create', tag: 'button' });
      await driver.waitForSelector({
        css: '.currency-display-component__text',
        text: '0',
      const timestampAfterAction = new Date();
      loadingTimes = timestampAfterAction - timestampBeforeAction;
  return loadingTimes;

async function confirmTx() {
  let loadingTimes;
  await withFixtures(
      fixtures: 'imported-account',
    async ({ driver }) => {
      await driver.navigate();
      await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple');
      await'#password', driver.Key.ENTER);

      await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="eth-overview-send"]');

      await driver.fill(
        'input[placeholder="Search, public address (0x), or ENS"]',

      const inputAmount = await driver.findElement('.unit-input__input');
      await inputAmount.fill('1');

      await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Next', tag: 'button' });
      const timestampBeforeAction = new Date();
      await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });

      await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="home__activity-tab"]');
      await driver.wait(async () => {
        const confirmedTxes = await driver.findElements(
          '.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item',
        return confirmedTxes.length === 1;
      }, 10000);

      await driver.waitForSelector('.transaction-status--confirmed');
      const timestampAfterAction = new Date();
      loadingTimes = timestampAfterAction - timestampBeforeAction;
  return loadingTimes;

async function main() {
  const { argv } = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)).usage(
    '$0 [options]',
    'Run a page load benchmark',
    (_yargs) =>
      _yargs.option('out', {
          'Output filename. Output printed to STDOUT of this is omitted.',
        type: 'string',
        normalize: true,

  const results = {};
  results.loadNewAccount = await loadNewAccount();
  results.confirmTx = await confirmTx();
  const { out } = argv;

  if (out) {
    const outputDirectory = path.dirname(out);
    const existingParentDirectory = await getFirstParentDirectoryThatExists(
    if (!(await isWritable(existingParentDirectory))) {
      throw new Error('Specified output file directory is not writable');
    if (outputDirectory !== existingParentDirectory) {
      await fs.mkdir(outputDirectory, { recursive: true });
    await fs.writeFile(out, JSON.stringify(results, null, 2));
  } else {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(results, null, 2));

main().catch((error) => {