import * as core from '@actions/core'; import { context, getOctokit } from '@actions/github'; import { GitHub } from '@actions/github/lib/utils'; main().catch((error: Error): void => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); }); async function main(): Promise { const token = process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN; if (!token) { core.setFailed('GITHUB_TOKEN not found'); process.exit(1); } const octokit = getOctokit(token); const headRef = context.payload.pull_request?.head.ref || ''; let issueNumber = await getIssueNumberFromPullRequestBody(); if (issueNumber === "") { bailIfIsBranchNameInvalid(headRef); bailIfIsNotFeatureBranch(headRef); issueNumber = getIssueNumberFromBranchName(headRef); } if (Number(issueNumber) === 0) { process.exit(0); } await updateLabels(octokit, issueNumber); } async function getIssueNumberFromPullRequestBody(): Promise { console.log("Checking if the PR's body references an issue..."); let ISSUE_LINK_IN_PR_DESCRIPTION_REGEX = /(close|closes|closed|fix|fixes|fixed|resolve|resolves|resolved)\s#\d+/gi; const prBody = await getPullRequestBody(); let matches = prBody.match(ISSUE_LINK_IN_PR_DESCRIPTION_REGEX); if (!matches || matches?.length === 0) { console.log( 'No direct link can be drawn between the PR and an issue from the PR body because no issue number was referenced.', ); return ""; } if (matches?.length > 1) { console.log( 'No direct link can be drawn between the PR and an issue from the PR body because more than one issue number was referenced.', ); return ""; } const ISSUE_NUMBER_REGEX = /\d+/; const issueNumber = matches[0].match(ISSUE_NUMBER_REGEX)?.[0] || ''; console.log(`Found issue number ${issueNumber} in PR body.`); return issueNumber; } async function getPullRequestBody(): Promise { if (context.eventName !== 'pull_request') { console.log('This action should only run on pull_request events.'); process.exit(1); } const prBody = context.payload.pull_request?.body || ''; return prBody; } function bailIfIsBranchNameInvalid(branchName: string): void { const BRANCH_REGEX = /^(main|develop|(ci|chore|docs|feat|feature|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style)\/\d*(?:[-](?![-])\w*)*|Version-v\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/; const isValidBranchName = new RegExp(BRANCH_REGEX).test(branchName); if (!isValidBranchName) { console.log('This branch name does not follow the convention.'); console.log( 'Here are some example branch names that are accepted: "fix/123-description", "feat/123-longer-description", "feature/123", "main", "develop", "Version-v10.24.2".', ); console.log( 'No issue could be linked to this PR, so no labels were copied', ); process.exit(0); } } function bailIfIsNotFeatureBranch(branchName: string): void { if ( branchName === 'main' || branchName === 'develop' || branchName.startsWith('Version-v') ) { console.log(`${branchName} is not a feature branch.`); console.log( 'No issue could be linked to this PR, so no labels were copied', ); process.exit(0); } } async function updateLabels(octokit: InstanceType, issueNumber: string): Promise { interface ILabel { name: string; }; const owner = context.repo.owner; const repo = context.repo.repo; const issue = await{ owner: owner, repo: repo, issue_number: Number(issueNumber), }); const getNameFromLabel = (label: ILabel): string => const issueLabels = => getNameFromLabel(label as ILabel)); const prNumber = context.payload.number; const pr = await{ owner: owner, repo: repo, issue_number: prNumber, }); const startingPRLabels = => getNameFromLabel(label as ILabel)); const dedupedFinalPRLabels = [ Set([...startingPRLabels, ...issueLabels]), ]; const hasIssueAdditionalLabels = !sortedArrayEqual( startingPRLabels, dedupedFinalPRLabels, ); if (hasIssueAdditionalLabels) { await{ owner, repo, issue_number: prNumber, labels: dedupedFinalPRLabels, }); } } function getIssueNumberFromBranchName(branchName: string): string { console.log('Checking if the branch name references an issue...'); let issueNumber: string; if (branchName.split('/').length > 1) { issueNumber = branchName.split('/')[1].split('-')[0]; } else { issueNumber = branchName.split('-')[0]; } console.log(`Found issue number ${issueNumber} in branch name.`); return issueNumber; } function sortedArrayEqual(array1: string[], array2: string[]): boolean { const lengthsAreEqual = array1.length === array2.length; const everyElementMatchesByIndex = array1.every( (value: string, index: number): boolean => value === array2[index], ); return lengthsAreEqual && everyElementMatchesByIndex; }