import React from 'react'; import { renderWithLocalization } from '../../../../../test/lib/render-helpers'; import { Severity } from '../../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { BlockaidReason, BlockaidResultType, } from '../../../../../shared/constants/security-provider'; import BlockaidBannerAlert from '.'; const mockSecurityAlertResponse = { result_type: BlockaidResultType.Warning, reason: BlockaidReason.setApprovalForAll, description: 'A SetApprovalForAll request was made on {contract}. We found the operator {operator} to be malicious', args: { contract: '0xa7206d878c5c3871826dfdb42191c49b1d11f466', operator: '0x92a3b9773b1763efa556f55ccbeb20441962d9b2', }, }; describe('Blockaid Banner Alert', () => { it('should not render when securityAlertResponse is not present', () => { const { container } = renderWithLocalization( , ); expect(container.querySelector('.mm-banner-alert')).toBeNull(); }); it(`should not render when securityAlertResponse.result_type is '${BlockaidResultType.Benign}'`, () => { const { container } = renderWithLocalization( , ); expect(container.querySelector('.mm-banner-alert')).toBeNull(); }); it(`should render '${Severity.Warning}' UI when securityAlertResponse.result_type is '${BlockaidResultType.Failed}`, () => { const { container } = renderWithLocalization( , ); const warningBannerAlert = container.querySelector( '.mm-banner-alert--severity-warning', ); expect(warningBannerAlert).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(warningBannerAlert).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it(`should render '${Severity.Warning}' UI when securityAlertResponse.result_type is '${BlockaidResultType.Warning}`, () => { const { container } = renderWithLocalization( , ); const warningBannerAlert = container.querySelector( '.mm-banner-alert--severity-warning', ); expect(warningBannerAlert).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(warningBannerAlert).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it(`should render '${Severity.Danger}' UI when securityAlertResponse.result_type is '${BlockaidResultType.Malicious}`, () => { const { container } = renderWithLocalization( , ); const dangerBannerAlert = container.querySelector( '.mm-banner-alert--severity-danger', ); expect(dangerBannerAlert).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(dangerBannerAlert).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should render title, "This is a deceptive request"', () => { const { getByText } = renderWithLocalization( , ); expect(getByText('This is a deceptive request')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it(`should render title, "This is a suspicious request", when the reason is "${BlockaidReason.failed}"`, () => { const { getByText } = renderWithLocalization( , ); expect(getByText('Request may not be safe')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it(`should render title, "This is a suspicious request", when the reason is "${BlockaidReason.rawSignatureFarming}"`, () => { const { getByText } = renderWithLocalization( , ); expect(getByText('This is a suspicious request')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render details when provided', () => { const mockFeatures = [ 'Operator is an EOA', 'Operator is untrusted according to previous activity', ]; const { container, getByText } = renderWithLocalization( , ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(container.querySelector('.disclosure')).toBeInTheDocument(); mockFeatures.forEach((feature) => { expect(getByText(`• ${feature}`)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('when rendering description', () => { Object.entries({ [BlockaidReason.approvalFarming]: 'If you approve this request, a third party known for scams might take all your assets.', [BlockaidReason.blurFarming]: 'If you approve this request, someone can steal your assets listed on Blur.', [BlockaidReason.failed]: 'Because of an error, this request was not verified by the security provider. Proceed with caution.', [BlockaidReason.maliciousDomain]: "You're interacting with a malicious domain. If you approve this request, you might lose your assets.", [BlockaidReason.other]: 'If you approve this request, you might lose your assets.', [BlockaidReason.permitFarming]: 'If you approve this request, a third party known for scams might take all your assets.', [BlockaidReason.rawNativeTokenTransfer]: 'If you approve this request, a third party known for scams will take all your assets.', [BlockaidReason.rawSignatureFarming]: 'If you approve this request, you might lose your assets.', [BlockaidReason.seaportFarming]: 'If you approve this request, someone can steal your assets listed on OpenSea.', [BlockaidReason.setApprovalForAll]: 'If you approve this request, a third party known for scams might take all your assets.', [BlockaidReason.tradeOrderFarming]: 'If you approve this request, you might lose your assets.', [BlockaidReason.transferFromFarming]: 'If you approve this request, a third party known for scams will take all your assets.', [BlockaidReason.transferFarming]: 'If you approve this request, a third party known for scams will take all your assets.', [BlockaidReason.unfairTrade]: 'If you approve this request, you might lose your assets.', }).forEach(([reason, expectedDescription]) => { it(`should render for '${reason}' correctly`, () => { const { getByText } = renderWithLocalization( , ); expect(getByText(expectedDescription)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); }); });