import { rawEncode } from 'ethereumjs-abi'; import { multiplyCurrencies, addCurrencies, conversionGTE, conversionUtil, } from '../../../shared/modules/conversion.utils'; import { calcGasTotal, generateTokenTransferData, isBalanceSufficient, isTokenBalanceSufficient, } from './send.utils'; jest.mock('../../../shared/modules/conversion.utils', () => ({ addCurrencies: jest.fn((a, b) => { let [a1, b1] = [a, b]; if (String(a).match(/^0x.+/u)) { a1 = Number(String(a).slice(2)); } if (String(b).match(/^0x.+/u)) { b1 = Number(String(b).slice(2)); } return a1 + b1; }), conversionUtil: jest.fn((val) => parseInt(val, 16)), conversionGTE: jest.fn((obj1, obj2) => obj1.value >= obj2.value), multiplyCurrencies: jest.fn((a, b) => `${a}x${b}`), conversionGreaterThan: (obj1, obj2) => obj1.value > obj2.value, conversionLessThan: (obj1, obj2) => obj1.value < obj2.value, })); jest.mock('../../helpers/utils/token-util', () => ({ calcTokenAmount: (a, d) => `calc:${a}${d}`, })); jest.mock('ethereumjs-abi', () => ({ rawEncode: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(16, 1100), })); describe('send utils', () => { describe('calcGasTotal()', () => { it('should call multiplyCurrencies with the correct params and return the multiplyCurrencies return', () => { const result = calcGasTotal(12, 15); expect(result).toStrictEqual('12x15'); expect(multiplyCurrencies).toHaveBeenCalledWith(12, 15, { multiplicandBase: 16, multiplierBase: 16, toNumericBase: 'hex', }); }); }); describe('generateTokenTransferData()', () => { it('should return undefined if not passed a send token', () => { expect( generateTokenTransferData({ toAddress: 'mockAddress', amount: '0xa', sendToken: undefined, }), ).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should call abi.rawEncode with the correct params', () => { generateTokenTransferData({ toAddress: 'mockAddress', amount: 'ab', sendToken: { address: '0x0' }, }); expect(rawEncode.mock.calls[0].toString()).toStrictEqual( [ ['address', 'uint256'], ['mockAddress', '0xab'], ].toString(), ); }); it('should return encoded token transfer data', () => { expect( generateTokenTransferData({ toAddress: 'mockAddress', amount: '0xa', sendToken: { address: '0x0' }, }), ).toStrictEqual('0xa9059cbb'); }); }); describe('isBalanceSufficient()', () => { it('should correctly call addCurrencies and return the result of calling conversionGTE', () => { const result = isBalanceSufficient({ amount: 15, balance: 100, conversionRate: 3, gasTotal: 17, primaryCurrency: 'ABC', }); expect(addCurrencies).toHaveBeenCalledWith(15, 17, { aBase: 16, bBase: 16, toNumericBase: 'hex', }); expect(conversionGTE).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { value: 100, fromNumericBase: 'hex', fromCurrency: 'ABC', conversionRate: 3, }, { value: 32, fromNumericBase: 'hex', conversionRate: 3, fromCurrency: 'ABC', }, ); expect(result).toStrictEqual(true); }); }); describe('isTokenBalanceSufficient()', () => { it('should correctly call conversionUtil and return the result of calling conversionGTE', () => { const result = isTokenBalanceSufficient({ amount: '0x10', tokenBalance: 123, decimals: 10, }); expect(conversionUtil).toHaveBeenCalledWith('0x10', { fromNumericBase: 'hex', }); expect(conversionGTE).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { value: 123, fromNumericBase: 'hex', }, { value: 'calc:1610', }, ); expect(result).toStrictEqual(false); }); }); });