// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`ExperimentalTab with desktop enabled renders ExperimentalTab component without error 1`] = `


Security alerts

This feature alerts you to malicious activity by locally reviewing your transactions and signature requests. Your data isn't shared with the third parties providing this service. Always do your own due diligence before approving any requests. There's no guarantee that this feature will detect all malicious activity.

Always be sure to do your own due diligence before approving any requests. There's no guarantee all mailcious activity will be detected by this feature.

Select providers:



Enable security alerts
We use third-party APIs to detect and display risks involved in unsigned transaction and signature requests before you sign them. These services will have access to your unsigned transaction and signature requests, your account address, and your preferred language.
Select providers:
OpenSea + Blockaid (Beta)
Click to run all background processes in the desktop app.