// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`AdvancedTab Component should match snapshot 1`] = `
State logs
State logs contain your public account addresses and sent transactions.
Clear activity and nonce data
This resets the account's nonce and erases data from the activity tab in your wallet. Only the current account and network will be affected. Your balances and incoming transactions won't change.
Show hex data
Select this to show the hex data field on the send screen
Show conversion on test networks
Select this to show fiat conversion on test networks
Show test networks
Select this to show test networks in network list
Customize transaction nonce
Turn this on to change the nonce (transaction number) on confirmation screens. This is an advanced feature, use cautiously.
Auto-lock timer (minutes)
Set the idle time in minutes before MetaMask will become locked.
Backup your data
You can backup user settings containing preferences and account addresses into a JSON file.
Restore user data
You can restore user settings containing preferences and account addresses from a previously backed up JSON file.
Preferred Ledger connection type
Customize how you connect your Ledger to MetaMask.
is recommended, but other options are available. Read more here:
learn more
Dismiss Secret Recovery Phrase backup reminder
Turn this on to dismiss the Secret Recovery Phrase backup reminder message. We highly recommend that you back up your Secret Recovery Phrase to avoid loss of funds
Eth_sign requests
If you enable this setting, you might get signature requests that aren’t readable. By signing a message you don't understand, you could be agreeing to give away your funds and NFTs.