import pify from 'pify'; import { EVENT, EVENT_NAMES } from '../../../shared/constants/metametrics'; import { isManifestV3 } from '../../../shared/modules/mv3.utils'; import { trackMetaMetricsEvent } from '../actions'; // // A simplified pify maybe? // function pify(apiObject) { // return Object.keys(apiObject).reduce((promisifiedAPI, key) => { // if (apiObject[key].apply) { // depending on our browser support we might use a nicer check for functions here // promisifiedAPI[key] = function (...args) { // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // return apiObject[key]( // ...args, // (err, result) => { // if (err) { // reject(err); // } else { // resolve(result); // } // }, // ); // }); // }; // } // return promisifiedAPI; // }, {}); // } let background: | ({ connectionStream: { readable: boolean }; DisconnectError: typeof Error; } & Record any>) | null = null; let promisifiedBackground: Record< string, (...args: any[]) => Promise > | null = null; interface BackgroundAction { actionId: number; request: { method: string; args: any }; resolve: (result: any) => any; reject: (err: Error) => void; } const actionRetryQueue: BackgroundAction[] = []; export const generateActionId = () => + Math.random(); function failQueue() { actionRetryQueue.forEach(({ reject }) => reject( Error('Background operation cancelled while waiting for connection.'), ), ); } /** * Drops the entire actions queue. Rejects all actions in the queue unless silently==true * Does not affect the single action that is currently being processed. * * @param [silently] */ export function dropQueue(silently: boolean): void { if (!silently) { failQueue(); } actionRetryQueue.length = 0; } // add action to queue const executeActionOrAddToRetryQueue = (item: BackgroundAction): void => { if (actionRetryQueue.some((act) => act.actionId === item.actionId)) { return; } if (background?.connectionStream.readable) { executeAction({ action: item, disconnectSideeffect: () => actionRetryQueue.push(item), }); } else { actionRetryQueue.push(item); } }; /** * Promise-style call to background method * In MV2: invokes promisifiedBackground method directly. * In MV3: action is added to retry queue, along with resolve handler to be executed on completion, * the queue is then immediately processed if background connection is available. * On completion (successful or error) the action is removed from the retry queue. * * @param method - name of the background method * @param [args] - arguments to that method, if any * @param [actionId] - if an action with the === same id is submitted, it'll be ignored if already in queue waiting for a retry. * @returns */ export function submitRequestToBackground( method: string, args?: any[], actionId = generateActionId(), // current date is not guaranteed to be unique ): Promise { if (isManifestV3) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { executeActionOrAddToRetryQueue({ actionId, request: { method, args: args ?? [] }, resolve, reject, }); }); } return promisifiedBackground?.[method]( ...(args ?? []), ) as unknown as Promise; } type CallbackMethod = (error?: unknown, result?: R) => void; /** * [Deprecated] Callback-style call to background method * In MV2: invokes promisifiedBackground method directly. * In MV3: action is added to retry queue, along with resolve handler to be executed on completion, * the queue is then immediately processed if background connection is available. * On completion (successful or error) the action is removed from the retry queue. * * @deprecated Use async `submitRequestToBackground` function instead. * @param method - name of the background method * @param [args] - arguments to that method, if any * @param callback - Node style (error, result) callback for finishing the operation * @param [actionId] - if an action with the === same id is submitted, it'll be ignored if already in queue. */ export const callBackgroundMethod = ( method: string, args: any[], callback: CallbackMethod, actionId = generateActionId(), // current date is not guaranteed to be unique ) => { if (isManifestV3) { const resolve = (value: R) => callback(undefined, value); const reject = (err: unknown) => callback(err, undefined); executeActionOrAddToRetryQueue({ actionId, request: { method, args: args ?? [] }, resolve, reject, }); } else { background?.[method](...args, callback); } }; async function executeAction({ action, disconnectSideeffect, }: { action: BackgroundAction; disconnectSideeffect: (action: BackgroundAction) => void; }) { const { request: { method, args }, resolve, reject, } = action; try { resolve(await promisifiedBackground?.[method](...args)); } catch (err: any) { if ( background?.DisconnectError && // necessary to not break compatibility with background stubs or non-default implementations err instanceof background.DisconnectError ) { disconnectSideeffect(action); } else { reject(err); } } } let processingQueue = false; // Clears list of pending action in actionRetryQueue // The results of background calls are wired up to the original promises that's been returned // The first method on the queue gets called synchronously to make testing and reasoning about // a single request to an open connection easier. async function processActionRetryQueue() { if (processingQueue) { return; } processingQueue = true; try { if (actionRetryQueue.length > 0) { const metametricsPayload = { category: EVENT.SOURCE.SERVICE_WORKERS, event: EVENT_NAMES.SERVICE_WORKER_RESTARTED, properties: { service_worker_action_queue_methods: (action) => action.request.method, ), }, }; trackMetaMetricsEvent(metametricsPayload); } while ( background?.connectionStream.readable && actionRetryQueue.length > 0 ) { // If background disconnects and fails the action, the next one will not be taken off the queue. // Retrying an action that failed because of connection loss while it was processing is not supported. const item = actionRetryQueue.shift(); await executeAction({ action: item as BackgroundAction, disconnectSideeffect: () => actionRetryQueue.unshift(item as BackgroundAction), }); } } catch (e) { // error in the queue mechanism itself, the action was malformed console.error(e); } processingQueue = false; } /** * Sets/replaces the background connection reference * Under MV3 it also triggers queue processing if the new background is connected * * @param backgroundConnection */ export async function _setBackgroundConnection( backgroundConnection: typeof background, ) { background = backgroundConnection; promisifiedBackground = pify(background as Record); if (isManifestV3) { if (processingQueue) { console.warn( '_setBackgroundConnection called while a queue was processing and not disconnected yet', ); } // Process all actions collected while connection stream was not available. processActionRetryQueue(); } }