const extension = require('extensionizer') const {EventEmitter} = require('events') const HDKey = require('hdkey') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const sigUtil = require('eth-sig-util') const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx') // HD path differs from eth-hd-keyring - MEW, Parity, Geth and Official Ledger clients use same unusual derivation for Ledger const hdPathString = `m/44'/60'/0'` const type = 'Ledger Hardware' const ORIGIN = 'https://localhost:3000' const pathBase = 'm' class LedgerKeyring extends EventEmitter { constructor (opts = {}) { super() this.type = type = 0 this.perPage = 5 this.unlockedAccount = 0 this.hdk = new HDKey() this.paths = {} this.iframe = null this.setupIframe() this.deserialize(opts) } setupIframe(){ this.iframe = document.createElement('iframe') this.iframe.src = ORIGIN console.log('Injecting ledger iframe') document.head.appendChild(this.iframe) console.log('[LEDGER]: LEDGER FROM-IFRAME LISTENER READY') } sendMessage(msg, cb) { console.log('[LEDGER]: SENDING MESSAGE TO IFRAME', msg) this.iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({...msg, target: 'LEDGER-IFRAME'}, '*') window.addEventListener('message', event => { if(event.origin !== ORIGIN) return false if ( && && !== -1) { console.log('[LEDGER]: GOT MESAGE FROM IFRAME', cb( } }) } serialize () { return Promise.resolve({hdPath: this.hdPath, accounts: this.accounts}) } deserialize (opts = {}) { this.hdPath = opts.hdPath || hdPathString this.unlocked = opts.unlocked || false this.accounts = opts.accounts || [] return Promise.resolve() } isUnlocked () { return this.unlocked } setAccountToUnlock (index) { this.unlockedAccount = parseInt(index, 10) } unlock () { if (this.isUnlocked()) return Promise.resolve('already unlocked') return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.sendMessage({ action: 'ledger-unlock', params: { hdPath: this.hdPath, }, }, ({action, success, payload}) => { if (success) { this.hdk.publicKey = new Buffer(payload.publicKey, 'hex') this.hdk.chainCode = new Buffer(payload.chainCode, 'hex') resolve('just unlocked') } else { reject(payload.error || 'Unknown error') } }) }) } setAccountToUnlock (index) { this.unlockedAccount = parseInt(index, 10) } addAccounts (n = 1) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.unlock() .then(_ => { const from = this.unlockedAccount const to = from + n this.accounts = [] for (let i = from; i < to; i++) { const address = this._addressFromIndex(pathBase, i) this.accounts.push(address) = 0 } resolve(this.accounts) }) .catch(e => { reject(e) }) }) } getFirstPage () { = 0 return this.__getPage(1) } getNextPage () { return this.__getPage(1) } getPreviousPage () { return this.__getPage(-1) } __getPage (increment) { += increment if ( <= 0) { = 1 } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.unlock() .then(_ => { const from = ( - 1) * this.perPage const to = from + this.perPage const accounts = [] for (let i = from; i < to; i++) { const address = this._addressFromIndex(pathBase, i) accounts.push({ address: address, balance: null, index: i, }) this.paths[ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(address)] = i } resolve(accounts) }) .catch(e => { reject(e) }) }) } getAccounts () { return Promise.resolve(this.accounts.slice()) } removeAccount (address) { if (! => a.toLowerCase()).includes(address.toLowerCase())) { throw new Error(`Address ${address} not found in this keyring`) } this.accounts = this.accounts.filter(a => a.toLowerCase() !== address.toLowerCase()) } // tx is an instance of the ethereumjs-transaction class. async signTransaction (address, tx) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.unlock() .then(_ => { console.log('[LEDGER]: sending message ', 'ledger-sign-transaction') this.sendMessage({ action: 'ledger-sign-transaction', params: { address, tx, }, }, ({action, success, payload}) => { if (success) { resolve(payload) } else { reject(payload) } }) }) }) } async signMessage (withAccount, data) { throw new Error('Not supported on this device') } // For personal_sign, we need to prefix the message: async signPersonalMessage (withAccount, message) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.unlock() .then(_ => { console.log('[LEDGER]: sending message ', 'ledger-sign-personal-message') this.sendMessage({ action: 'ledger-sign-personal-message', params: { withAccount, message, }, }, ({action, success, payload}) => { if (success) { resolve(payload) } else { reject(payload) } }) }) }) } async signTypedData (withAccount, typedData) { throw new Error('Not supported on this device') } async exportAccount (address) { throw new Error('Not supported on this device') } forgetDevice () { this.accounts = [] this.unlocked = false = 0 this.unlockedAccount = 0 this.paths = {} } /* PRIVATE METHODS */ _padLeftEven (hex) { return hex.length % 2 !== 0 ? `0${hex}` : hex } _normalize (buf) { return this._padLeftEven(ethUtil.bufferToHex(buf).substring(2).toLowerCase()) } _addressFromIndex (pathBase, i) { const dkey = this.hdk.derive(`${pathBase}/${i}`) const address = ethUtil .publicToAddress(dkey.publicKey, true) .toString('hex') return ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(address) } _pathFromAddress (address) { const checksummedAddress = ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(address) let index = this.paths[checksummedAddress] if (typeof index === 'undefined') { for (let i = 0; i < MAX_INDEX; i++) { if (checksummedAddress === this._addressFromIndex(pathBase, i)) { index = i break } } } if (typeof index === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Unknown address') } return `${this.hdPath}/${index}` } _toAscii (hex) { let str = '' let i = 0; const l = hex.length if (hex.substring(0, 2) === '0x') { i = 2 } for (; i < l; i += 2) { const code = parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16) str += String.fromCharCode(code) } return str } } LedgerKeyring.type = type module.exports = LedgerKeyring