import React from 'react'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import mockState from '../../../../test/data/mock-state.json'; import { renderWithProvider } from '../../../../test/lib/render-helpers'; import { SECURITY_PROVIDER_MESSAGE_SEVERITY } from '../../../../shared/constants/security-provider'; import { getNativeCurrency, getProviderConfig, } from '../../../ducks/metamask/metamask'; import { accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector, conversionRateSelector, getCurrentCurrency, getMemoizedAddressBook, getMemoizedMetaMaskIdentities, getPreferences, getSelectedAccount, getTotalUnapprovedMessagesCount, unconfirmedTransactionsHashSelector, } from '../../../selectors'; import SignatureRequest from './signature-request'; const baseProps = { clearConfirmTransaction: () => jest.fn(), cancel: () => jest.fn(), cancelAll: () => jest.fn(), showRejectTransactionsConfirmationModal: () => jest.fn(), sign: () => jest.fn(), }; const mockStore = { metamask: { providerConfig: { chainId: '0x539', nickname: 'Localhost 8545', rpcPrefs: {}, rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:8545', ticker: 'ETH', type: 'rpc', }, preferences: { useNativeCurrencyAsPrimaryCurrency: true, }, accounts: { '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5': { address: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', balance: '0x03', name: 'John Doe', }, }, selectedAddress: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', nativeCurrency: 'ETH', currentCurrency: 'usd', conversionRate: null, unapprovedTypedMessagesCount: 2, }, }; jest.mock('react-redux', () => { const actual = jest.requireActual('react-redux'); return { ...actual, useSelector: jest.fn(), useDispatch: () => jest.fn(), }; }); const generateUseSelectorRouter = (opts) => (selector) => { switch (selector) { case getProviderConfig: return opts.metamask.providerConfig; case getCurrentCurrency: return opts.metamask.currentCurrency; case getNativeCurrency: return opts.metamask.nativeCurrency; case getTotalUnapprovedMessagesCount: return opts.metamask.unapprovedTypedMessagesCount; case getPreferences: return opts.metamask.preferences; case conversionRateSelector: return opts.metamask.conversionRate; case getSelectedAccount: return opts.metamask.accounts[opts.metamask.selectedAddress]; case getMemoizedAddressBook: return []; case accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector: return Object.values(opts.metamask.accounts); case unconfirmedTransactionsHashSelector: case getMemoizedMetaMaskIdentities: return {}; default: return undefined; } }; describe('Signature Request Component', () => { const store = configureMockStore()(mockState); describe('render', () => { let messageData; beforeEach(() => { useSelector.mockImplementation(generateUseSelectorRouter(mockStore)); messageData = { domain: { chainId: 97, name: 'Ether Mail', verifyingContract: '0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC', version: '1', }, message: { contents: 'Hello, Bob!', from: { name: 'Cow', wallets: [ '0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826', '0xDeaDbeefdEAdbeefdEadbEEFdeadbeEFdEaDbeeF', ], }, to: [ { name: 'Bob', wallets: [ '0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB', '0xB0BdaBea57B0BDABeA57b0bdABEA57b0BDabEa57', '0xB0B0b0b0b0b0B000000000000000000000000000', ], }, ], }, primaryType: 'Mail', types: { EIP712Domain: [ { name: 'name', type: 'string' }, { name: 'version', type: 'string' }, { name: 'chainId', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'verifyingContract', type: 'address' }, ], Mail: [ { name: 'from', type: 'Person' }, { name: 'to', type: 'Person[]' }, { name: 'contents', type: 'string' }, ], Person: [ { name: 'name', type: 'string' }, { name: 'wallets', type: 'address[]' }, ], }, }; }); it('should match snapshot when we want to switch to fiat', () => { useSelector.mockImplementation( generateUseSelectorRouter({ ...mockStore, metamask: { ...mockStore.metamask, conversionRate: 231.06, }, }), ); const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should match snapshot when we are using eth', () => { const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should render navigation', () => { const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(queryByTestId('navigation-container')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render a div message parsed without typeless data', () => { messageData.message.do_not_display = 'one'; messageData.message.do_not_display_2 = { do_not_display: 'two', }; const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { queryByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(queryByText('do_not_display')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(queryByText('one')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(queryByText('do_not_display_2')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(queryByText('two')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should not render a reject multiple requests link if there is not multiple requests', () => { useSelector.mockImplementation( generateUseSelectorRouter({ ...mockStore, metamask: { ...mockStore.metamask, unapprovedTypedMessagesCount: 0, }, }), ); const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect( container.querySelector('.signature-request__reject-all-button'), ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render a reject multiple requests link if there is multiple requests (greater than 1)', () => { const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect( container.querySelector('.signature-request__reject-all-button'), ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should call reject all button when button is clicked', () => { const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); const rejectRequestsLink = container.querySelector( '.signature-request__reject-all-button', );; expect(rejectRequestsLink).toBeDefined(); }); it('should render text of reject all button', () => { const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Reject 2 requests')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render SecurityProviderBannerMessage component properly', () => { const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { queryByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(queryByText('Request not verified')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( queryByText( 'Because of an error, this request was not verified by the security provider. Proceed with caution.', ), ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(queryByText('OpenSea')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should not render SecurityProviderBannerMessage component when flagAsDangerous is not malicious', () => { const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { queryByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(queryByText('Request not verified')).toBeNull(); expect( queryByText( 'Because of an error, this request was not verified by the security provider. Proceed with caution.', ), ).toBeNull(); expect(queryByText('OpenSea')).toBeNull(); }); it('should render a warning when the selected account is not the one being used to sign', () => { const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; useSelector.mockImplementation( generateUseSelectorRouter({ ...mockStore, metamask: { ...mockStore.metamask, selectedAddress: '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc', accounts: { ...mockStore.metamask.accounts, '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc': { address: '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc', balance: '0x0', name: 'Account 1', }, }, }, }), ); const { container } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect( container.querySelector('.request-signature__mismatch-info'), ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should display security alert if present', () => { const msgParams = { from: '0xd8f6a2ffb0fc5952d16c9768b71cfd35b6399aa5', data: JSON.stringify(messageData), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('This is a deceptive request')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); });