import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState, useCallback } from 'react'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { shallowEqual, useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { uniqBy, isEqual } from 'lodash'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import { getTokenTrackerLink } from '@metamask/etherscan-link'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { MetaMetricsContext } from '../../../contexts/metametrics'; import { useTokensToSearch, getRenderableTokenData, } from '../../../hooks/useTokensToSearch'; import { useEqualityCheck } from '../../../hooks/useEqualityCheck'; import { I18nContext } from '../../../contexts/i18n'; import { getTokens, getConversionRate } from '../../../ducks/metamask/metamask'; import Box from '../../../components/ui/box'; import { DISPLAY, TextColor, JustifyContent, AlignItems, SEVERITIES, Size, TextVariant, BLOCK_SIZES, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { fetchQuotesAndSetQuoteState, setSwapsFromToken, setSwapToToken, getFromToken, getToToken, getBalanceError, getTopAssets, getFetchParams, getQuotes, setBalanceError, setFromTokenInputValue, setFromTokenError, setMaxSlippage, setReviewSwapClickedTimestamp, getSmartTransactionsOptInStatus, getSmartTransactionsEnabled, getCurrentSmartTransactionsEnabled, getFromTokenInputValue, getFromTokenError, getMaxSlippage, getIsFeatureFlagLoaded, getCurrentSmartTransactionsError, getFetchingQuotes, getSwapsErrorKey, getAggregatorMetadata, getTransactionSettingsOpened, setTransactionSettingsOpened, getLatestAddedTokenTo, } from '../../../ducks/swaps/swaps'; import { getSwapsDefaultToken, getTokenExchangeRates, getCurrentCurrency, getCurrentChainId, getRpcPrefsForCurrentProvider, getTokenList, isHardwareWallet, getHardwareWalletType, } from '../../../selectors'; import { getValueFromWeiHex, hexToDecimal, } from '../../../../shared/modules/conversion.utils'; import { getURLHostName } from '../../../helpers/utils/util'; import { usePrevious } from '../../../hooks/usePrevious'; import { useTokenTracker } from '../../../hooks/useTokenTracker'; import { useTokenFiatAmount } from '../../../hooks/useTokenFiatAmount'; import { useEthFiatAmount } from '../../../hooks/useEthFiatAmount'; import { isSwapsDefaultTokenAddress, isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol, } from '../../../../shared/modules/swaps.utils'; import { MetaMetricsEventCategory, MetaMetricsEventLinkType, MetaMetricsEventName, } from '../../../../shared/constants/metametrics'; import { SWAPS_CHAINID_DEFAULT_BLOCK_EXPLORER_URL_MAP, TokenBucketPriority, ERROR_FETCHING_QUOTES, QUOTES_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR, QUOTES_EXPIRED_ERROR, } from '../../../../shared/constants/swaps'; import { resetSwapsPostFetchState, ignoreTokens, clearSwapsQuotes, stopPollingForQuotes, setSmartTransactionsOptInStatus, clearSmartTransactionFees, setSwapsErrorKey, setBackgroundSwapRouteState, } from '../../../store/actions'; import { SET_SMART_TRANSACTIONS_ERROR } from '../../../store/actionConstants'; import { countDecimals, fetchTokenPrice, formatSwapsValueForDisplay, getClassNameForCharLength, } from '../swaps.util'; import { fetchTokenBalance } from '../../../../shared/lib/token-util.ts'; import { isEqualCaseInsensitive } from '../../../../shared/modules/string-utils'; import { calcTokenAmount } from '../../../../shared/lib/transactions-controller-utils'; import { shouldEnableDirectWrapping } from '../../../../shared/lib/swaps-utils'; import { Icon, IconName, IconSize, TextField, ButtonLink, Modal, ModalOverlay, ModalContent, ModalHeader, BannerAlert, Text, } from '../../../components/component-library'; import { SWAPS_NOTIFICATION_ROUTE } from '../../../helpers/constants/routes'; import ImportToken from '../import-token'; import TransactionSettings from '../transaction-settings/transaction-settings'; import SwapsBannerAlert from '../swaps-banner-alert/swaps-banner-alert'; import SwapsFooter from '../swaps-footer'; import SelectedToken from '../selected-token/selected-token'; import ListWithSearch from '../list-with-search/list-with-search'; import SmartTransactionsPopover from './smart-transactions-popover'; import QuotesLoadingAnimation from './quotes-loading-animation'; import ReviewQuote from './review-quote'; const MAX_ALLOWED_SLIPPAGE = 15; let timeoutIdForQuotesPrefetching; export default function PrepareSwapPage({ ethBalance, selectedAccountAddress, shuffledTokensList, }) { const t = useContext(I18nContext); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const history = useHistory(); const trackEvent = useContext(MetaMetricsContext); const [fetchedTokenExchangeRate, setFetchedTokenExchangeRate] = useState(undefined); const [verificationClicked, setVerificationClicked] = useState(false); const [receiveToAmount, setReceiveToAmount] = useState(); const [isSwapToOpen, setIsSwapToOpen] = useState(false); const onSwapToOpen = () => setIsSwapToOpen(true); const onSwapToClose = () => setIsSwapToOpen(false); const [isSwapFromOpen, setIsSwapFromOpen] = useState(false); const onSwapFromOpen = () => setIsSwapFromOpen(true); const onSwapFromClose = () => setIsSwapFromOpen(false); const [isImportTokenModalOpen, setIsImportTokenModalOpen] = useState(false); const [tokenForImport, setTokenForImport] = useState(null); const [swapFromSearchQuery, setSwapFromSearchQuery] = useState(''); const [swapToSearchQuery, setSwapToSearchQuery] = useState(''); const [quoteCount, updateQuoteCount] = useState(0); const [prefetchingQuotes, setPrefetchingQuotes] = useState(false); const [rotateSwitchTokens, setRotateSwitchTokens] = useState(false); const isFeatureFlagLoaded = useSelector(getIsFeatureFlagLoaded); const balanceError = useSelector(getBalanceError); const fetchParams = useSelector(getFetchParams, isEqual); const { sourceTokenInfo = {}, destinationTokenInfo = {} } = fetchParams?.metaData || {}; const tokens = useSelector(getTokens, isEqual); const topAssets = useSelector(getTopAssets, isEqual); const fromToken = useSelector(getFromToken, isEqual); const fromTokenInputValue = useSelector(getFromTokenInputValue); const fromTokenError = useSelector(getFromTokenError); const maxSlippage = useSelector(getMaxSlippage); const toToken = useSelector(getToToken, isEqual) || destinationTokenInfo; const defaultSwapsToken = useSelector(getSwapsDefaultToken, isEqual); const chainId = useSelector(getCurrentChainId); const rpcPrefs = useSelector(getRpcPrefsForCurrentProvider, shallowEqual); const tokenList = useSelector(getTokenList, isEqual); const quotes = useSelector(getQuotes, isEqual); const latestAddedTokenTo = useSelector(getLatestAddedTokenTo, isEqual); const numberOfQuotes = Object.keys(quotes).length; const areQuotesPresent = numberOfQuotes > 0; const swapsErrorKey = useSelector(getSwapsErrorKey); const aggregatorMetadata = useSelector(getAggregatorMetadata, shallowEqual); const transactionSettingsOpened = useSelector( getTransactionSettingsOpened, shallowEqual, ); const numberOfAggregators = aggregatorMetadata ? Object.keys(aggregatorMetadata).length : 0; const tokenConversionRates = useSelector(getTokenExchangeRates, isEqual); const conversionRate = useSelector(getConversionRate); const hardwareWalletUsed = useSelector(isHardwareWallet); const hardwareWalletType = useSelector(getHardwareWalletType); const smartTransactionsOptInStatus = useSelector( getSmartTransactionsOptInStatus, ); const smartTransactionsEnabled = useSelector(getSmartTransactionsEnabled); const currentSmartTransactionsEnabled = useSelector( getCurrentSmartTransactionsEnabled, ); const isSmartTransaction = currentSmartTransactionsEnabled && smartTransactionsOptInStatus; const smartTransactionsOptInPopoverDisplayed = smartTransactionsOptInStatus !== undefined; const currentSmartTransactionsError = useSelector( getCurrentSmartTransactionsError, ); const currentCurrency = useSelector(getCurrentCurrency); const fetchingQuotes = useSelector(getFetchingQuotes); const loadingComplete = !fetchingQuotes && areQuotesPresent; const showSmartTransactionsOptInPopover = smartTransactionsEnabled && !smartTransactionsOptInPopoverDisplayed; const onCloseSmartTransactionsOptInPopover = (e) => { e?.preventDefault(); setSmartTransactionsOptInStatus(false, smartTransactionsOptInStatus); }; const onEnableSmartTransactionsClick = () => setSmartTransactionsOptInStatus(true, smartTransactionsOptInStatus); const fetchParamsFromToken = isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol( sourceTokenInfo?.symbol, chainId, ) ? defaultSwapsToken : sourceTokenInfo; const { tokensWithBalances } = useTokenTracker(tokens); // If the fromToken was set in a call to `onFromSelect` (see below), and that from token has a balance // but is not in tokensWithBalances or tokens, then we want to add it to the usersTokens array so that // the balance of the token can appear in the from token selection dropdown const fromTokenArray = !isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol(fromToken?.symbol, chainId) && fromToken?.balance ? [fromToken] : []; const usersTokens = uniqBy( [...tokensWithBalances, ...tokens, ...fromTokenArray], 'address', ); const memoizedUsersTokens = useEqualityCheck(usersTokens); const selectedFromToken = getRenderableTokenData( fromToken || fetchParamsFromToken, tokenConversionRates, conversionRate, currentCurrency, chainId, tokenList, ); const tokensToSearchSwapFrom = useTokensToSearch({ usersTokens: memoizedUsersTokens, topTokens: topAssets, shuffledTokensList, tokenBucketPriority: TokenBucketPriority.owned, }); const tokensToSearchSwapTo = useTokensToSearch({ usersTokens: memoizedUsersTokens, topTokens: topAssets, shuffledTokensList, tokenBucketPriority:, }); const selectedToToken = tokensToSearchSwapFrom.find(({ address }) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(address, toToken?.address), ) || toToken; const toTokenIsNotDefault = selectedToToken?.address && !isSwapsDefaultTokenAddress(selectedToToken?.address, chainId); const occurrences = Number( selectedToToken?.occurances || selectedToToken?.occurrences || 0, ); const { address: fromTokenAddress, symbol: fromTokenSymbol, string: fromTokenString, decimals: fromTokenDecimals, balance: rawFromTokenBalance, } = selectedFromToken || {}; const { address: toTokenAddress } = selectedToToken || {}; const fromTokenBalance = rawFromTokenBalance && calcTokenAmount(rawFromTokenBalance, fromTokenDecimals).toString(10); const prevFromTokenBalance = usePrevious(fromTokenBalance); const swapFromTokenFiatValue = useTokenFiatAmount( fromTokenAddress, fromTokenInputValue || 0, fromTokenSymbol, { showFiat: true, }, true, ); const swapFromEthFiatValue = useEthFiatAmount( fromTokenInputValue || 0, { showFiat: true }, true, ); const swapFromFiatValue = isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol(fromTokenSymbol, chainId) ? swapFromEthFiatValue : swapFromTokenFiatValue; const onInputChange = useCallback( (newInputValue, balance) => { dispatch(setFromTokenInputValue(newInputValue)); const newBalanceError = new BigNumber(newInputValue || 0).gt( balance || 0, ); // "setBalanceError" is just a warning, a user can still click on the "Review swap" button. if (balanceError !== newBalanceError) { dispatch(setBalanceError(newBalanceError)); } dispatch( setFromTokenError( fromToken && countDecimals(newInputValue) > fromToken.decimals ? 'tooManyDecimals' : null, ), ); }, [dispatch, fromToken, balanceError], ); useEffect(() => { let timeoutLength; if (!prefetchingQuotes) { updateQuoteCount(0); return; } const onQuotesLoadingDone = async () => { await dispatch(setBackgroundSwapRouteState('')); setPrefetchingQuotes(false); if ( swapsErrorKey === ERROR_FETCHING_QUOTES || swapsErrorKey === QUOTES_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR ) { dispatch(setSwapsErrorKey(QUOTES_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR)); } }; // The below logic simulates a sequential loading of the aggregator quotes, even though we are fetching them all with a single call. // This is to give the user a sense of progress. The callback passed to `setTimeout` updates the quoteCount and therefore causes // a new logo to be shown, the fox to look at that logo, the logo bar and aggregator name to update. if (loadingComplete) { // If loading is complete, but the quoteCount is not, we quickly display the remaining logos/names/fox looks. 0.2s each timeoutLength = 20; } else { // If loading is not complete, we display remaining logos/names/fox looks at random intervals between 0.5s and 2s, to simulate the // sort of loading a user would experience in most async scenarios timeoutLength = 500 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1500); } const quoteCountTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (quoteCount < numberOfAggregators) { updateQuoteCount(quoteCount + 1); } else if (quoteCount === numberOfAggregators && loadingComplete) { onQuotesLoadingDone(); } }, timeoutLength); // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return return function cleanup() { clearTimeout(quoteCountTimeout); }; }, [ fetchingQuotes, quoteCount, loadingComplete, numberOfQuotes, dispatch, history, swapsErrorKey, numberOfAggregators, prefetchingQuotes, ]); const onFromSelect = (token) => { if ( token?.address && !swapFromFiatValue && fetchedTokenExchangeRate !== null ) { fetchTokenPrice(token.address).then((rate) => { if (rate !== null && rate !== undefined) { setFetchedTokenExchangeRate(rate); } }); } else { setFetchedTokenExchangeRate(null); } if ( token?.address && !memoizedUsersTokens.find((usersToken) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(usersToken.address, token.address), ) ) { fetchTokenBalance( token.address, selectedAccountAddress, global.ethereumProvider, ).then((fetchedBalance) => { if (fetchedBalance?.balance) { const balanceAsDecString = fetchedBalance.balance.toString(10); const userTokenBalance = calcTokenAmount( balanceAsDecString, token.decimals, ); dispatch( setSwapsFromToken({ ...token, string: userTokenBalance.toString(10), balance: balanceAsDecString, }), ); } }); } dispatch(setSwapsFromToken(token)); onInputChange(fromTokenInputValue, token.string, token.decimals); }; const blockExplorerTokenLink = getTokenTrackerLink( selectedToToken.address, chainId, null, // no networkId null, // no holderAddress { blockExplorerUrl: SWAPS_CHAINID_DEFAULT_BLOCK_EXPLORER_URL_MAP[chainId] ?? null, }, ); const blockExplorerLabel = rpcPrefs.blockExplorerUrl ? getURLHostName(blockExplorerTokenLink) : t('etherscan'); const { address: toAddress } = toToken || {}; const onToSelect = useCallback( (token) => { if (latestAddedTokenTo && token.address !== toAddress) { dispatch( ignoreTokens({ tokensToIgnore: toAddress, dontShowLoadingIndicator: true, }), ); } dispatch(setSwapToToken(token)); setVerificationClicked(false); }, [dispatch, latestAddedTokenTo, toAddress], ); const tokensWithBalancesFromToken = tokensWithBalances.find((token) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(token.address, fromToken?.address), ); const previousTokensWithBalancesFromToken = usePrevious( tokensWithBalancesFromToken, ); useEffect(() => { const notDefault = !isSwapsDefaultTokenAddress( tokensWithBalancesFromToken?.address, chainId, ); const addressesAreTheSame = isEqualCaseInsensitive( tokensWithBalancesFromToken?.address, previousTokensWithBalancesFromToken?.address, ); const balanceHasChanged = tokensWithBalancesFromToken?.balance !== previousTokensWithBalancesFromToken?.balance; if (notDefault && addressesAreTheSame && balanceHasChanged) { dispatch( setSwapsFromToken({ ...fromToken, balance: tokensWithBalancesFromToken?.balance, string: tokensWithBalancesFromToken?.string, }), ); } }, [ dispatch, tokensWithBalancesFromToken, previousTokensWithBalancesFromToken, fromToken, chainId, ]); // If the eth balance changes while on build quote, we update the selected from token useEffect(() => { if ( isSwapsDefaultTokenAddress(fromToken?.address, chainId) && fromToken?.balance !== hexToDecimal(ethBalance) ) { dispatch( setSwapsFromToken({ ...fromToken, balance: hexToDecimal(ethBalance), string: getValueFromWeiHex({ value: ethBalance, numberOfDecimals: 4, toDenomination: 'ETH', }), }), ); } }, [dispatch, fromToken, ethBalance, chainId]); useEffect(() => { if (!fromToken?.symbol && !fetchParamsFromToken?.symbol) { dispatch(setSwapsFromToken(defaultSwapsToken)); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); useEffect(() => { if (prevFromTokenBalance !== fromTokenBalance) { onInputChange(fromTokenInputValue, fromTokenBalance); } }, [ onInputChange, prevFromTokenBalance, fromTokenInputValue, fromTokenBalance, ]); const trackPrepareSwapPageLoadedEvent = useCallback(() => { trackEvent({ event: 'Prepare Swap Page Loaded', category: MetaMetricsEventCategory.Swaps, sensitiveProperties: { is_hardware_wallet: hardwareWalletUsed, hardware_wallet_type: hardwareWalletType, stx_enabled: smartTransactionsEnabled, current_stx_enabled: currentSmartTransactionsEnabled, stx_user_opt_in: smartTransactionsOptInStatus, }, }); }, [ trackEvent, hardwareWalletUsed, hardwareWalletType, smartTransactionsEnabled, currentSmartTransactionsEnabled, smartTransactionsOptInStatus, ]); useEffect(() => { dispatch(resetSwapsPostFetchState()); dispatch(setReviewSwapClickedTimestamp()); trackPrepareSwapPageLoadedEvent(); }, [dispatch]); const BlockExplorerLink = () => { return ( { /* istanbul ignore next */ trackEvent({ event: MetaMetricsEventName.ExternalLinkClicked, category: MetaMetricsEventCategory.Swaps, properties: { link_type: MetaMetricsEventLinkType.TokenTracker, location: 'Swaps Confirmation', url_domain: getURLHostName(blockExplorerTokenLink), }, }); global.platform.openTab({ url: blockExplorerTokenLink, }); }} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > {blockExplorerLabel} ); }; const yourTokenFromBalance = `${t('balance')}: ${fromTokenString || '0'}`; const yourTokenToBalance = `${t('balance')}: ${ selectedToToken?.string || '0' }`; const isDirectWrappingEnabled = shouldEnableDirectWrapping( chainId, fromTokenAddress, selectedToToken.address, ); const isReviewSwapButtonDisabled = fromTokenError || !isFeatureFlagLoaded || !Number(fromTokenInputValue) || !selectedToToken?.address || !fromTokenAddress || Number(maxSlippage) < 0 || Number(maxSlippage) > MAX_ALLOWED_SLIPPAGE || (toTokenIsNotDefault && occurrences < 2 && !verificationClicked); // It's triggered every time there is a change in form values (token from, token to, amount and slippage). useEffect(() => { dispatch(clearSwapsQuotes()); dispatch(stopPollingForQuotes()); const prefetchQuotesWithoutRedirecting = async () => { setPrefetchingQuotes(true); const pageRedirectionDisabled = true; await dispatch( fetchQuotesAndSetQuoteState( history, fromTokenInputValue, maxSlippage, trackEvent, pageRedirectionDisabled, ), ); }; // Delay fetching quotes until a user is done typing an input value. If they type a new char in less than a second, // we will cancel previous setTimeout call and start running a new one. timeoutIdForQuotesPrefetching = setTimeout(() => { timeoutIdForQuotesPrefetching = null; if (!isReviewSwapButtonDisabled) { if (isSmartTransaction) { clearSmartTransactionFees(); // Clean up STX fees eery time there is a form change. dispatch({ type: SET_SMART_TRANSACTIONS_ERROR, payload: null, }); } // Only do quotes prefetching if the Review swap button is enabled. prefetchQuotesWithoutRedirecting(); } }, 1000); return () => clearTimeout(timeoutIdForQuotesPrefetching); }, [ dispatch, history, maxSlippage, trackEvent, isReviewSwapButtonDisabled, fromTokenInputValue, fromTokenAddress, toTokenAddress, smartTransactionsOptInStatus, isSmartTransaction, ]); // Set text for the main button based on different conditions. let mainButtonText; if (swapsErrorKey && swapsErrorKey === QUOTES_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR) { mainButtonText = t('swapQuotesNotAvailableErrorTitle'); } else if (!isReviewSwapButtonDisabled) { mainButtonText = t('swapFetchingQuotes'); } else if (!selectedToToken?.address || !fromTokenAddress) { mainButtonText = t('swapSelectToken'); } else { mainButtonText = t('swapEnterAmount'); } const onTextFieldChange = (event) => { event.stopPropagation(); // Automatically prefix value with 0. if user begins typing . const valueToUse = === '.' ? '0.' :; // Regex that validates strings with only numbers, 'x.', '.x', and 'x.x' const regexp = /^(\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?|\d+\.)$/u; // If the value is either empty or contains only numbers and '.' and only has one '.', update input to match if (valueToUse === '' || regexp.test(valueToUse)) { onInputChange(valueToUse, fromTokenBalance); } else { // otherwise, use the previously set inputValue (effectively denying the user from inputting the last char) // or an empty string if we do not yet have an inputValue onInputChange(fromTokenInputValue || '', fromTokenBalance); } }; const hideSwapToTokenIf = useCallback( (item) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(item.address, fromTokenAddress), [fromTokenAddress], ); const hideSwapFromTokenIf = useCallback( (item) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(item.address, selectedToToken?.address), [selectedToToken?.address], ); const showReviewQuote = !swapsErrorKey && !isReviewSwapButtonDisabled && areQuotesPresent; const showQuotesLoadingAnimation = !swapsErrorKey && !isReviewSwapButtonDisabled && !areQuotesPresent; const showNotEnoughTokenMessage = !fromTokenError && balanceError && fromTokenSymbol; const tokenVerifiedOn1Source = occurrences === 1; useEffect(() => { if (swapsErrorKey === QUOTES_EXPIRED_ERROR) { history.push(SWAPS_NOTIFICATION_ROUTE); } }, [swapsErrorKey, history]); useEffect(() => { if (showQuotesLoadingAnimation) { setReceiveToAmount(''); } }, [showQuotesLoadingAnimation]); const onOpenImportTokenModalClick = (item) => { setTokenForImport(item); setIsImportTokenModalOpen(true); onSwapToClose(); setSwapToSearchQuery(''); }; /* istanbul ignore next */ const onImportTokenClick = () => { trackEvent({ event: 'Token Imported', category: MetaMetricsEventCategory.Swaps, sensitiveProperties: { symbol: tokenForImport?.symbol, address: tokenForImport?.address, chain_id: chainId, is_hardware_wallet: hardwareWalletUsed, hardware_wallet_type: hardwareWalletType, stx_enabled: smartTransactionsEnabled, current_stx_enabled: currentSmartTransactionsEnabled, stx_user_opt_in: smartTransactionsOptInStatus, }, }); // Only when a user confirms import of a token, we add it and show it in a dropdown. onToSelect?.(tokenForImport); setTokenForImport(null); }; const onImportTokenCloseClick = () => { setIsImportTokenModalOpen(false); }; const importTokenProps = { onImportTokenCloseClick, onImportTokenClick, setIsImportTokenModalOpen, tokenForImport, }; let receiveToAmountFormatted; let receiveToAmountClassName; let fromTokenAmountClassName; // TODO: Do this only when these variables change, not on every re-render. if (receiveToAmount && !isReviewSwapButtonDisabled) { receiveToAmountFormatted = formatSwapsValueForDisplay(receiveToAmount); receiveToAmountClassName = getClassNameForCharLength( receiveToAmountFormatted, 'prepare-swap-page__receive-amount', ); } if (fromTokenInputValue) { fromTokenAmountClassName = getClassNameForCharLength( fromTokenInputValue, 'prepare-swap-page__from-token-amount', ); } const showMaxBalanceLink = fromTokenSymbol && !isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol(fromTokenSymbol, chainId) && rawFromTokenBalance > 0; return (