import { Story, Canvas, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs'; import Button from '.'; import SelectQuotePopover from '.'; # SelectQuotePopover `SelectQuotePopover` is a modal that displays information gathered from multiple liquidity sources. <Canvas> <Story id="ui-pages-swaps-select-quote-popover-select-quote-popover-stories-js--default-story" /> </Canvas> ## Component API <ArgsTable of={SelectQuotePopover} /> ## Usage The following describes the props and example usage for this component. ### onClose Action called when close button is clicked. It's also called on submit action. ### onSubmit Action called when Select button is clicked ### swapToSymbol Name of the receiving symbol ### quoteDataRows data provided with the following properties: | type | Types | | -------------------------- | --------- | | `aggId` | `string` | | `amountReceiving` | `string` | | `destinationTokenDecimals` | `number` | | `destinationTokenSymbol` | `string` | | `destinationTokenValue` | `string` | | `isBestQuote--primary` | `boolean` | | `networkFees` | `string` | | `quoteSource` | `string` | | `rawNetworkFees` | `string` | | `slippage` | `string` | | `sourceTokenDecimals` | `number` | | `sourceTokenSymbol` | `string` | | `sourceTokenValue` | `string` | ### initialAggId When `initialAggId` is defined, the corresponding quote is pre-selected in sort-list ### onQuoteDetailsIsOpened Detail opened when click on caret of a specific quote. ### hideEstimatedGasFee When the `hideEstimatedGasFee` is set to `true` it hides the Estimated network fees column