import MethodRegistry from 'eth-method-registry' import abi from 'human-standard-token-abi' import { ethers } from 'ethers' import log from 'loglevel' import { addHexPrefix } from '../../../../app/scripts/lib/util' import { getEtherscanNetworkPrefix } from '../../../lib/etherscan-prefix-for-network' import { TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES, TRANSACTION_GROUP_STATUSES, TRANSACTION_STATUSES, TRANSACTION_TYPES, } from '../../../../shared/constants/transaction' import fetchWithCache from './fetch-with-cache' import { addCurrencies } from './conversion-util' const hstInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(abi) /** * @typedef EthersContractCall * @type object * @property {any[]} args - The args/params to the function call. * An array-like object with numerical and string indices. * @property {string} name - The name of the function. * @property {string} signature - The function signature. * @property {string} sighash - The function signature hash. * @property {EthersBigNumber} value - The ETH value associated with the call. * @property {FunctionFragment} functionFragment - The Ethers function fragment * representation of the function. */ /** * @returns {EthersContractCall | undefined} */ export function getTokenData(data) { try { return hstInterface.parseTransaction({ data }) } catch (error) { log.debug('Failed to parse transaction data.', error, data) return undefined } } async function getMethodFrom4Byte(fourBytePrefix) { const fourByteResponse = await fetchWithCache( `${fourBytePrefix}`, { referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', body: null, method: 'GET', mode: 'cors', }, ) if (fourByteResponse.count === 1) { return fourByteResponse.results[0].text_signature } return null } let registry /** * Attempts to return the method data from the MethodRegistry library, the message registry library and the token abi, in that order of preference * @param {string} fourBytePrefix - The prefix from the method code associated with the data * @returns {Object} */ export async function getMethodDataAsync(fourBytePrefix) { try { const fourByteSig = getMethodFrom4Byte(fourBytePrefix).catch((e) => { log.error(e) return null }) if (!registry) { registry = new MethodRegistry({ provider: global.ethereumProvider }) } let sig = await registry.lookup(fourBytePrefix) if (!sig) { sig = await fourByteSig } if (!sig) { return {} } const parsedResult = registry.parse(sig) return { name:, params: parsedResult.args, } } catch (error) { log.error(error) return {} } } /** * Returns four-byte method signature from data * * @param {string} data - The hex data (@code of a transaction * @returns {string} - The four-byte method signature */ export function getFourBytePrefix(data = '') { const prefixedData = addHexPrefix(data) const fourBytePrefix = prefixedData.slice(0, 10) return fourBytePrefix } /** * Given an transaction category, returns a boolean which indicates whether the transaction is calling an erc20 token method * * @param {string} transactionCategory - The category of transaction being evaluated * @returns {boolean} - whether the transaction is calling an erc20 token method */ export function isTokenMethodAction(transactionCategory) { return [ TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES.TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER, TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES.TOKEN_METHOD_APPROVE, TRANSACTION_CATEGORIES.TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER_FROM, ].includes(transactionCategory) } export function getLatestSubmittedTxWithNonce( transactions = [], nonce = '0x0', ) { if (!transactions.length) { return {} } return transactions.reduce((acc, current) => { const { submittedTime, txParams: { nonce: currentNonce } = {} } = current if (currentNonce === nonce) { if (!acc.submittedTime) { return current } return submittedTime > acc.submittedTime ? current : acc } return acc }, {}) } export async function isSmartContractAddress(address) { const code = await global.eth.getCode(address) // Geth will return '0x', and ganache-core v2.2.1 will return '0x0' const codeIsEmpty = !code || code === '0x' || code === '0x0' return !codeIsEmpty } export function sumHexes(...args) { const total = args.reduce((acc, base) => { return addCurrencies(acc, base, { toNumericBase: 'hex', }) }) return addHexPrefix(total) } /** * Returns a status key for a transaction. Requires parsing the txMeta.txReceipt on top of * txMeta.status because txMeta.status does not reflect on-chain errors. * @param {Object} transaction - The txMeta object of a transaction. * @param {Object} transaction.txReceipt - The transaction receipt. * @returns {string} */ export function getStatusKey(transaction) { const { txReceipt: { status: receiptStatus } = {}, type, status, } = transaction // There was an on-chain failure if (receiptStatus === '0x0') { return TRANSACTION_STATUSES.FAILED } if ( status === TRANSACTION_STATUSES.CONFIRMED && type === TRANSACTION_TYPES.CANCEL ) { return TRANSACTION_GROUP_STATUSES.CANCELLED } return transaction.status } /** * Returns an external block explorer URL at which a transaction can be viewed. * @param {number} networkId * @param {string} hash * @param {Object} rpcPrefs */ export function getBlockExplorerUrlForTx(networkId, hash, rpcPrefs = {}) { if (rpcPrefs.blockExplorerUrl) { return `${rpcPrefs.blockExplorerUrl.replace(/\/+$/u, '')}/tx/${hash}` } const prefix = getEtherscanNetworkPrefix(networkId) return `https://${prefix}${hash}` }