const { strict: assert } = require('assert'); const { withFixtures } = require('../helpers'); const FixtureBuilder = require('../fixture-builder'); const { TEST_SNAPS_SIMPLE_KEYRING_WEBSITE_URL } = require('./enums'); describe('Test Snap Account', function () { it('can create a new snap account', async function () { const ganacheOptions = { accounts: [ { secretKey: '0x7C9529A67102755B7E6102D6D950AC5D5863C98713805CEC576B945B15B71EAC', balance: 25000000000000000000, }, ], }; await withFixtures( { fixtures: new FixtureBuilder().build(), ganacheOptions, failOnConsoleError: false, title: this.test.title, }, async ({ driver }) => { await driver.navigate(); // enter pw into extension await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple'); await'#password', driver.Key.ENTER); // navigate to test snaps page and connect await driver.openNewPage(TEST_SNAPS_SIMPLE_KEYRING_WEBSITE_URL); await driver.delay(1000); const connectButton = await driver.findElement('#connectButton'); await driver.scrollToElement(connectButton); await driver.delay(1000); await driver.clickElement('#connectButton'); await driver.delay(500); // switch to metamask extension and click connect const windowHandles = await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles( 3, 1000, 10000, ); await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle( 'MetaMask Notification', windowHandles, ); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Connect', tag: 'button', }); await driver.clickElementSafe('[data-testid="snap-install-scroll"]'); await driver.waitForSelector({ text: 'Install' }); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Install', tag: 'button', }); await driver.waitForSelector({ text: 'OK' }); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'OK', tag: 'button', }); await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle( 'SSK - Snap Simple Keyring', windowHandles, ); // check the dapp connection status await driver.waitForSelector({ css: '#snapConnected', text: 'Connected', }); // create new account on dapp await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Create Account', tag: 'div', }); // create name for account await driver.fill("[placeholder='Name']", 'snap account'); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Execute', tag: 'button', }); await driver.delay(1000); // switch to metamask extension await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle('MetaMask', windowHandles); // click on accounts await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="account-menu-icon"]'); const label = await driver.findElement('.mm-tag'); assert.strictEqual(await label.getText(), 'Snaps'); }, ); }); });