# Component Library **⚠️ THESE COMPONENTS HAVE BREAKING CHANGES ⚠️** This folder contains new design system(`DS 2.0`) components that will be used for the IA/Nav redesign work. They are currently a WIP and should not be used for feature work. That should change in the near future but for the time being please use existing UI components in `ui/components/ui` If internal folks have any questions please reach out the design system team via the internal slack channel [#metamask-design-system](https://consensys.slack.com/archives/C0354T27M5M) 💁 [DS components figma file](https://www.figma.com/file/HKpPKij9V3TpsyMV1TpV7C/DS-Components?node-id=16%3A6) (internal)