///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(snaps) import { SubjectType } from '@metamask/subject-metadata-controller'; ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN import { ApprovalType, ERC1155, ERC721 } from '@metamask/controller-utils'; import { createSelector, createSelectorCreator, defaultMemoize, } from 'reselect'; import { ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(snaps) memoize, ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN isEqual, } from 'lodash'; import { addHexPrefix } from '../../app/scripts/lib/util'; import { TEST_CHAINS, NATIVE_CURRENCY_TOKEN_IMAGE_MAP, BUYABLE_CHAINS_MAP, MAINNET_DISPLAY_NAME, BSC_DISPLAY_NAME, POLYGON_DISPLAY_NAME, AVALANCHE_DISPLAY_NAME, AURORA_DISPLAY_NAME, CHAIN_ID_TO_RPC_URL_MAP, CHAIN_IDS, NETWORK_TYPES, NetworkStatus, SEPOLIA_DISPLAY_NAME, GOERLI_DISPLAY_NAME, ETH_TOKEN_IMAGE_URL, LINEA_GOERLI_DISPLAY_NAME, CURRENCY_SYMBOLS, TEST_NETWORK_TICKER_MAP, LINEA_GOERLI_TOKEN_IMAGE_URL, LINEA_MAINNET_TOKEN_IMAGE_URL, LINEA_MAINNET_DISPLAY_NAME, } from '../../shared/constants/network'; import { WebHIDConnectedStatuses, LedgerTransportTypes, HardwareTransportStates, } from '../../shared/constants/hardware-wallets'; import { KeyringType } from '../../shared/constants/keyring'; import { MESSAGE_TYPE } from '../../shared/constants/app'; import { TRUNCATED_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT } from '../../shared/constants/labels'; import { SWAPS_CHAINID_DEFAULT_TOKEN_MAP, ALLOWED_PROD_SWAPS_CHAIN_IDS, ALLOWED_DEV_SWAPS_CHAIN_IDS, } from '../../shared/constants/swaps'; import { ALLOWED_BRIDGE_CHAIN_IDS, ALLOWED_BRIDGE_TOKEN_ADDRESSES, } from '../../shared/constants/bridge'; import { shortenAddress, getAccountByAddress, getURLHostName, ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(snaps) removeSnapIdPrefix, getSnapName, ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN } from '../helpers/utils/util'; import { TEMPLATED_CONFIRMATION_APPROVAL_TYPES } from '../pages/confirmation/templates'; import { STATIC_MAINNET_TOKEN_LIST } from '../../shared/constants/tokens'; import { DAY } from '../../shared/constants/time'; import { TERMS_OF_USE_LAST_UPDATED } from '../../shared/constants/terms'; import { getNativeCurrency, getProviderConfig, getConversionRate, isNotEIP1559Network, isEIP1559Network, getLedgerTransportType, isAddressLedger, findKeyringForAddress, } from '../ducks/metamask/metamask'; import { getLedgerWebHidConnectedStatus, getLedgerTransportStatus, } from '../ducks/app/app'; import { isEqualCaseInsensitive } from '../../shared/modules/string-utils'; import { TransactionStatus } from '../../shared/constants/transaction'; import { getValueFromWeiHex, hexToDecimal, } from '../../shared/modules/conversion.utils'; ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(snaps) import { SNAPS_VIEW_ROUTE } from '../helpers/constants/routes'; import { getPermissionSubjects } from './permissions'; ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN /** * Returns true if the currently selected network is inaccessible or whether no * provider has been set yet for the currently selected network. * * @param {object} state - Redux state object. */ export function isNetworkLoading(state) { return state.metamask.networkStatus !== NetworkStatus.Available; } export function getNetworkIdentifier(state) { const { type, nickname, rpcUrl } = getProviderConfig(state); return nickname || rpcUrl || type; } export function getCurrentChainId(state) { const { chainId } = getProviderConfig(state); return chainId; } export function getMetaMetricsId(state) { const { metaMetricsId } = state.metamask; return metaMetricsId; } export function isCurrentProviderCustom(state) { const provider = getProviderConfig(state); return ( provider.type === NETWORK_TYPES.RPC && !Object.values(CHAIN_IDS).includes(provider.chainId) ); } export function getCurrentQRHardwareState(state) { const { qrHardware } = state.metamask; return qrHardware || {}; } export function hasUnsignedQRHardwareTransaction(state) { const { txParams } = state.confirmTransaction.txData; if (!txParams) { return false; } const { from } = txParams; const { keyrings } = state.metamask; const qrKeyring = keyrings.find((kr) => kr.type === KeyringType.qr); if (!qrKeyring) { return false; } return Boolean( qrKeyring.accounts.find( (account) => account.toLowerCase() === from.toLowerCase(), ), ); } export function hasUnsignedQRHardwareMessage(state) { const { type, msgParams } = state.confirmTransaction.txData; if (!type || !msgParams) { return false; } const { from } = msgParams; const { keyrings } = state.metamask; const qrKeyring = keyrings.find((kr) => kr.type === KeyringType.qr); if (!qrKeyring) { return false; } switch (type) { case MESSAGE_TYPE.ETH_SIGN_TYPED_DATA: case MESSAGE_TYPE.ETH_SIGN: case MESSAGE_TYPE.PERSONAL_SIGN: return Boolean( qrKeyring.accounts.find( (account) => account.toLowerCase() === from.toLowerCase(), ), ); default: return false; } } export function getCurrentKeyring(state) { const identity = getSelectedIdentity(state); if (!identity) { return null; } const keyring = findKeyringForAddress(state, identity.address); return keyring; } /** * The function returns true if network and account details are fetched and * both of them support EIP-1559. * * @param state */ export function checkNetworkAndAccountSupports1559(state) { const networkSupports1559 = isEIP1559Network(state); return networkSupports1559; } /** * The function returns true if network and account details are fetched and * either of them do not support EIP-1559. * * @param state */ export function checkNetworkOrAccountNotSupports1559(state) { const networkNotSupports1559 = isNotEIP1559Network(state); return networkNotSupports1559; } /** * Checks if the current wallet is a hardware wallet. * * @param {object} state * @returns {boolean} */ export function isHardwareWallet(state) { const keyring = getCurrentKeyring(state); return Boolean(keyring?.type?.includes('Hardware')); } /** * Get a HW wallet type, e.g. "Ledger Hardware" * * @param {object} state * @returns {string | undefined} */ export function getHardwareWalletType(state) { const keyring = getCurrentKeyring(state); return isHardwareWallet(state) ? keyring.type : undefined; } export function getAccountType(state) { const currentKeyring = getCurrentKeyring(state); return getAccountTypeForKeyring(currentKeyring); } export function getAccountTypeForKeyring(keyring) { if (!keyring) { return ''; } const { type } = keyring; ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(build-mmi) if (type.startsWith('Custody')) { return 'custody'; } ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN switch (type) { case KeyringType.trezor: case KeyringType.ledger: case KeyringType.lattice: case KeyringType.qr: return 'hardware'; case KeyringType.imported: return 'imported'; default: return 'default'; } } /** * get the currently selected networkId which will be 'loading' when the * network changes. The network id should not be used in most cases, * instead use chainId in most situations. There are a limited number of * use cases to use this method still, such as when comparing transaction * metadata that predates the switch to using chainId. * * @deprecated - use getCurrentChainId instead * @param {object} state - redux state object */ export function deprecatedGetCurrentNetworkId(state) { return state.metamask.networkId ?? 'loading'; } export const getMetaMaskAccounts = createSelector( getMetaMaskAccountsRaw, getMetaMaskCachedBalances, (currentAccounts, cachedBalances) => Object.entries(currentAccounts).reduce( (selectedAccounts, [accountID, account]) => { if (account.balance === null || account.balance === undefined) { return { ...selectedAccounts, [accountID]: { ...account, balance: cachedBalances && cachedBalances[accountID], }, }; } return { ...selectedAccounts, [accountID]: account, }; }, {}, ), ); export function getSelectedAddress(state) { return state.metamask.selectedAddress; } export function getSelectedIdentity(state) { const selectedAddress = getSelectedAddress(state); const { identities } = state.metamask; return identities[selectedAddress]; } export function getNumberOfTokens(state) { const { tokens } = state.metamask; return tokens ? tokens.length : 0; } export function getMetaMaskKeyrings(state) { return state.metamask.keyrings; } export function getMetaMaskIdentities(state) { return state.metamask.identities; } export function getMetaMaskAccountsRaw(state) { return state.metamask.accounts; } export function getMetaMaskCachedBalances(state) { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); // Fallback to fetching cached balances from network id // this can eventually be removed const network = deprecatedGetCurrentNetworkId(state); return ( state.metamask.cachedBalances[chainId] ?? state.metamask.cachedBalances[network] ); } /** * Get ordered (by keyrings) accounts with identity and balance */ export const getMetaMaskAccountsOrdered = createSelector( getMetaMaskKeyrings, getMetaMaskIdentities, getMetaMaskAccounts, (keyrings, identities, accounts) => keyrings .reduce((list, keyring) => list.concat(keyring.accounts), []) .filter((address) => Boolean(identities[address])) .map((address) => ({ ...identities[address], ...accounts[address] })), ); export const getMetaMaskAccountsConnected = createSelector( getMetaMaskAccountsOrdered, (connectedAccounts) => connectedAccounts.map(({ address }) => address.toLowerCase()), ); export function isBalanceCached(state) { const selectedAccountBalance = state.metamask.accounts[getSelectedAddress(state)].balance; const cachedBalance = getSelectedAccountCachedBalance(state); return Boolean(!selectedAccountBalance && cachedBalance); } export function getSelectedAccountCachedBalance(state) { const cachedBalances = getMetaMaskCachedBalances(state); const selectedAddress = getSelectedAddress(state); return cachedBalances && cachedBalances[selectedAddress]; } export function getSelectedAccount(state) { const accounts = getMetaMaskAccounts(state); const selectedAddress = getSelectedAddress(state); return accounts[selectedAddress]; } export function getTargetAccount(state, targetAddress) { const accounts = getMetaMaskAccounts(state); return accounts[targetAddress]; } export const getTokenExchangeRates = (state) => state.metamask.contractExchangeRates; export function getAddressBook(state) { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); if (!state.metamask.addressBook[chainId]) { return []; } return Object.values(state.metamask.addressBook[chainId]); } export function getEnsResolutionByAddress(state, address) { if (state.metamask.ensResolutionsByAddress[address]) { return state.metamask.ensResolutionsByAddress[address]; } const entry = getAddressBookEntry(state, address) || Object.values(state.metamask.identities).find((identity) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(identity.address, address), ); return entry?.name || ''; } export function getAddressBookEntry(state, address) { const addressBook = getAddressBook(state); const entry = addressBook.find((contact) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(contact.address, address), ); return entry; } export function getAddressBookEntryOrAccountName(state, address) { const entry = getAddressBookEntry(state, address) || Object.values(state.metamask.identities).find((identity) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(identity.address, address), ); return entry && entry.name !== '' ? entry.name : address; } export function getAccountName(identities, address) { const entry = Object.values(identities).find((identity) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(identity.address, address), ); return entry && entry.name !== '' ? entry.name : ''; } export function getMetadataContractName(state, address) { const tokenList = getTokenList(state); const entry = Object.values(tokenList).find((identity) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(identity.address, address), ); return entry && entry.name !== '' ? entry.name : ''; } export function accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state) { const accounts = getMetaMaskAccounts(state); const identities = getMetaMaskIdentities(state); const accountsWithSendEtherInfo = Object.entries(identities).map( ([key, identity]) => { return { ...identity, ...accounts[key] }; }, ); return accountsWithSendEtherInfo; } export function getAccountsWithLabels(state) { return getMetaMaskAccountsOrdered(state).map( ({ address, name, balance }) => ({ address, addressLabel: `${ name.length < TRUNCATED_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT ? name : `${name.slice(0, TRUNCATED_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT - 1)}...` } (${shortenAddress(address)})`, label: name, balance, }), ); } export function getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo(state) { const currentAddress = getSelectedAddress(state); const accounts = accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state); return getAccountByAddress(accounts, currentAddress); } export function getTargetAccountWithSendEtherInfo(state, targetAddress) { const accounts = accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state); return getAccountByAddress(accounts, targetAddress); } export function getCurrentEthBalance(state) { return getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo(state)?.balance; } export function getGasIsLoading(state) { return state.appState.gasIsLoading; } export function getAppIsLoading(state) { return state.appState.isLoading; } export function getCurrentCurrency(state) { return state.metamask.currentCurrency; } export function getTotalUnapprovedCount(state) { return state.metamask.pendingApprovalCount ?? 0; } export function getTotalUnapprovedMessagesCount(state) { const { unapprovedMsgCount = 0, unapprovedPersonalMsgCount = 0, unapprovedDecryptMsgCount = 0, unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgCount = 0, unapprovedTypedMessagesCount = 0, } = state.metamask; return ( unapprovedMsgCount + unapprovedPersonalMsgCount + unapprovedDecryptMsgCount + unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgCount + unapprovedTypedMessagesCount ); } export function getTotalUnapprovedSignatureRequestCount(state) { const { unapprovedMsgCount = 0, unapprovedPersonalMsgCount = 0, unapprovedTypedMessagesCount = 0, } = state.metamask; return ( unapprovedMsgCount + unapprovedPersonalMsgCount + unapprovedTypedMessagesCount ); } export function getUnapprovedTxCount(state) { const { unapprovedTxs = {} } = state.metamask; return Object.keys(unapprovedTxs).length; } export function getUnapprovedConfirmations(state) { const { pendingApprovals = {} } = state.metamask; return Object.values(pendingApprovals); } export function getUnapprovedTemplatedConfirmations(state) { const unapprovedConfirmations = getUnapprovedConfirmations(state); return unapprovedConfirmations.filter((approval) => TEMPLATED_CONFIRMATION_APPROVAL_TYPES.includes(approval.type), ); } export function getSuggestedTokens(state) { return ( getUnapprovedConfirmations(state)?.filter(({ type, requestData }) => { return ( type === ApprovalType.WatchAsset && requestData?.asset?.tokenId === undefined ); }) || [] ); } export function getSuggestedNfts(state) { return ( getUnapprovedConfirmations(state)?.filter(({ requestData, type }) => { return ( type === ApprovalType.WatchAsset && [ERC721, ERC1155].includes(requestData?.asset?.standard) ); }) || [] ); } export function getIsMainnet(state) { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); return chainId === CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET; } export function getIsTestnet(state) { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); return TEST_CHAINS.includes(chainId); } export function getIsNonStandardEthChain(state) { return !(getIsMainnet(state) || getIsTestnet(state) || process.env.IN_TEST); } export function getPreferences({ metamask }) { return metamask.preferences; } export function getShowTestNetworks(state) { const { showTestNetworks } = getPreferences(state); return Boolean(showTestNetworks); } export function getDisabledRpcMethodPreferences(state) { return state.metamask.disabledRpcMethodPreferences; } export function getShouldShowFiat(state) { const isMainNet = getIsMainnet(state); const isCustomNetwork = getIsCustomNetwork(state); const conversionRate = getConversionRate(state); const useCurrencyRateCheck = getUseCurrencyRateCheck(state); const { showFiatInTestnets } = getPreferences(state); return Boolean( (isMainNet || isCustomNetwork || showFiatInTestnets) && useCurrencyRateCheck && conversionRate, ); } export function getShouldHideZeroBalanceTokens(state) { const { hideZeroBalanceTokens } = getPreferences(state); return hideZeroBalanceTokens; } export function getAdvancedInlineGasShown(state) { return Boolean(state.metamask.featureFlags.advancedInlineGas); } export function getUseNonceField(state) { return Boolean(state.metamask.useNonceField); } export function getCustomNonceValue(state) { return String(state.metamask.customNonceValue); } export function getSubjectMetadata(state) { return state.metamask.subjectMetadata; } ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(snaps) /** * @param {string} svgString - The raw SVG string to make embeddable. * @returns {string} The embeddable SVG string. */ const getEmbeddableSvg = memoize( (svgString) => `data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${encodeURIComponent(svgString)}`, ); ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN export function getTargetSubjectMetadata(state, origin) { const metadata = getSubjectMetadata(state)[origin]; ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(snaps) if (metadata?.subjectType === SubjectType.Snap) { const { svgIcon, ...remainingMetadata } = metadata; return { ...remainingMetadata, iconUrl: svgIcon ? getEmbeddableSvg(svgIcon) : null, }; } ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN return metadata; } export function getRpcPrefsForCurrentProvider(state) { const { rpcPrefs } = getProviderConfig(state); return rpcPrefs || {}; } export function getKnownMethodData(state, data) { if (!data) { return null; } const prefixedData = addHexPrefix(data); const fourBytePrefix = prefixedData.slice(0, 10); const { knownMethodData } = state.metamask; return knownMethodData && knownMethodData[fourBytePrefix]; } export function getFeatureFlags(state) { return state.metamask.featureFlags; } export function getOriginOfCurrentTab(state) { return state.activeTab.origin; } export function getIpfsGateway(state) { return state.metamask.ipfsGateway; } export function getInfuraBlocked(state) { return Boolean(state.metamask.infuraBlocked); } export function getUSDConversionRate(state) { return state.metamask.usdConversionRate; } export function getWeb3ShimUsageStateForOrigin(state, origin) { return state.metamask.web3ShimUsageOrigins[origin]; } /** * @typedef {object} SwapsEthToken * @property {string} symbol - The symbol for ETH, namely "ETH" * @property {string} name - The name of the ETH currency, "Ether" * @property {string} address - A substitute address for the metaswap-api to * recognize the ETH token * @property {string} decimals - The number of ETH decimals, i.e. 18 * @property {string} balance - The user's ETH balance in decimal wei, with a * precision of 4 decimal places * @property {string} string - The user's ETH balance in decimal ETH */ /** * Swaps related code uses token objects for various purposes. These objects * always have the following properties: `symbol`, `name`, `address`, and * `decimals`. * * When available for the current account, the objects can have `balance` and * `string` properties. * `balance` is the users token balance in decimal values, denominated in the * minimal token units (according to its decimals). * `string` is the token balance in a readable format, ready for rendering. * * Swaps treats the selected chain's currency as a token, and we use the token constants * in the SWAPS_CHAINID_DEFAULT_TOKEN_MAP to set the standard properties for * the token. The getSwapsDefaultToken selector extends that object with * `balance` and `string` values of the same type as in regular ERC-20 token * objects, per the above description. * * @param {object} state - the redux state object * @returns {SwapsEthToken} The token object representation of the currently * selected account's ETH balance, as expected by the Swaps API. */ export function getSwapsDefaultToken(state) { const selectedAccount = getSelectedAccount(state); const { balance } = selectedAccount; const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); const defaultTokenObject = SWAPS_CHAINID_DEFAULT_TOKEN_MAP[chainId]; return { ...defaultTokenObject, balance: hexToDecimal(balance), string: getValueFromWeiHex({ value: balance, numberOfDecimals: 4, toDenomination: 'ETH', }), }; } export function getIsSwapsChain(state) { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); const isNotDevelopment = process.env.METAMASK_ENVIRONMENT !== 'development' && process.env.METAMASK_ENVIRONMENT !== 'testing'; return isNotDevelopment ? ALLOWED_PROD_SWAPS_CHAIN_IDS.includes(chainId) : ALLOWED_DEV_SWAPS_CHAIN_IDS.includes(chainId); } export function getIsBridgeChain(state) { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); return ALLOWED_BRIDGE_CHAIN_IDS.includes(chainId); } export const getIsBridgeToken = (tokenAddress) => (state) => { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); const isBridgeChain = getIsBridgeChain(state); return ( isBridgeChain && ALLOWED_BRIDGE_TOKEN_ADDRESSES[chainId].includes(tokenAddress.toLowerCase()) ); }; export function getIsBuyableChain(state) { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); return Object.keys(BUYABLE_CHAINS_MAP).includes(chainId); } export function getNativeCurrencyImage(state) { const nativeCurrency = getNativeCurrency(state)?.toUpperCase(); return NATIVE_CURRENCY_TOKEN_IMAGE_MAP[nativeCurrency]; } export function getNextSuggestedNonce(state) { return Number(state.metamask.nextNonce); } export function getShowWhatsNewPopup(state) { return state.appState.showWhatsNewPopup; } const createDeepEqualSelector = createSelectorCreator(defaultMemoize, isEqual); export const getMemoizedMetaMaskIdentities = createDeepEqualSelector( getMetaMaskIdentities, (identities) => identities, ); export const getMemoizedAddressBook = createDeepEqualSelector( getAddressBook, (addressBook) => addressBook, ); export const getMemoizedMetadataContractName = createDeepEqualSelector( getTokenList, (_tokenList, address) => address, (tokenList, address) => { const entry = Object.values(tokenList).find((identity) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(identity.address, address), ); return entry && entry.name !== '' ? entry.name : ''; }, ); export const getUnapprovedTransactions = (state) => state.metamask.unapprovedTxs; export const getCurrentNetworkTransactionList = (state) => state.metamask.currentNetworkTxList; export const getTxData = (state) => state.confirmTransaction.txData; export const getUnapprovedTransaction = createDeepEqualSelector( getUnapprovedTransactions, (_, transactionId) => transactionId, (unapprovedTxs, transactionId) => { return ( Object.values(unapprovedTxs).find(({ id }) => id === transactionId) || {} ); }, ); export const getTransaction = createDeepEqualSelector( getCurrentNetworkTransactionList, (_, transactionId) => transactionId, (unapprovedTxs, transactionId) => { return ( Object.values(unapprovedTxs).find(({ id }) => id === transactionId) || {} ); }, ); export const getFullTxData = createDeepEqualSelector( getTxData, (state, transactionId, status) => { if (status === TransactionStatus.unapproved) { return getUnapprovedTransaction(state, transactionId); } return getTransaction(state, transactionId); }, (_state, _transactionId, _status, customTxParamsData) => customTxParamsData, (txData, transaction, customTxParamsData) => { let fullTxData = { ...txData, ...transaction }; if (transaction && transaction.simulationFails) { fullTxData.simulationFails = { ...transaction.simulationFails }; } if (customTxParamsData) { fullTxData = { ...fullTxData, txParams: { ...fullTxData.txParams, data: customTxParamsData, }, }; } return fullTxData; }, ); ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(snaps) export function getSnaps(state) { return state.metamask.snaps; } export const getSnap = createDeepEqualSelector( getSnaps, (_, snapId) => snapId, (snaps, snapId) => { return snaps[snapId]; }, ); export const getInsightSnaps = createDeepEqualSelector( getSnaps, getPermissionSubjects, (snaps, subjects) => { return Object.values(snaps).filter( ({ id }) => subjects[id]?.permissions['endowment:transaction-insight'], ); }, ); export const getSnapsRouteObjects = createSelector(getSnaps, (snaps) => { return Object.values(snaps).map((snap) => { return { id: snap.id, tabMessage: () => snap.manifest.proposedName, descriptionMessage: () => snap.manifest.description, sectionMessage: () => snap.manifest.description, route: `${SNAPS_VIEW_ROUTE}/${encodeURIComponent(snap.id)}`, icon: 'fa fa-flask', }; }); }); /** * @typedef {object} Notification * @property {string} id - A unique identifier for the notification * @property {string} origin - A string identifing the snap origin * @property {EpochTimeStamp} createdDate - A date in epochTimeStramps, identifying when the notification was first committed * @property {EpochTimeStamp} readDate - A date in epochTimeStramps, identifying when the notification was read by the user * @property {string} message - A string containing the notification message */ /** * Notifications are managed by the notification controller and referenced by * `state.metamask.notifications`. This function returns a list of notifications * the can be shown to the user. * * The returned notifications are sorted by date. * * @param {object} state - the redux state object * @returns {Notification[]} An array of notifications that can be shown to the user */ export function getNotifications(state) { const notifications = Object.values(state.metamask.notifications); const notificationsSortedByDate = notifications.sort( (a, b) => new Date(b.createdDate) - new Date(a.createdDate), ); return notificationsSortedByDate; } export function getUnreadNotifications(state) { const notifications = getNotifications(state); const unreadNotificationCount = notifications.filter( (notification) => notification.readDate === null, ); return unreadNotificationCount; } export const getUnreadNotificationsCount = createSelector( getUnreadNotifications, (notifications) => notifications.length, ); ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN /** * Get an object of announcement IDs and if they are allowed or not. * * @param {object} state * @returns {object} */ function getAllowedAnnouncementIds(state) { const currentKeyring = getCurrentKeyring(state); const currentKeyringIsLedger = currentKeyring?.type === KeyringType.ledger; const supportsWebHid = window.navigator.hid !== undefined; const currentlyUsingLedgerLive = getLedgerTransportType(state) === LedgerTransportTypes.live; const isFirefox = window.navigator.userAgent.includes('Firefox'); return { 1: false, 2: false, 3: false, 4: false, 5: false, 6: false, 7: false, 8: supportsWebHid && currentKeyringIsLedger && currentlyUsingLedgerLive, 9: false, 10: false, 11: false, 12: false, 13: false, 14: false, 15: false, 16: false, 17: false, 18: true, 19: true, 20: currentKeyringIsLedger && isFirefox, 21: true, }; } /** * @typedef {object} Announcement * @property {number} id - A unique identifier for the announcement * @property {string} date - A date in YYYY-MM-DD format, identifying when the notification was first committed */ /** * Announcements are managed by the announcement controller and referenced by * `state.metamask.announcements`. This function returns a list of announcements * the can be shown to the user. This list includes all announcements that do not * have a truthy `isShown` property. * * The returned announcements are sorted by date. * * @param {object} state - the redux state object * @returns {Announcement[]} An array of announcements that can be shown to the user */ export function getSortedAnnouncementsToShow(state) { const announcements = Object.values(state.metamask.announcements); const allowedAnnouncementIds = getAllowedAnnouncementIds(state); const announcementsToShow = announcements.filter( (announcement) => !announcement.isShown && allowedAnnouncementIds[announcement.id], ); const announcementsSortedByDate = announcementsToShow.sort( (a, b) => new Date(b.date) - new Date(a.date), ); return announcementsSortedByDate; } export function getShowRecoveryPhraseReminder(state) { const { recoveryPhraseReminderLastShown, recoveryPhraseReminderHasBeenShown, } = state.metamask; const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); const frequency = recoveryPhraseReminderHasBeenShown ? DAY * 90 : DAY * 2; return currentTime - recoveryPhraseReminderLastShown >= frequency; } export function getShowTermsOfUse(state) { const { termsOfUseLastAgreed } = state.metamask; if (!termsOfUseLastAgreed) { return true; } return ( new Date(termsOfUseLastAgreed).getTime() < new Date(TERMS_OF_USE_LAST_UPDATED).getTime() ); } export function getShowOutdatedBrowserWarning(state) { const { outdatedBrowserWarningLastShown } = state.metamask; if (!outdatedBrowserWarningLastShown) { return true; } const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); return currentTime - outdatedBrowserWarningLastShown >= DAY * 2; } export function getShowBetaHeader(state) { return state.metamask.showBetaHeader; } export function getShowProductTour(state) { return state.metamask.showProductTour; } /** * To get the useTokenDetection flag which determines whether a static or dynamic token list is used * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getUseTokenDetection(state) { return Boolean(state.metamask.useTokenDetection); } /** * To get the useNftDetection flag which determines whether we autodetect NFTs * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getUseNftDetection(state) { return Boolean(state.metamask.useNftDetection); } /** * To get the openSeaEnabled flag which determines whether we use OpenSea's API * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getOpenSeaEnabled(state) { return Boolean(state.metamask.openSeaEnabled); } /** * To get the `theme` value which determines which theme is selected * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getTheme(state) { return state.metamask.theme; } /** * To retrieve the token list for use throughout the UI. Will return the remotely fetched list * from the tokens controller if token detection is enabled, or the static list if not. * * @param {*} state * @returns {object} */ export function getTokenList(state) { const isTokenDetectionInactiveOnMainnet = getIsTokenDetectionInactiveOnMainnet(state); const caseInSensitiveTokenList = isTokenDetectionInactiveOnMainnet ? STATIC_MAINNET_TOKEN_LIST : state.metamask.tokenList; return caseInSensitiveTokenList; } export function doesAddressRequireLedgerHidConnection(state, address) { const addressIsLedger = isAddressLedger(state, address); const transportTypePreferenceIsWebHID = getLedgerTransportType(state) === LedgerTransportTypes.webhid; const webHidIsNotConnected = getLedgerWebHidConnectedStatus(state) !== WebHIDConnectedStatuses.connected; const ledgerTransportStatus = getLedgerTransportStatus(state); const transportIsNotSuccessfullyCreated = ledgerTransportStatus !== HardwareTransportStates.verified; return ( addressIsLedger && transportTypePreferenceIsWebHID && (webHidIsNotConnected || transportIsNotSuccessfullyCreated) ); } export function getNewNftAddedMessage(state) { return state.appState.newNftAddedMessage; } export function getRemoveNftMessage(state) { return state.appState.removeNftMessage; } /** * To retrieve the name of the new Network added using add network form * * @param {*} state * @returns string */ export function getNewNetworkAdded(state) { return state.appState.newNetworkAddedName; } export function getNetworksTabSelectedNetworkConfigurationId(state) { return state.appState.selectedNetworkConfigurationId; } export function getNetworkConfigurations(state) { return state.metamask.networkConfigurations; } export function getCurrentNetwork(state) { const allNetworks = getAllNetworks(state); const currentChainId = getCurrentChainId(state); return allNetworks.find((network) => network.chainId === currentChainId); } export function getAllEnabledNetworks(state) { const allNetworks = getAllNetworks(state); const showTestnetNetworks = getShowTestNetworks(state); return showTestnetNetworks ? allNetworks : allNetworks.filter( (network) => TEST_CHAINS.includes(network.chainId) === false, ); } export function getAllNetworks(state) { const networkConfigurations = getNetworkConfigurations(state) || {}; const networks = [ // Mainnet always first { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET, nickname: MAINNET_DISPLAY_NAME, rpcUrl: CHAIN_ID_TO_RPC_URL_MAP[CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET], rpcPrefs: { imageUrl: ETH_TOKEN_IMAGE_URL, }, providerType: NETWORK_TYPES.MAINNET, ticker: CURRENCY_SYMBOLS.ETH, }, { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LINEA_MAINNET, nickname: LINEA_MAINNET_DISPLAY_NAME, rpcUrl: CHAIN_ID_TO_RPC_URL_MAP[CHAIN_IDS.LINEA_MAINNET], rpcPrefs: { imageUrl: LINEA_MAINNET_TOKEN_IMAGE_URL, }, providerType: NETWORK_TYPES.LINEA_MAINNET, ticker: TEST_NETWORK_TICKER_MAP[NETWORK_TYPES.LINEA_MAINNET], }, // Custom networks added by the user ...Object.values(networkConfigurations).filter( ({ chainId }) => ![CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST].includes(chainId), ), // Test networks { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI, nickname: GOERLI_DISPLAY_NAME, rpcUrl: CHAIN_ID_TO_RPC_URL_MAP[CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI], providerType: NETWORK_TYPES.GOERLI, ticker: TEST_NETWORK_TICKER_MAP[NETWORK_TYPES.GOERLI], }, { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.SEPOLIA, nickname: SEPOLIA_DISPLAY_NAME, rpcUrl: CHAIN_ID_TO_RPC_URL_MAP[CHAIN_IDS.SEPOLIA], providerType: NETWORK_TYPES.SEPOLIA, ticker: TEST_NETWORK_TICKER_MAP[NETWORK_TYPES.SEPOLIA], }, { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LINEA_GOERLI, nickname: LINEA_GOERLI_DISPLAY_NAME, rpcUrl: CHAIN_ID_TO_RPC_URL_MAP[CHAIN_IDS.LINEA_GOERLI], rpcPrefs: { imageUrl: LINEA_GOERLI_TOKEN_IMAGE_URL, }, providerType: NETWORK_TYPES.LINEA_GOERLI, ticker: TEST_NETWORK_TICKER_MAP[NETWORK_TYPES.LINEA_GOERLI], }, // Localhosts ...Object.values(networkConfigurations).filter( ({ chainId }) => chainId === CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, ), ]; return networks; } export function getIsOptimism(state) { return ( getCurrentChainId(state) === CHAIN_IDS.OPTIMISM || getCurrentChainId(state) === CHAIN_IDS.OPTIMISM_TESTNET ); } export function getIsMultiLayerFeeNetwork(state) { return getIsOptimism(state); } /** * To retrieve the maxBaseFee and priotitFee teh user has set as default * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getAdvancedGasFeeValues(state) { return state.metamask.advancedGasFee; } /** * To check if the user has set advanced gas fee settings as default with a non empty maxBaseFee and priotityFee. * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getIsAdvancedGasFeeDefault(state) { const { advancedGasFee } = state.metamask; return ( Boolean(advancedGasFee?.maxBaseFee) && Boolean(advancedGasFee?.priorityFee) ); } /** * To get the name of the network that support token detection based in chainId. * * @param state * @returns string e.g. ethereum, bsc or polygon */ export const getTokenDetectionSupportNetworkByChainId = (state) => { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); switch (chainId) { case CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET: return MAINNET_DISPLAY_NAME; case CHAIN_IDS.BSC: return BSC_DISPLAY_NAME; case CHAIN_IDS.POLYGON: return POLYGON_DISPLAY_NAME; case CHAIN_IDS.AVALANCHE: return AVALANCHE_DISPLAY_NAME; case CHAIN_IDS.AURORA: return AURORA_DISPLAY_NAME; default: return ''; } }; /** * To check if the chainId supports token detection, * currently it returns true for Ethereum Mainnet, Polygon, BSC, Avalanche and Aurora * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getIsDynamicTokenListAvailable(state) { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); return [ CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET, CHAIN_IDS.BSC, CHAIN_IDS.POLYGON, CHAIN_IDS.AVALANCHE, CHAIN_IDS.AURORA, ].includes(chainId); } /** * To retrieve the list of tokens detected and saved on the state to detectedToken object. * * @param {*} state * @returns list of token objects */ export function getDetectedTokensInCurrentNetwork(state) { const currentChainId = getCurrentChainId(state); const selectedAddress = getSelectedAddress(state); return state.metamask.allDetectedTokens?.[currentChainId]?.[selectedAddress]; } /** * To fetch the name of the tokens that are imported from tokens found page * * @param {*} state * @returns */ export function getNewTokensImported(state) { return state.appState.newTokensImported; } /** * To check if the token detection is OFF and the network is Mainnet * so that the user can skip third party token api fetch * and use the static tokenlist from contract-metadata * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getIsTokenDetectionInactiveOnMainnet(state) { const isMainnet = getIsMainnet(state); const useTokenDetection = getUseTokenDetection(state); return !useTokenDetection && isMainnet; } /** * To check for the chainId that supports token detection , * currently it returns true for Ethereum Mainnet, Polygon, BSC, Avalanche and Aurora * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getIsTokenDetectionSupported(state) { const useTokenDetection = getUseTokenDetection(state); const isDynamicTokenListAvailable = getIsDynamicTokenListAvailable(state); return useTokenDetection && isDynamicTokenListAvailable; } /** * To check if the token detection is OFF for the token detection supported networks * and the network is not Mainnet * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getIstokenDetectionInactiveOnNonMainnetSupportedNetwork(state) { const useTokenDetection = getUseTokenDetection(state); const isMainnet = getIsMainnet(state); const isDynamicTokenListAvailable = getIsDynamicTokenListAvailable(state); return isDynamicTokenListAvailable && !useTokenDetection && !isMainnet; } /** * To get the `transactionSecurityCheckEnabled` value which determines whether we use the transaction security check * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getIsTransactionSecurityCheckEnabled(state) { return state.metamask.transactionSecurityCheckEnabled; } export function getIsCustomNetwork(state) { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); return !CHAIN_ID_TO_RPC_URL_MAP[chainId]; } export function getBlockExplorerLinkText( state, accountDetailsModalComponent = false, ) { const isCustomNetwork = getIsCustomNetwork(state); const rpcPrefs = getRpcPrefsForCurrentProvider(state); let blockExplorerLinkText = { firstPart: 'addBlockExplorer', secondPart: '', }; if (rpcPrefs.blockExplorerUrl) { blockExplorerLinkText = accountDetailsModalComponent ? { firstPart: 'blockExplorerView', secondPart: getURLHostName(rpcPrefs.blockExplorerUrl), } : { firstPart: 'viewinExplorer', secondPart: 'blockExplorerAccountAction', }; } else if (isCustomNetwork === false) { blockExplorerLinkText = accountDetailsModalComponent ? { firstPart: 'etherscanViewOn', secondPart: '' } : { firstPart: 'viewOnEtherscan', secondPart: 'blockExplorerAccountAction', }; } return blockExplorerLinkText; } export function getIsNetworkUsed(state) { const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); const { usedNetworks } = state.metamask; return Boolean(usedNetworks[chainId]); } export function getAllAccountsOnNetworkAreEmpty(state) { const balances = getMetaMaskCachedBalances(state) ?? {}; const hasNoNativeFundsOnAnyAccounts = Object.values(balances).every( (balance) => balance === '0x0' || balance === '0x00', ); const hasNoTokens = getNumberOfTokens(state) === 0; return hasNoNativeFundsOnAnyAccounts && hasNoTokens; } export function getShouldShowSeedPhraseReminder(state) { const { tokens, seedPhraseBackedUp, dismissSeedBackUpReminder } = state.metamask; const accountBalance = getCurrentEthBalance(state) ?? 0; return ( seedPhraseBackedUp === false && (parseInt(accountBalance, 16) > 0 || tokens.length > 0) && dismissSeedBackUpReminder === false ); } export function getCustomTokenAmount(state) { return state.appState.customTokenAmount; } export function getOnboardedInThisUISession(state) { return state.appState.onboardedInThisUISession; } /** * To get the useCurrencyRateCheck flag which to check if the user prefers currency conversion * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getUseCurrencyRateCheck(state) { return Boolean(state.metamask.useCurrencyRateCheck); } ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(desktop) /** * To get the `desktopEnabled` value which determines whether we use the desktop app * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getIsDesktopEnabled(state) { return state.metamask.desktopEnabled; } ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(snaps) /** * To get all installed snaps with proper metadata * * @param {*} state * @returns Boolean */ export function getSnapsList(state) { const snaps = getSnaps(state); return Object.entries(snaps).map(([key, snap]) => { const targetSubjectMetadata = getTargetSubjectMetadata(state, snap?.id); return { key, id: snap.id, packageName: removeSnapIdPrefix(snap.id), name: getSnapName(snap.id, targetSubjectMetadata), }; }); } /** * To get the state of snaps privacy warning popover. * * @param state - Redux state object. * @returns True if popover has been shown, false otherwise. */ export function getSnapsInstallPrivacyWarningShown(state) { const { snapsInstallPrivacyWarningShown } = state.metamask; if ( snapsInstallPrivacyWarningShown === undefined || snapsInstallPrivacyWarningShown === null ) { return false; } return snapsInstallPrivacyWarningShown; } ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN