import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { ObservableStore } from '@metamask/obs-store'; import { bufferToHex } from 'ethereumjs-util'; import { ethErrors } from 'eth-rpc-errors'; import { MESSAGE_TYPE } from '../../../shared/constants/app'; import { METAMASK_CONTROLLER_EVENTS } from '../metamask-controller'; import createId from '../../../shared/modules/random-id'; import { EVENT } from '../../../shared/constants/metametrics'; /** * Represents, and contains data about, an 'eth_sign' type signature request. These are created when a signature for * an eth_sign call is requested. * * @see {@link} * @typedef {object} Message * @property {number} id An id to track and identify the message object * @property {object} msgParams The parameters to pass to the eth_sign method once the signature request is approved. * @property {object} msgParams.metamaskId Added to msgParams for tracking and identification within MetaMask. * @property {string} A hex string conversion of the raw buffer data of the signature request * @property {number} time The epoch time at which the this message was created * @property {string} status Indicates whether the signature request is 'unapproved', 'approved', 'signed' or 'rejected' * @property {string} type The json-prc signing method for which a signature request has been made. A 'Message' with * always have a 'eth_sign' type. */ export default class MessageManager extends EventEmitter { /** * Controller in charge of managing - storing, adding, removing, updating - Messages. * * @param {object} opts - Controller options * @param {Function} opts.metricsEvent - A function for emitting a metric event. * @param {Function} opts.securityProviderRequest - A function for verifying a message, whether it is malicious or not. */ constructor({ metricsEvent, securityProviderRequest }) { super(); this.memStore = new ObservableStore({ unapprovedMsgs: {}, unapprovedMsgCount: 0, }); this.resetState = () => { this.memStore.updateState({ unapprovedMsgs: {}, unapprovedMsgCount: 0, }); }; this.messages = []; this.metricsEvent = metricsEvent; this.securityProviderRequest = securityProviderRequest; } /** * A getter for the number of 'unapproved' Messages in this.messages * * @returns {number} The number of 'unapproved' Messages in this.messages */ get unapprovedMsgCount() { return Object.keys(this.getUnapprovedMsgs()).length; } /** * A getter for the 'unapproved' Messages in this.messages * * @returns {object} An index of Message ids to Messages, for all 'unapproved' Messages in this.messages */ getUnapprovedMsgs() { return this.messages .filter((msg) => msg.status === 'unapproved') .reduce((result, msg) => { result[] = msg; return result; }, {}); } /** * Creates a new Message with an 'unapproved' status using the passed msgParams. this.addMsg is called to add the * new Message to this.messages, and to save the unapproved Messages from that list to this.memStore. * * @param {object} msgParams - The params for the eth_sign call to be made after the message is approved. * @param {object} [req] - The original request object possibly containing the origin * @returns {promise} after signature has been */ async addUnapprovedMessageAsync(msgParams, req) { const msgId = await this.addUnapprovedMessage(msgParams, req); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // await finished this.once(`${msgId}:finished`, (data) => { switch (data.status) { case 'signed': return resolve(data.rawSig); case 'rejected': return reject( ethErrors.provider.userRejectedRequest( 'MetaMask Message Signature: User denied message signature.', ), ); case 'errored': return reject( new Error(`MetaMask Message Signature: ${data.error}`), ); default: return reject( new Error( `MetaMask Message Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify( msgParams, )}`, ), ); } }); }); } /** * Creates a new Message with an 'unapproved' status using the passed msgParams. this.addMsg is called to add the * new Message to this.messages, and to save the unapproved Messages from that list to this.memStore. * * @param {object} msgParams - The params for the eth_sign call to be made after the message is approved. * @param {object} [req] - The original request object where the origin may be specified * @returns {number} The id of the newly created message. */ async addUnapprovedMessage(msgParams, req) { // add origin from request if (req) { msgParams.origin = req.origin; } = normalizeMsgData(; // create txData obj with parameters and meta data const time = new Date().getTime(); const msgId = createId(); const msgData = { id: msgId, msgParams, time, status: 'unapproved', type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ETH_SIGN, }; this.addMsg(msgData); const securityProviderResponse = await this.securityProviderRequest( msgData, msgData.type, ); msgData.securityProviderResponse = securityProviderResponse; // signal update this.emit('update'); return msgId; } /** * Adds a passed Message to this.messages, and calls this._saveMsgList() to save the unapproved Messages from that * list to this.memStore. * * @param {Message} msg - The Message to add to this.messages */ addMsg(msg) { this.messages.push(msg); this._saveMsgList(); } /** * Returns a specified Message. * * @param {number} msgId - The id of the Message to get * @returns {Message|undefined} The Message with the id that matches the passed msgId, or undefined if no Message has that id. */ getMsg(msgId) { return this.messages.find((msg) => === msgId); } /** * Approves a Message. Sets the message status via a call to this.setMsgStatusApproved, and returns a promise with * any the message params modified for proper signing. * * @param {object} msgParams - The msgParams to be used when eth_sign is called, plus data added by MetaMask. * @param {object} msgParams.metamaskId - Added to msgParams for tracking and identification within MetaMask. * @returns {Promise} Promises the msgParams object with metamaskId removed. */ approveMessage(msgParams) { this.setMsgStatusApproved(msgParams.metamaskId); return this.prepMsgForSigning(msgParams); } /** * Sets a Message status to 'approved' via a call to this._setMsgStatus. * * @param {number} msgId - The id of the Message to approve. */ setMsgStatusApproved(msgId) { this._setMsgStatus(msgId, 'approved'); } /** * Sets a Message status to 'signed' via a call to this._setMsgStatus and updates that Message in this.messages by * adding the raw signature data of the signature request to the Message * * @param {number} msgId - The id of the Message to sign. * @param {buffer} rawSig - The raw data of the signature request */ setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig) { const msg = this.getMsg(msgId); msg.rawSig = rawSig; this._updateMsg(msg); this._setMsgStatus(msgId, 'signed'); } /** * Removes the metamaskId property from passed msgParams and returns a promise which resolves the updated msgParams * * @param {object} msgParams - The msgParams to modify * @returns {Promise} Promises the msgParams with the metamaskId property removed */ async prepMsgForSigning(msgParams) { delete msgParams.metamaskId; return msgParams; } /** * Sets a Message status to 'rejected' via a call to this._setMsgStatus. * * @param {number} msgId - The id of the Message to reject. * @param reason */ rejectMsg(msgId, reason = undefined) { if (reason) { const msg = this.getMsg(msgId); this.metricsEvent({ event: reason, category: EVENT.CATEGORIES.TRANSACTIONS, properties: { action: 'Sign Request', type: msg.type, }, }); } this._setMsgStatus(msgId, 'rejected'); } /** * Sets a Message status to 'errored' via a call to this._setMsgStatus. * * @param {number} msgId - The id of the Message to error * @param error */ errorMessage(msgId, error) { const msg = this.getMsg(msgId); msg.error = error; this._updateMsg(msg); this._setMsgStatus(msgId, 'errored'); } /** * Clears all unapproved messages from memory. */ clearUnapproved() { this.messages = this.messages.filter((msg) => msg.status !== 'unapproved'); this._saveMsgList(); } /** * Updates the status of a Message in this.messages via a call to this._updateMsg * * @private * @param {number} msgId - The id of the Message to update. * @param {string} status - The new status of the Message. * @throws A 'MessageManager - Message not found for id: "${msgId}".' if there is no Message in this.messages with an * id equal to the passed msgId * @fires An event with a name equal to `${msgId}:${status}`. The Message is also fired. * @fires If status is 'rejected' or 'signed', an event with a name equal to `${msgId}:finished` is fired along with the message */ _setMsgStatus(msgId, status) { const msg = this.getMsg(msgId); if (!msg) { throw new Error(`MessageManager - Message not found for id: "${msgId}".`); } msg.status = status; this._updateMsg(msg); this.emit(`${msgId}:${status}`, msg); if (status === 'rejected' || status === 'signed') { this.emit(`${msgId}:finished`, msg); } } /** * Sets a Message in this.messages to the passed Message if the ids are equal. Then saves the unapprovedMsg list to * storage via this._saveMsgList * * @private * @param {Message} msg - A Message that will replace an existing Message (with the same id) in this.messages */ _updateMsg(msg) { const index = this.messages.findIndex((message) => ===; if (index !== -1) { this.messages[index] = msg; } this._saveMsgList(); } /** * Saves the unapproved messages, and their count, to this.memStore * * @private * @fires 'updateBadge' */ _saveMsgList() { const unapprovedMsgs = this.getUnapprovedMsgs(); const unapprovedMsgCount = Object.keys(unapprovedMsgs).length; this.memStore.updateState({ unapprovedMsgs, unapprovedMsgCount }); this.emit(METAMASK_CONTROLLER_EVENTS.UPDATE_BADGE); } } /** * A helper function that converts raw buffer data to a hex, or just returns the data if it is already formatted as a hex. * * @param {any} data - The buffer data to convert to a hex * @returns {string} A hex string conversion of the buffer data */ export function normalizeMsgData(data) { if (data.slice(0, 2) === '0x') { // data is already hex return data; } // data is unicode, convert to hex return bufferToHex(Buffer.from(data, 'utf8')); }