/** * @file The entry point for the web extension singleton process. */ // polyfills import 'abortcontroller-polyfill/dist/polyfill-patch-fetch'; import endOfStream from 'end-of-stream'; import pump from 'pump'; import debounce from 'debounce-stream'; import log from 'loglevel'; import extension from 'extensionizer'; import { storeAsStream, storeTransformStream } from '@metamask/obs-store'; import PortStream from 'extension-port-stream'; import { captureException } from '@sentry/browser'; import { ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP, ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_NOTIFICATION, ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_FULLSCREEN, } from '../../shared/constants/app'; import { SECOND } from '../../shared/constants/time'; import migrations from './migrations'; import Migrator from './lib/migrator'; import ExtensionPlatform from './platforms/extension'; import LocalStore from './lib/local-store'; import ReadOnlyNetworkStore from './lib/network-store'; import createStreamSink from './lib/createStreamSink'; import NotificationManager from './lib/notification-manager'; import MetamaskController, { METAMASK_CONTROLLER_EVENTS, } from './metamask-controller'; import rawFirstTimeState from './first-time-state'; import getFirstPreferredLangCode from './lib/get-first-preferred-lang-code'; import getObjStructure from './lib/getObjStructure'; import setupEnsIpfsResolver from './lib/ens-ipfs/setup'; /* eslint-enable import/first */ const { sentry } = global; const firstTimeState = { ...rawFirstTimeState }; log.setDefaultLevel(process.env.METAMASK_DEBUG ? 'debug' : 'warn'); const platform = new ExtensionPlatform(); const notificationManager = new NotificationManager(); global.METAMASK_NOTIFIER = notificationManager; let popupIsOpen = false; let notificationIsOpen = false; let uiIsTriggering = false; const openMetamaskTabsIDs = {}; const requestAccountTabIds = {}; // state persistence const inTest = process.env.IN_TEST === 'true'; const localStore = inTest ? new ReadOnlyNetworkStore() : new LocalStore(); let versionedData; if (inTest || process.env.METAMASK_DEBUG) { global.metamaskGetState = localStore.get.bind(localStore); } // initialization flow initialize().catch(log.error); /** * @typedef {import('../../shared/constants/transaction').TransactionMeta} TransactionMeta */ /** * The data emitted from the MetaMaskController.store EventEmitter, also used to initialize the MetaMaskController. Available in UI on React state as state.metamask. * @typedef MetaMaskState * @property {boolean} isInitialized - Whether the first vault has been created. * @property {boolean} isUnlocked - Whether the vault is currently decrypted and accounts are available for selection. * @property {boolean} isAccountMenuOpen - Represents whether the main account selection UI is currently displayed. * @property {Object} identities - An object matching lower-case hex addresses to Identity objects with "address" and "name" (nickname) keys. * @property {Object} unapprovedTxs - An object mapping transaction hashes to unapproved transactions. * @property {Array} frequentRpcList - A list of frequently used RPCs, including custom user-provided ones. * @property {Array} addressBook - A list of previously sent to addresses. * @property {Object} contractExchangeRates - Info about current token prices. * @property {Array} tokens - Tokens held by the current user, including their balances. * @property {Object} send - TODO: Document * @property {boolean} useBlockie - Indicates preferred user identicon format. True for blockie, false for Jazzicon. * @property {Object} featureFlags - An object for optional feature flags. * @property {boolean} welcomeScreen - True if welcome screen should be shown. * @property {string} currentLocale - A locale string matching the user's preferred display language. * @property {Object} provider - The current selected network provider. * @property {string} provider.rpcUrl - The address for the RPC API, if using an RPC API. * @property {string} provider.type - An identifier for the type of network selected, allows MetaMask to use custom provider strategies for known networks. * @property {string} network - A stringified number of the current network ID. * @property {Object} accounts - An object mapping lower-case hex addresses to objects with "balance" and "address" keys, both storing hex string values. * @property {hex} currentBlockGasLimit - The most recently seen block gas limit, in a lower case hex prefixed string. * @property {TransactionMeta[]} currentNetworkTxList - An array of transactions associated with the currently selected network. * @property {Object} unapprovedMsgs - An object of messages pending approval, mapping a unique ID to the options. * @property {number} unapprovedMsgCount - The number of messages in unapprovedMsgs. * @property {Object} unapprovedPersonalMsgs - An object of messages pending approval, mapping a unique ID to the options. * @property {number} unapprovedPersonalMsgCount - The number of messages in unapprovedPersonalMsgs. * @property {Object} unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgs - An object of messages pending approval, mapping a unique ID to the options. * @property {number} unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgCount - The number of messages in EncryptionPublicKeyMsgs. * @property {Object} unapprovedDecryptMsgs - An object of messages pending approval, mapping a unique ID to the options. * @property {number} unapprovedDecryptMsgCount - The number of messages in unapprovedDecryptMsgs. * @property {Object} unapprovedTypedMsgs - An object of messages pending approval, mapping a unique ID to the options. * @property {number} unapprovedTypedMsgCount - The number of messages in unapprovedTypedMsgs. * @property {number} pendingApprovalCount - The number of pending request in the approval controller. * @property {string[]} keyringTypes - An array of unique keyring identifying strings, representing available strategies for creating accounts. * @property {Keyring[]} keyrings - An array of keyring descriptions, summarizing the accounts that are available for use, and what keyrings they belong to. * @property {string} selectedAddress - A lower case hex string of the currently selected address. * @property {string} currentCurrency - A string identifying the user's preferred display currency, for use in showing conversion rates. * @property {number} conversionRate - A number representing the current exchange rate from the user's preferred currency to Ether. * @property {number} conversionDate - A unix epoch date (ms) for the time the current conversion rate was last retrieved. * @property {boolean} forgottenPassword - Returns true if the user has initiated the password recovery screen, is recovering from seed phrase. */ /** * @typedef VersionedData * @property {MetaMaskState} data - The data emitted from MetaMask controller, or used to initialize it. * @property {Number} version - The latest migration version that has been run. */ /** * Initializes the MetaMask controller, and sets up all platform configuration. * @returns {Promise} Setup complete. */ async function initialize() { const initState = await loadStateFromPersistence(); const initLangCode = await getFirstPreferredLangCode(); await setupController(initState, initLangCode); log.debug('MetaMask initialization complete.'); } // // State and Persistence // /** * Loads any stored data, prioritizing the latest storage strategy. * Migrates that data schema in case it was last loaded on an older version. * @returns {Promise} Last data emitted from previous instance of MetaMask. */ async function loadStateFromPersistence() { // migrations const migrator = new Migrator({ migrations }); migrator.on('error', console.warn); // read from disk // first from preferred, async API: versionedData = (await localStore.get()) || migrator.generateInitialState(firstTimeState); // check if somehow state is empty // this should never happen but new error reporting suggests that it has // for a small number of users // https://github.com/metamask/metamask-extension/issues/3919 if (versionedData && !versionedData.data) { // unable to recover, clear state versionedData = migrator.generateInitialState(firstTimeState); sentry.captureMessage('MetaMask - Empty vault found - unable to recover'); } // report migration errors to sentry migrator.on('error', (err) => { // get vault structure without secrets const vaultStructure = getObjStructure(versionedData); sentry.captureException(err, { // "extra" key is required by Sentry extra: { vaultStructure }, }); }); // migrate data versionedData = await migrator.migrateData(versionedData); if (!versionedData) { throw new Error('MetaMask - migrator returned undefined'); } // write to disk if (localStore.isSupported) { localStore.set(versionedData); } else { // throw in setTimeout so as to not block boot setTimeout(() => { throw new Error('MetaMask - Localstore not supported'); }); } // return just the data return versionedData.data; } /** * Initializes the MetaMask Controller with any initial state and default language. * Configures platform-specific error reporting strategy. * Streams emitted state updates to platform-specific storage strategy. * Creates platform listeners for new Dapps/Contexts, and sets up their data connections to the controller. * * @param {Object} initState - The initial state to start the controller with, matches the state that is emitted from the controller. * @param {string} initLangCode - The region code for the language preferred by the current user. * @returns {Promise} After setup is complete. */ function setupController(initState, initLangCode) { // // MetaMask Controller // const controller = new MetamaskController({ infuraProjectId: process.env.INFURA_PROJECT_ID, // User confirmation callbacks: showUserConfirmation: triggerUi, openPopup, // initial state initState, // initial locale code initLangCode, // platform specific api platform, extension, getRequestAccountTabIds: () => { return requestAccountTabIds; }, getOpenMetamaskTabsIds: () => { return openMetamaskTabsIDs; }, }); setupEnsIpfsResolver({ getCurrentChainId: controller.networkController.getCurrentChainId.bind( controller.networkController, ), getIpfsGateway: controller.preferencesController.getIpfsGateway.bind( controller.preferencesController, ), provider: controller.provider, }); // setup state persistence pump( storeAsStream(controller.store), debounce(1000), storeTransformStream(versionifyData), createStreamSink(persistData), (error) => { log.error('MetaMask - Persistence pipeline failed', error); }, ); /** * Assigns the given state to the versioned object (with metadata), and returns that. * @param {Object} state - The state object as emitted by the MetaMaskController. * @returns {VersionedData} The state object wrapped in an object that includes a metadata key. */ function versionifyData(state) { versionedData.data = state; return versionedData; } let dataPersistenceFailing = false; async function persistData(state) { if (!state) { throw new Error('MetaMask - updated state is missing'); } if (!state.data) { throw new Error('MetaMask - updated state does not have data'); } if (localStore.isSupported) { try { await localStore.set(state); if (dataPersistenceFailing) { dataPersistenceFailing = false; } } catch (err) { // log error so we dont break the pipeline if (!dataPersistenceFailing) { dataPersistenceFailing = true; captureException(err); } log.error('error setting state in local store:', err); } } } // // connect to other contexts // extension.runtime.onConnect.addListener(connectRemote); extension.runtime.onConnectExternal.addListener(connectExternal); const metamaskInternalProcessHash = { [ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP]: true, [ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_NOTIFICATION]: true, [ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_FULLSCREEN]: true, }; const metamaskBlockedPorts = ['trezor-connect']; const isClientOpenStatus = () => { return ( popupIsOpen || Boolean(Object.keys(openMetamaskTabsIDs).length) || notificationIsOpen ); }; /** * A runtime.Port object, as provided by the browser: * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/runtime/Port * @typedef Port * @type Object */ /** * Connects a Port to the MetaMask controller via a multiplexed duplex stream. * This method identifies trusted (MetaMask) interfaces, and connects them differently from untrusted (web pages). * @param {Port} remotePort - The port provided by a new context. */ function connectRemote(remotePort) { const processName = remotePort.name; const isMetaMaskInternalProcess = metamaskInternalProcessHash[processName]; if (metamaskBlockedPorts.includes(remotePort.name)) { return; } if (isMetaMaskInternalProcess) { const portStream = new PortStream(remotePort); // communication with popup controller.isClientOpen = true; controller.setupTrustedCommunication(portStream, remotePort.sender); if (processName === ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP) { popupIsOpen = true; endOfStream(portStream, () => { popupIsOpen = false; controller.isClientOpen = isClientOpenStatus(); }); } if (processName === ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_NOTIFICATION) { notificationIsOpen = true; endOfStream(portStream, () => { notificationIsOpen = false; controller.isClientOpen = isClientOpenStatus(); }); } if (processName === ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_FULLSCREEN) { const tabId = remotePort.sender.tab.id; openMetamaskTabsIDs[tabId] = true; endOfStream(portStream, () => { delete openMetamaskTabsIDs[tabId]; controller.isClientOpen = isClientOpenStatus(); }); } } else { if (remotePort.sender && remotePort.sender.tab && remotePort.sender.url) { const tabId = remotePort.sender.tab.id; const url = new URL(remotePort.sender.url); const { origin } = url; remotePort.onMessage.addListener((msg) => { if (msg.data && msg.data.method === 'eth_requestAccounts') { requestAccountTabIds[origin] = tabId; } }); } connectExternal(remotePort); } } // communication with page or other extension function connectExternal(remotePort) { const portStream = new PortStream(remotePort); controller.setupUntrustedCommunication(portStream, remotePort.sender); } // // User Interface setup // updateBadge(); controller.txController.on( METAMASK_CONTROLLER_EVENTS.UPDATE_BADGE, updateBadge, ); controller.messageManager.on( METAMASK_CONTROLLER_EVENTS.UPDATE_BADGE, updateBadge, ); controller.personalMessageManager.on( METAMASK_CONTROLLER_EVENTS.UPDATE_BADGE, updateBadge, ); controller.decryptMessageManager.on( METAMASK_CONTROLLER_EVENTS.UPDATE_BADGE, updateBadge, ); controller.encryptionPublicKeyManager.on( METAMASK_CONTROLLER_EVENTS.UPDATE_BADGE, updateBadge, ); controller.typedMessageManager.on( METAMASK_CONTROLLER_EVENTS.UPDATE_BADGE, updateBadge, ); controller.approvalController.subscribe(updateBadge); controller.appStateController.on( METAMASK_CONTROLLER_EVENTS.UPDATE_BADGE, updateBadge, ); /** * Updates the Web Extension's "badge" number, on the little fox in the toolbar. * The number reflects the current number of pending transactions or message signatures needing user approval. */ function updateBadge() { let label = ''; const unapprovedTxCount = controller.txController.getUnapprovedTxCount(); const { unapprovedMsgCount } = controller.messageManager; const { unapprovedPersonalMsgCount } = controller.personalMessageManager; const { unapprovedDecryptMsgCount } = controller.decryptMessageManager; const { unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgCount, } = controller.encryptionPublicKeyManager; const { unapprovedTypedMessagesCount } = controller.typedMessageManager; const pendingApprovalCount = controller.approvalController.getTotalApprovalCount(); const waitingForUnlockCount = controller.appStateController.waitingForUnlock.length; const count = unapprovedTxCount + unapprovedMsgCount + unapprovedPersonalMsgCount + unapprovedDecryptMsgCount + unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgCount + unapprovedTypedMessagesCount + pendingApprovalCount + waitingForUnlockCount; if (count) { label = String(count); } extension.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: label }); extension.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ color: '#037DD6' }); } return Promise.resolve(); } // // Etc... // /** * Opens the browser popup for user confirmation */ async function triggerUi() { const tabs = await platform.getActiveTabs(); const currentlyActiveMetamaskTab = Boolean( tabs.find((tab) => openMetamaskTabsIDs[tab.id]), ); // Vivaldi is not closing port connection on popup close, so popupIsOpen does not work correctly // To be reviewed in the future if this behaviour is fixed - also the way we determine isVivaldi variable might change at some point const isVivaldi = tabs.length > 0 && tabs[0].extData && tabs[0].extData.indexOf('vivaldi_tab') > -1; if ( !uiIsTriggering && (isVivaldi || !popupIsOpen) && !currentlyActiveMetamaskTab ) { uiIsTriggering = true; try { await notificationManager.showPopup(); } finally { uiIsTriggering = false; } } } /** * Opens the browser popup for user confirmation of watchAsset * then it waits until user interact with the UI */ async function openPopup() { await triggerUi(); await new Promise((resolve) => { const interval = setInterval(() => { if (!notificationIsOpen) { clearInterval(interval); resolve(); } }, SECOND); }); } // On first install, open a new tab with MetaMask extension.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(({ reason }) => { if ( reason === 'install' && !(process.env.METAMASK_DEBUG || process.env.IN_TEST) ) { platform.openExtensionInBrowser(); } });