import sinon from 'sinon'; import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import MetaMaskController from '../../../app/scripts/metamask-controller'; import { _setBackgroundConnection } from '../action-queue'; import { showInteractiveReplacementTokenModal, showCustodyConfirmLink, checkForUnapprovedMessages, updateCustodyState, } from './institution-actions'; const middleware = [thunk]; const defaultState = { metamask: { currentLocale: 'test', selectedAddress: '0xFirstAddress', providerConfig: { chainId: '0x1' }, accounts: { '0xFirstAddress': { balance: '0x0', }, }, identities: { '0xFirstAddress': {}, }, cachedBalances: { '0x1': { '0xFirstAddress': '0x0', }, }, custodyStatusMaps: { saturn: { signed: { mmStatus: 'signed', shortText: 'signed', longText: 'signed', finished: false, }, }, }, transactions: [ { id: 0, time: 0, txParams: { from: '0xAddress', to: '0xRecipient', }, custodyId: '0', custodyStatus: 'signed', }, { id: 1, time: 1, txParams: { from: '0xAddress', to: '0xRecipient', }, custodyId: '1', custodyStatus: 'signed', }, ], custodyAccountDetails: { '0xAddress': { address: '0xc96348083d806DFfc546b36e05AF1f9452CDAe91', details: 'details', custodyType: 'testCustody - Saturn', }, }, }, appState: { modal: { open: true, modalState: { name: 'CUSTODY_CONFIRM_LINK', props: { custodyId: '1', }, }, }, }, }; const mockStore = (state = defaultState) => configureStore(middleware)(state); const baseMockState = defaultState.metamask; describe('#InstitutionActions', () => { let background; beforeEach(async () => { background = sinon.createStubInstance(MetaMaskController, { getState: sinon.stub().callsFake((cb) => cb(null, baseMockState)), }); }); afterEach(() => { sinon.restore(); }); it('calls showModal with the property name of showInteractiveReplacementTokenModal', async () => { const store = mockStore(); background.getApi.returns({ setFeatureFlag: sinon .stub() .callsFake((_, __, cb) => cb(new Error('error'))), }); _setBackgroundConnection(background.getApi()); const expectedActions = [ { type: 'UI_MODAL_OPEN', payload: { name: 'INTERACTIVE_REPLACEMENT_TOKEN_MODAL' }, }, ]; await store.dispatch(showInteractiveReplacementTokenModal()); expect(store.getActions()).toStrictEqual(expectedActions); }); it('calls showModal with the property name of showCustodyConfirmLink', async () => { const store = mockStore(); background.getApi.returns({ setFeatureFlag: sinon .stub() .callsFake((_, __, cb) => cb(new Error('error'))), }); _setBackgroundConnection(background.getApi()); const expectedActions = [ { type: 'UI_MODAL_OPEN', payload: { name: 'CUSTODY_CONFIRM_LINK', link: 'link', address: '0x1', closeNotification: false, custodyId: 'custodyId', }, }, ]; await store.dispatch( showCustodyConfirmLink({ link: 'link', address: '0x1', closeNotification: false, custodyId: 'custodyId', }), ); expect(store.getActions()).toStrictEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('#checkForUnapprovedMessages', () => { it('calls checkForUnapprovedMessages and returns the messageData', async () => { const messageData = { id: 1, type: 'tx', msgParams: { metamaskId: 2, data: '0x1', }, custodyId: '123', status: 'unapproved', }; expect(checkForUnapprovedMessages(messageData, { msg: 'msg' })).toBe( messageData, ); }); }); describe('#updateCustodyState', () => { let background; beforeEach(async () => { background = sinon.createStubInstance(MetaMaskController, { getState: sinon.stub().callsFake((cb) => cb(null, baseMockState)), }); }); afterEach(() => { sinon.restore(); }); it('calls updateCustodyState but returns early undefined', async () => { const store = mockStore(); background.getApi.returns({ setFeatureFlag: sinon .stub() .callsFake((_, __, cb) => cb(new Error('error'))), }); _setBackgroundConnection(background.getApi()); const newState = { providerConfig: { nickname: 'mainnet', chainId: '0x1', }, featureFlags: {}, selectedAddress: '0xAddress', }; const custodyState = updateCustodyState(store.dispatch, newState, newState); expect(custodyState).toBe(undefined); }); it('calls updateCustodyState and returns the hideModal', async () => { const store = mockStore(); background.getApi.returns({ setFeatureFlag: sinon .stub() .callsFake((_, __, cb) => cb(new Error('error'))), }); _setBackgroundConnection(background.getApi()); const newState = { providerConfig: { nickname: 'mainnet', chainId: '0x1', }, featureFlags: {}, selectedAddress: '0xAddress', transactions: [ { id: 0, time: 0, txParams: { from: '0xAddress', to: '0xRecipient', }, custodyId: '0', custodyStatus: 'approved', }, { id: 1, time: 1, txParams: { from: '0xAddress', to: '0xRecipient', }, custodyId: '1', custodyStatus: 'approved', }, ], }; const expectedActions = [ { type: 'UI_MODAL_CLOSE', }, ]; updateCustodyState(store.dispatch, newState, defaultState); expect(store.getActions()).toStrictEqual(expectedActions); }); it('calls updateCustodyState and closes INTERACTIVE_REPLACEMENT_TOKEN_MODAL', async () => { const store = mockStore(); background.getApi.returns({ setFeatureFlag: sinon .stub() .callsFake((_, __, cb) => cb(new Error('error'))), }); _setBackgroundConnection(background.getApi()); const newState = { providerConfig: { nickname: 'mainnet', chainId: '0x1', }, featureFlags: {}, selectedAddress: '0xAddress', transactions: [ { id: 0, time: 0, txParams: { from: '0xAddress', to: '0xRecipient', }, custodyId: '0', custodyStatus: 'approved', }, { id: 1, time: 1, txParams: { from: '0xAddress', to: '0xRecipient', }, custodyId: '1', custodyStatus: 'approved', }, ], }; const customState = { ...defaultState, appState: { modal: { open: true, modalState: { name: 'INTERACTIVE_REPLACEMENT_TOKEN_MODAL', props: { custodyId: '1', closeNotification: true, }, }, }, }, }; const closedNotification = updateCustodyState( store.dispatch, newState, customState, ); expect(closedNotification).toBe(undefined); }); });