const randomColor = require('randomcolor') const chalk = require('chalk') module.exports = { setupTaskDisplay, displayChart } const SYMBOLS = { Empty: '', Space: ' ', Full: '█', SevenEighths: '▉', ThreeQuarters: '▊', FiveEighths: '▋', Half: '▌', ThreeEighths: '▍', Quarter: '▎', Eighth: '▏', RightHalf: '▐', RightEigth: '▕', } function setupTaskDisplay (taskEvents) { const taskData = [] taskEvents.on('start', ([name]) => { console.log(`Starting '${name}'...`) }) taskEvents.on('end', ([name, start, end]) => { taskData.push([name, start, end]) console.log(`Finished '${name}'`) }) taskEvents.on('complete', () => { displayChart(taskData) }) } function displayChart (data) { // sort tasks by start time data.sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]) // get bounds const first = Math.min( => entry[1])) const last = Math.max( => entry[2])) // get colors const colors = randomColor({ count: data.length }) // some heading before the bars console.log(`\nbuild completed. task timeline:`) // build bars for bounds data.forEach((entry, index) => { const [label, start, end] = entry const [start2, end2] = [start, end].map((value) => adjust(value, first, last, 40)) const barString = barBuilder(start2, end2) const color = colors[index] const coloredBarString = colorize(color, barString) const duration = ((end - start) / 1e3).toFixed(1) console.log(coloredBarString, `${label} ${duration}s`) }) } function colorize (color, string) { const colorizer = (typeof chalk[color] === 'function') ? chalk[color] : chalk.hex(color) return colorizer(string) } // scale number within bounds function adjust (value, first, last, size) { const length = last - first const result = (value - first) / length * size return result } // draw bars function barBuilder (start, end) { const [spaceInt, spaceRest] = splitNumber(start) const barBodyLength = end - spaceInt let [barInt, barRest] = splitNumber(barBodyLength) // We are handling zero value as a special case // to print at least something on the screen if (barInt === 0 && barRest === 0) { barInt = 0 barRest = 0.001 } const spaceFull = SYMBOLS.Space.repeat(spaceInt) const spacePartial = getSymbolNormalRight(spaceRest) const barFull = SYMBOLS.Full.repeat(barInt) const barPartial = getSymbolNormal(barRest) return `${spaceFull}${spacePartial}${barFull}${barPartial}` } // get integer and remainder function splitNumber (value = 0) { const [int, rest = '0'] = value.toString().split('.') const int2 = parseInt(int, 10) const rest2 = parseInt(rest, 10) / Math.pow(10, rest.length) return [int2, rest2] } // get partial block char for value (left-adjusted) function getSymbolNormal (value) { // round to closest supported value const possibleValues = [0, 1 / 8, 1 / 4, 3 / 8, 1 / 2, 5 / 8, 3 / 4, 7 / 8, 1] const rounded = possibleValues.reduce((prev, curr) => { return (Math.abs(curr - value) < Math.abs(prev - value) ? curr : prev) }) if (rounded === 0) { return SYMBOLS.Empty } else if (rounded === 1 / 8) { return SYMBOLS.Eighth } else if (rounded === 1 / 4) { return SYMBOLS.Quarter } else if (rounded === 3 / 8) { return SYMBOLS.ThreeEighths } else if (rounded === 1 / 2) { return SYMBOLS.Half } else if (rounded === 5 / 8) { return SYMBOLS.FiveEighths } else if (rounded === 3 / 4) { return SYMBOLS.ThreeQuarters } else if (rounded === 7 / 8) { return SYMBOLS.SevenEighths } else { return SYMBOLS.Full } } // get partial block char for value (right-adjusted) function getSymbolNormalRight (value) { // round to closest supported value (not much :/) const possibleValues = [0, 1 / 2, 7 / 8, 1] const rounded = possibleValues.reduce((prev, curr) => { return (Math.abs(curr - value) < Math.abs(prev - value) ? curr : prev) }) if (rounded === 0) { return SYMBOLS.Full } else if (rounded === 1 / 2) { return SYMBOLS.RightHalf } else if (rounded === 7 / 8) { return SYMBOLS.RightEigth } else if (rounded === 1) { return SYMBOLS.Space } else { throw new Error('getSymbolNormalRight got unexpected result') } }