import React from 'react'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { getMessage } from './i18n-helper'; describe('i18n helper', () => { const TEST_LOCALE_CODE = 'TEST_LOCALE_CODE'; const TEST_KEY_1 = 'TEST_KEY_1'; const TEST_KEY_2 = 'TEST_KEY_2'; const TEST_KEY_3 = 'TEST_KEY_3'; const TEST_KEY_4 = 'TEST_KEY_4'; const TEST_KEY_5 = 'TEST_KEY_5'; const TEST_KEY_6 = 'TEST_KEY_6'; const TEST_KEY_6_HELPER = 'TEST_KEY_6_HELPER'; const TEST_KEY_7 = 'TEST_KEY_7'; const TEST_KEY_7_HELPER_1 = 'TEST_KEY_7_HELPER_1'; const TEST_KEY_7_HELPER_2 = 'TEST_KEY_7_HELPER_2'; const TEST_KEY_8 = 'TEST_KEY_8'; const TEST_KEY_8_HELPER_1 = 'TEST_KEY_8_HELPER_1'; const TEST_KEY_8_HELPER_2 = 'TEST_KEY_8_HELPER_2'; const TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1 = 'TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1'; const TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2 = 'TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2'; const TEST_SUBSTITUTION_3 = 'TEST_SUBSTITUTION_3'; const TEST_SUBSTITUTION_4 = 'TEST_SUBSTITUTION_4'; const TEST_SUBSTITUTION_5 = 'TEST_SUBSTITUTION_5'; const testLocaleMessages = { [TEST_KEY_1]: { message: 'This is a simple message.', expectedResult: 'This is a simple message.', }, [TEST_KEY_2]: { message: 'This is a message with a single non-react substitution $1.', }, [TEST_KEY_3]: { message: 'This is a message with two non-react substitutions $1 and $2.', }, [TEST_KEY_4]: { message: '$1 - $2 - $3 - $4 - $5', }, [TEST_KEY_5]: { message: '$1 - $2 - $3', }, [TEST_KEY_6]: { message: 'Testing a react substitution $1.', }, [TEST_KEY_6_HELPER]: { message: TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1, }, [TEST_KEY_7]: { message: 'Testing a react substitution $1 and another $2.', }, [TEST_KEY_7_HELPER_1]: { message: TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1, }, [TEST_KEY_7_HELPER_2]: { message: TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2, }, [TEST_KEY_8]: { message: 'Testing a mix $1 of react substitutions $2 and string substitutions $3 + $4.', }, [TEST_KEY_8_HELPER_1]: { message: TEST_SUBSTITUTION_3, }, [TEST_KEY_8_HELPER_2]: { message: TEST_SUBSTITUTION_4, }, }; const t = getMessage.bind(null, TEST_LOCALE_CODE, testLocaleMessages); const TEST_SUBSTITUTION_6 = ( <div style={{ color: 'red' }} key="test-react-substitutions-1"> {t(TEST_KEY_6_HELPER)} </div> ); const TEST_SUBSTITUTION_7_1 = ( <div style={{ color: 'red' }} key="test-react-substitutions-1"> {t(TEST_KEY_7_HELPER_1)} </div> ); const TEST_SUBSTITUTION_7_2 = ( <div style={{ color: 'blue' }} key="test-react-substitutions-1"> {t(TEST_KEY_7_HELPER_2)} </div> ); const TEST_SUBSTITUTION_8_1 = ( <div style={{ color: 'orange' }} key="test-react-substitutions-1"> {t(TEST_KEY_8_HELPER_1)} </div> ); const TEST_SUBSTITUTION_8_2 = ( <div style={{ color: 'pink' }} key="test-react-substitutions-1"> {t(TEST_KEY_8_HELPER_2)} </div> ); describe('getMessage', () => { it('should return the exact message paired with key if there are no substitutions', () => { const result = t(TEST_KEY_1); expect(result).toStrictEqual('This is a simple message.'); }); it('should return the correct message when a single non-react substitution is made', () => { const result = t(TEST_KEY_2, [TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1]); expect(result).toStrictEqual( `This is a message with a single non-react substitution ${TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1}.`, ); }); it('should return the correct message when two non-react substitutions are made', () => { const result = t(TEST_KEY_3, [TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1, TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2]); expect(result).toStrictEqual( `This is a message with two non-react substitutions ${TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1} and ${TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2}.`, ); }); it('should return the correct message when multiple non-react substitutions are made', () => { const result = t(TEST_KEY_4, [ TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1, TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2, TEST_SUBSTITUTION_3, TEST_SUBSTITUTION_4, TEST_SUBSTITUTION_5, ]); expect(result).toStrictEqual( `${TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1} - ${TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2} - ${TEST_SUBSTITUTION_3} - ${TEST_SUBSTITUTION_4} - ${TEST_SUBSTITUTION_5}`, ); }); it('should correctly render falsey substitutions', () => { const result = t(TEST_KEY_4, [0, -0, '', false, NaN]); expect(result).toStrictEqual('0 - 0 - - false - NaN'); }); it('should render nothing for "null" and "undefined" substitutions', () => { const result = t(TEST_KEY_5, [null, TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2]); expect(result).toStrictEqual(` - ${TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2} - `); }); it('should return the correct message when a single react substitution is made', () => { const result = t(TEST_KEY_6, [TEST_SUBSTITUTION_6]); expect(shallow(result).html()).toStrictEqual( '<span> Testing a react substitution <div style="color:red">TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1</div>. </span>', ); }); it('should return the correct message when two react substitutions are made', () => { const result = t(TEST_KEY_7, [ TEST_SUBSTITUTION_7_1, TEST_SUBSTITUTION_7_2, ]); expect(shallow(result).html()).toStrictEqual( '<span> Testing a react substitution <div style="color:red">TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1</div> and another <div style="color:blue">TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2</div>. </span>', ); }); it('should return the correct message when substituting a mix of react elements and strings', () => { const result = t(TEST_KEY_8, [ TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1, TEST_SUBSTITUTION_8_1, TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2, TEST_SUBSTITUTION_8_2, ]); expect(shallow(result).html()).toStrictEqual( '<span> Testing a mix TEST_SUBSTITUTION_1 of react substitutions <div style="color:orange">TEST_SUBSTITUTION_3</div> and string substitutions TEST_SUBSTITUTION_2 + <div style="color:pink">TEST_SUBSTITUTION_4</div>. </span>', ); }); }); });